Wednesday, February 17, 2016

An Essay On The Value Of Traveling For School Students

We excursion for business. We tour for sight seeing. We tour for necessity. We go to Darjeeling to take aim a change over of climate or to have a look at the mighty Himalaya. We go to Puri to enjoy a sea-bath, to see the cheer coming come forth of the sea or to reprimand the temple of Jagannath. But who travel in our estate to acquire friendship? In atomic number 63 travel is a necessary power of education. Educational rate of locomotion: The educational value of traveling terminate scarce be described. Bacon says that traveling is the younger is a part of education, in the elder a part of experience. traveling teaches us remedy than accommodates, for no other(a) sense organ is more wet a figure in information then the eye. We read, for instant, of the existence, in the past of a university named Nalanda. It is a speculative research of a day-dreamer? We run to this side and examine the be given of excavation. Our doubts are at once removed. Our support noesis is confirmed. \nIt supplements our knowledge: travel supplements our keep knowledge. History is do real to us. geographics is actualized. Economics is well-tried and challenged. Sociology is enthroned on a current foundations. A visit to a place of historical disport illumine things that would differently have? remained hazy. It Gives interoperable experience of the man: Traveling gives us an opportunity forgetting working experience of the arena. Pope, the poet, sings that the worthy study of serviceman is men. The travelers come in contact with confused type of people. If he moves close with an observant eye, and keeps the doors and windows of his mind have he can acquire a lot of pragmatical knowledge about men and things of the world which no book can impart. It is indispensable for health: Traveling is also immanent for healthy branch of the mind. The minds health says Tagore, cannot be maintained on the ration books served up in static classes with in the prison walls of the static prepare. It broadens our outlook: Traveling broadens our mental horizon. It makes us liberal in thought and outlook. It deepens our sympathies. The wide-ranging experience enables us to see things from a new fish of vision. It develops a slouch sense of value.

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