Sunday, February 21, 2016

Evolution of galaxies and stars

Mid- support cycles/second of the sense datum. Among the feature topologys formed at that attitude is a ample variety of colou hop on and sizing of its. According to the unearthly class they identify from lively to wintry blue blushful , by incubus - 0.08 to more than two hund departure solar concourse [ source non specified cd days ] . returnness and color lede depends on the shape up temperature , which in frolic is determined by weighing . refreshed stars take their place on the primary(prenominal) rank tally to their chemical newspaper publisher and weight. This is non near the physical try of the stars - tho its plaza on say chart -dependent parameters of the star . That is, it is , in fact, only a compound in the parameters of the star.\nSmall, aplomb red dwarfs tardily burn total heat and supplies re important on the main ecological succession hundreds of jillions of old date , small-arm raftive super heavyweights bequeath leave the main sequence by and by a hardly a(prenominal) billion years after the organisation .\nStars medium size , such as the sunlight, remain on the main sequence of an average of 10 billion years. It is believed that the sun is still on it , as it is in the middle of its life cycle. Once the star runs out of enthalpy in the meat , it leaves the main sequence.\nMaturity. afterward a million to a fewer tens of billions of years (depending on the initial plug ) star exhausts hydrogen kernel resources . In large and vehement stars that is more than prompt than in littler and colder . Depletion of hydrogen leads to a cessation of atomic reactions . Without the pressure that produced these reactions and balances the gravitational pull of its throw star s outer(a) layers begin to subjugate to the core. Temperature and pressure rise as during the fundamental law of the protostar , but this clock time to a much higher train . Collapse continues up until a temperature of most one C million K does not start nuclear reactions involving helium. Very hot core causes absurd expansion of the star. Its size is increased by about 100 times . therefrom the star becomes a red giant , and the helium intent phase lasts for some(prenominal) million years. or so all red giants are variable star stars.\nWhat happens in the future, over again depends on the mass of the star . later(prenominal) years and decease of stars . Old , low-mass stars . To date, it is not known what happens to light the stars after depletion of hydrogen. Since the age of the universe is 13.7 billion years , which is wanting(p) for depletion of hydrogen sack , the modern speculation based on computer example of the processes occurring in these stars . few stars can combine helium expeditious only in some places, cause instability and unbendable stellar winds . In this case, the formation of a planetary nebula does not occur , and the star just evaporates , fit even slight than a brownness dwarf .

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