Wednesday, December 25, 2019

World Religion s Project Of Buddhism - 1003 Words

World Religion’s Project Almost 6 percent of the world s population or 350 million people follow Buddhism. Although among them are varying controversies over whether or not Buddhism is a religion or a followed pathway. Buddhism, founded in the late 6th -century B.C.E , and practices the ideas of varying traditions, spiritual practices, and all beliefs focused on the ideas of Gautama or the Buddha. Gautama valued the beliefs and teachings of The Universal Truths and Four Noble Truths and successfully shared them for the last 45 years of his life as a founder of a group called the Sramanas. He lived in what we now call Nepal and northern India and throughout his journey became known as â€Å"the awakened one† or â€Å"Buddha† as he found himself searching for enlightenment through having realizations on his entire existence. Buddhism really began to spread when roads were used for missionary uses and the Buddhist and merchants would cross paths resulting in the popularity and the spread o f these teachings increasing drastically within Asia. However, people are still contemplating on whether or not Buddhism is a religion or a way of life. People argue that it contains aspects of a religion and others say it doesn’t and should be considered a pathway that someone can value as their way of life. Some claim that Buddhism is indeed a religion and that it holds all the elements of faith, beliefs, and self-transformation while others believe it is a way of life because it doesn’tShow MoreRelatedAnnotated Bibliography Of Buddhist Ethics Online1669 Words   |  7 PagesPrebish, Charles S., and Damien Keown. Buddhism the Ebook : An Online Introduction. 4th ed. State College: Journal of Buddhist Ethics Online, 2010. PDF. , $27.75, ISBN 978-0-9801633-6-0 Background Information Charles S. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

While Every Culture, Race, Community, And Family Have Their

While every culture, race, community, and family have their own definition of normalcy, there are undisputable aspects that every being needs to pursue a successful lifestyle. With modernizing industrialization, came a more noticeable discrepancy on what these aspects should be. In Charles Dickens’s 1854 novel, Hard Times, he explores these varying viewpoints while quite obviously taking a stand for one perspective. Throughout the novel, one can clearly see that there are two different models for raising a child. These models are through the guidance of Sleary’s circus members and Mr. Gradgrind. Sleary’s circus has a very humanized approach to raising a child. Unlike Mr. Gradgrind. Through the influential writing of Charles Dickens,†¦show more content†¦Sissy seemed to be the only one who knew that Louisa felt no form of love towards Mr. Bounderby. She felt extremely sympathetic for Louisa, mourning the loss of freedom that she never truly had. At this m oment, Louisa could not bring herself to look at Sissy. She felt coldness and pride that prohibited her from having any real feelings. Sissy was able to experience life in completely different way that Louisa was not. Sissy Jupe was also able to experience the wonder of imagination and exploration that other children like the Gradgrinds were not. Children brought up by the Gradgrind system had their creativity stifled. They lived their lives by fact and reason and were heavily discouraged from letting their minds wonder. This mental suffocation was far different from what Sissy was taught. Because Sissy grew up in a performing arts environment, she was exposed to the importance of creativity and imagination. She was free to stray from the confines of fact and reason, and it was even encouraged. Those who supported Grandgrind’s system were infuriated by her failure to comply with their social normalcy. It seemed that anytime Sissy would answer a question in M’Choakumchild’s classroom, she would be incorrect because her answers were â€Å"not in the figures at all† (43). While this public humiliation occurred quite often in the classroom, Sissy’s freedom to explore the world withinShow MoreRelatedA White Irish Italian American Woman922 Words   |  4 Pages Specifically, he brought me over to Belfast to learn and experience the culture. At the time, the hostility between the Protestants and Catholics was evident. Additionally, I saw people living under the threats of terrorism and bombing, propaganda graffiti, and a city under a police state. Similarly, I witnessed families torn apart because a mother was one religion and the father was the other. It seems crazy how families were divided and fought against each other. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Making Big Changes in My Life Essay Example For Students

Making Big Changes in My Life Essay Moving from ones hometown to another country is so difficult. People have different feelings and thoughts for each stage. Actually, they are excited to see and experience new things, but at the same time, they feel sad about missing their family and friends. In short, it is hard to move without any experience, but people will learn many things like I did as a new immigrant. I was driving when my husband called me and said, We have to move to the USA because my job application to the United Nations was accepted. I thought that it could be my last chance to drive on those streets. I had a lot of questions like how I could handle this situation and what would happen in the future. We were lucky because my husband received a new job offer from the United Nations three years ago. Then we decided to move from Tehran to New York City. We had gotten married one year before the job offer. We lived in an apartment with brand new furniture, so we had to sell the furniture and break our lease. We had two different feelings when we sold our furniture. We were really sad because all of it was new. However, we were excited because we knew that we would replace it as soon as possible. It was the first time that I had to leave my parents and sisters for a long time. We used to see each other every day. I was worried about my parents because they are old. I have three sisters who are older than me and very kind and got married a decade ago. Also I have two nephews and two nieces who are close to me. I hardly ever had a day without spending time with at least one of them. I was worried about missing my family, and I thought that it would be too hard to go back to my country to visit them. At night on January 19, 2011, my husband and I had our luggage packed. We had dinner at my in-laws place. My parents also came there and we went to the airport together. They were trying to keep us calm by giving us hope and energy. They told us about opportunities and chances we would have to improve our lives. We gave each other big hugs. We could not stop crying when we were saying goodbye to each other. When we boarded the plane, we already missed them. We had tickets for business class seats. During the flight I was sleeping for a long time, but my husband watched a few movies. There were lots of food and drinks served on the plane. Our flight was more than 10 hours long. We arrived at JFK Airport in New York City around 5 PM. It looked like an old airport with old carpet and dark paintings. We took a cab from the airport to the Roosevelt Hotel. This was not like any other city that I had visited in Europe. I was shocked when I saw the city skyline while driving toward Manhattan. There were people from different countries and of different colors on the crowded streets below tall buildings. It is now more than three years that we have moved to New York and I have learned a lot during this time. I have learned not only about the new country and new groups of people with different cultures, but also about myself. I know how I can improve my capability to learn new skills in the short time. I have examined my flexibility in accepting new ways of living. My husband and I have become more independent as individuals. I have started to attend college once again, which gives me confidence. I now realize that I have a chance to start again, and this time, I am going to study my favorite major which is fashion design. .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555 , .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555 .postImageUrl , .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555 , .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555:hover , .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555:visited , .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555:active { border:0!important; } .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555:active , .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555 .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Anselm And Aquinas EssayFurthermore, though being far from my family is so hard, however going to college has a lot advantages because I have been with numbers of new friends who help me to handle the new station. We usually go the gym together and also sometimes go a restaurant. In fact, I have never been really alone here because my friends are always around me and make me happy. Also my husband is my best friend who spends most of his free time with me, so I have not been really depress or alone since I moved here. Moreover, during the past three years, we have gone back to my country and visited our family, which made us happy. Indeed, living alone without family members, managing my life and making progress in my life are important things that I had never learned before. In addition, I learnt that saving time and money for both of us are very important. I did not realize that in my country because I had a supporter there, but we are alone here and have to improve our life without any help and make our future the best.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Reflection of the Second

