Friday, August 9, 2019

How do breakfast show presenters create a lively and engaging Coursework

How do breakfast show presenters create a lively and engaging atmosphere on their radio shows - Coursework Example Steve Price Breakfast Show on the subject of carbon tax legislation illustrates the key features of spoken language that distinguishes it from written language. The topic of the subject focused on the divisions within the ranks of the Australian Labor Party (ALP), environmental activists, and the public. The breakfast show presenter was Luke Grant. The guest of the breakfast show was Greg Hunt, who plays the role of shadow spokesperson on the matter of climate change. The unique features of spoken language that make it possible for the discussants to explore the different perspectives of the subject matter enhance the discussion between the two. The show is interactional in nature and addresses itself to the subject of environmental conservation policies in Australia. Naturally, the primary target audience is the Australian public. This show captures their interest because of the growing concern on matters of environmental conservation. The different policies taken by the government and other interested parties have both long-term and short-term effects on the general population. The secondary audience includes the political class, the business community, and the wider global citizenry because the subject matter is both global and local in nature. The interactional language employed in the show engages the mind of the audience in the sense that they are able to apply their analytical skills in real-time as the show progresses. They are also able to discern the merits of the arguments by pointing out the logical and illogical parts within the debate. At the beginning of the show, the presenter introduces the subject matter through questions: â€Å"Where are we in terms of this debate? It does look a little like game over, doesn’t it?† (Latest News, 2011). These two questions have the effect of attracting the keen interest and concern of the audience. The questions, in their spoken context, imply the possibility of some form of a crisis. Although wr itten language also employs the use of questions, their import, when assessed in the context of spoken language produces a more dramatic effect. This is because questions are rendered in a regulated volume, pitch, and tone. These qualities are very significant in enhancing the meaning-making process. The questions also prepare the audience for the debate since the rest of the debate becomes an effort to resolve the two questions at the beginning. A second sentence by the presenter is equally significant in the context of the spoken language. Grant interrupts the guest with the sentence, â€Å"Glad to hear that, by the way†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Latest News, 2011). The value of this sentence could be seen both in terms of its interruptive nature and in terms of its ungrammatical form. The sentence interrupts the initial statement made by Hunt. Interruptions are common features in spoken language in the sense that they enable the clarification of matters or change of focus towards the matter s pertinent to the discussion. It is possible to perceive the value of interruptions as a strategic tool for enhancing the rules of logic as understood within the framework of the discussion. The same sentence is grammatically incorrect. In both form and structure, spoken language tends to assume different aspects from written language. This is because

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