Monday, December 9, 2013

Lucid Dreaming

[From NIGHTLIGHT 4(2), Spring 1992, Copyright, The Lucidity Institute.] Note: References below are to the do its of NightLight (NL) in which the experiment (X) and the update (U) appeared. ======================================================================== A THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHTS OF EXPLORING open DREAMING By Lynne Levitan ======================================================================== The NightLight experiments have brought forth important acquaintance about sheer tranceing. An overview of the research to date may supporter provide a gestalt of new understanding of the lucid pipe dream state and stimulate further inquiry. 1. incentive LUCID DREAMS [X: NL 1(1); U: NL 1(3)] The first of all experiment, published in the first issue of NightLight, cut straight to the core of our questions. It was an examination of the effectiveness of a few lucid dream induction techniques that we had reason to reverberate up were helpful. Subjects c ollected information on their lucid dream frequencies during quadruple conditions. In the first, they practiced no induction techniques. In the second, they use a form of auto-suggestion. Before bed, they wrote on a instalment of paper, Tonight I will have a lucid dream, and sign(a) the paper. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
This condition was intended as sort of control, in which spate were attempting to have lucid dreams but with a technique that we did not intrust to be effective. The third condition pertain globe Testing, asking several propagation a day, Am I dreaming, testing the answer and thence visualizing what is like to be dreaming and become lucid. The technique fo! r the tail condition was MILD, the mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams, developed by Stephen LaBerge and used by him to learn to have lucid dreams at will. Our foretaste was that Reality Testing and MILD would be more effective than no technique or auto-suggestion. The results upheld this hypothesis. The finding was clear-cut for MILD, but less(prenominal) so for Reality Testing,...If you want to get a full essay, pop it on our website:

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