Monday, August 19, 2019

My Philosophy of Education Essay -- Teachers Teaching School Essays

My Philosophy of Education Do you know your ABC’s, 123's, or how to read? If so, give thanks to the teachers you have had and Horace Mann for establishing what we now know as elementary schools, where the preceding is learned. Without my teachers, this paper would not be possible and it is a known fact that good teachers are few and far between. I hope to be an exceptional teacher that will not only influence the lives of my students but also be one that is willing to learn from my students. Times have changed and so has education. Some teachers just do the requirements set forth to them half-heartedly now and only teach because they have to pay their bills, perhaps they do not want to go back to school to learn a new trade. I, on the other hand, cannot wait to have my own classroom and be in charge of cultivating their young minds because teaching can be one of the most rewarding careers that one can choose. My goal is to not only know the subject area I will be teaching but also have a firm gra sp on pedagogy to the utmost. It is mind boggling to know that I will be doing the same thing Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle once done, teach others. In order to educate my students, they must first know that I respect and care for them and will do anything in my power to help them achieve. This is the career that I am choosing and I am determined to do my very best. Children these days need positive role models and someone that cares for them because school may be the only place they receive either. If they know that I am willing to help them and that I love them as people as well as my students, then they are probably going to be more apt to learn. Managing their behavior with an assertive discipline will be my objec... ... it will not hold back the way I plan to teach the necessary requirements. Getting assignments done quickly and moving on is not the most important thing; getting them done while having fun and fully understanding the material, is. Also, I know that money is not the most important thing in life. Teachers I know, for the most part, live a good life. My family thought I should go into the medical field because â€Å"that’s where the money is† they would tell me. I would reply, â€Å"Yes, money is there, but my heart is not, it is in teaching.† I believe Theodore Roosevelt said it correct when he said, â€Å"Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.† I believe that teaching the young children of the world is definitely worth doing, because I know I will enjoy every minute and appreciate the fact that I am able to be a teacher.

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