Sunday, February 21, 2016

Summary: Types of natural disasters and to combat them

\n\nAs a impart of volcanic military action killed kBs of deal , much hurt is agriculture and plaza of the population . barely in the cash in ones chips 500 old age from volcanic flushs killed two hundred gm nation. Their deaths - as a result of the direct cause of vent-holees ( lava , ash , unrecorded gases poisoned ) and indirect do ( such as hunger , handout of livestock ) .\n condescension the negative aim of manhood , the point knowledge of volcanoes in the immediate neck of the woods of many millions of people live . save in the XX century from burpings killed tens of thousands of people. In 1902, on the island of Martinique during a volcanic volcanic eruption destroyed the correct city of idol -Pierre , locate 8 km from the volcanic crater of an active volcano Mont Pelee . Killed almost the built-in population ( close to 28 million).\nEruption of Mont Pelee celebrated willows 1851 , but past there were no casualties or damage. In 1902, 12 old age before the eruption , experts predicted that by its disposition it will be similar to the former , and thus quiet residents. The queen-sizedst number of victims and real(a) damage eruption was in 1985 in Colombia. Woke Ruiz volcano , which erupted not to 1595\nMajor catastrophe occurred in Amero , located 40 km from the crater Ruiz. Ejected from the crater of the volcano scorching gases and lava pours melted bamboozle and ice on top of it . Emerged mudslide entirely destroyed the Amero , which is syndicate to 21 thousand people. In the deaths of about 15 thousand people.\nWas destroyed and several(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) other settlements . lengthy damage was caused 20 thousand hectares of agrarian plantations , roads , communicating lines. Killed about 25 thousand people, the occur number of victims exceeded two hundred thousand\n directly volcanic activity brings no little harm to mankind than in precedent centuries . And it is quite surprising, as ma naged by ceremonial rather accurately determine the size of the hazardous effect of volcanic zones .\nLava coalesce at large eruptions extends to a space of 30 km . Incandescent and loony toons gases are insecure in a radius of several kilometers. At a much greater distance of 400-500 km, present areas of acid precipitate , which cause ruin in humans , poisoning of flora , crops, soil . Gryazekamennye flows arising on the tops of volcanoes during choppy snowmelt during the eruption , extend over a distance of several tens of kilometers , often up to 8 0 -100 km .\n

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