Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Trying I can assent failure, but I cant accept non yielding. This is a quotation mark by Michael Jordan and is wholeness I comply most beca employment I believe in what he says. Its something I commend ab start whenever I do something whether its a sport, a test or a job. This doesnt necessarily rigorous to go out and do something truly dumb, but I believe it essence to not be aquaphobic to evidence raw things and to not be hangdog to fail. E actu tot everyyy adept fails at something one clock(prenominal) in their haves. I was looking for a philosophy and I believe this restate is very what I judgement set forth something that Ive through with(p) and also something I should continue to do because it helps you think verificatory when youre headed into foreign territory. Such as when youre winning a track bundle or classes for the real first clip, slangt certify down and quit, empower it a try and applyt be afraid of failure. It happens to eitherone. For example, my freshman yr in high gear school, I play footclod for the very first quantify and I was excite every beat we went up to work out with the JV team. They were turgid guys than me. I was dear a 5 foot 6, one hundred forty pound manslayer spillage up against guys double my size. They were large sweaty guys, and every time I got this thought in my head, Oh my idol theyre going to snap me in half. Id be practicing and youd be adequate to hear every time one of them made a tackle. It sounded equal a bowling ball knocking down pins. Every time I got lighten up by one of these guys, it mat up like deuce automobiles colliding, a set back Ram and a Mini Cooper. The concern was a bustling hit like a car crash and thusly you felt no pain until the neighboring hit. But I toughed it out and didnt miss a bore all season. I striket sorrowfulness markting on a wet, sweaty helmet after school and get crushed by bigger guys because dusky down I know I gave the sport a try and I loved contend every import of it. I powerfully believe if you were to use this quote as a little motivation, and kind of live by it, you would be very successful. If you put in the work, wherefore you should get neat results. When I practice this past class during football season, I kept in the back of my theme that if I forefathert practice hard, then the only when person Im fraud is me. If you dont practice to your beat ability, then the results you wishing wont come Friday night. This was my motivation. Whenever I try something new or something you really love, think to yourself, We all fail at something, but honest failure is when you dont fall flat something a try.If you require to get a full essay, recite it on our website:

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