The notion of feminism is characterized by the development of the peculiarities of its definition according to the aspects of the phenomenon’s waves. Thus, historians and sociologists still argue on this point, and they are inclined to determine two, three or even four main waves of feminism. According to the majority of opinions, the second wave of feminism began in the 1960s and lasted till the 1990s.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Reflection of the Second-Wave Feminism in Scandinavia: â€Å"Show Me Love† and â€Å"Together† specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More During this long period, women changed their opinions on the gender inequality and stated their different rights and freedoms. That is why today the second wave of feminism is associated with the women’s liberty in relation to such concepts as sexuality, family, and equality. The Sweden poet and director Lukas Moodysson also emphasized the feminists’ ideas in his two movies which are known for the English-speaking audience as Show Me Love (1998) and Together (2000). The main female characters of these movies are the women who want to feel their freedom of feelings, expressions, emotions, and attitudes, and who can make decisions without references to the traditional norms and customs only because of the fact they are women. Thus, their intentions to acquire and realize their personal freedom in spite of the traditional social visions reflect the main tendencies of the second wave of feminism. If the feminists of the first wave concentrated on their legal rights and freedoms, the feminists of the second wave accentuated their roles in the society as individuals who are equal with men in their expression of the definite personal feelings and emotions and in their free attitude to relationships in family and to the sex. From this point, the feminists of the second wave began to discuss the feeling o f love as the multidimensional phenomenon which cannot be regulated by any social visions of the questions, but only by the personal attitude. Thus, in his Together, Lukas Moodysson concentrates on the depiction of a woman with the variety of her feelings which are based on the feeling of love. This love can be parental or sexual, reflect the attitudes to the husband or relatives, to the children and friends. In this case, women in Together try to state their freedom to feel and express those emotions they want to focus on without concentrating on their gender. These women are seeking for their personal and emotional image. Thus, Anna discovers that she is a lesbian, and she does not want to hide this fact as she does not want to hide her body under the clothes which is too tight for her. There is an interesting situation when Anna argues that she can behave as it is comfortable for her, and it is her right to decide to wear or not the clothes in order to hide her nakedness (â€Å" Together†). This discussion between the members of the commune Tillsammans can be considered as the metaphor which accentuates the women’s desire to express themselves without paying attention to any social limits.Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Anna is a lesbian, but she was not always aware of the fact because the peculiarities of the women’s life in the Swedish society in the middle of the 20th century could not provide her with the idea that it is possible to go beyond some social fringes. The era of the 1960s presented the opportunities for all the people to look at the social norms and rules from the other point of view. Lukas Moodysson portrays the aspects of the life in the commune Tillsammans in 1975 with references to the people’s rethinking the notion of liberty and equality. If Anna begins to think about her sexuality as the way to e xpress herself only after analyzing her life with Lasse and in relation to the fact they have the child Tet, the main characters of the other movie by Moodysson, Agnes and Elin, begin to experience the difficulties with the understanding of their feelings much earlier, when the girls are in their teens. Thus, this difference in the female characters’ age accentuates the evolution of the women’s attitude to their personal self-actualization which develops from the 1970s till the late 1990s. In Show Me Love, Moodysson pays attention to the girls’ lesbianism as their reaction to the conservatism of the society in which they live, to the traditions and customs of their small town Amal. They are ready to behave provocatively in order to break the false norms which limit their freedoms in expression the feelings and in order to understand themselves as personalities (â€Å"Show Me Love†). It is possible to speak about feminism in Show Me Love as the way to repr esent the changes in the women’s visions of their role in the society. According to the ideas of the movie, women are equal to men even in the situation when both the women and men fight for the other girl’s attention and love. There are no boundaries between the genders which can prevent somebody to fall in love with a person of the same sex. Agnes and Elin act as the young feminists who are free from the social prejudices, and they follow only their own desires and inclinations. They feel the tension of the social morality, but they try to resist it. Lukas Moodysson is successful in his presentation of the girls’ story as the element of the everyday reality.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Reflection of the Second-Wave Feminism in Scandinavia: â€Å"Show Me Love† and â€Å"Together† specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More That is why the world which he depicted is the world of t he further changes in the social rules and norms with references to the position of women which can be discussed as the second wave of feminism. The feminists of the second wave concentrated on those women’s rights which were associated with the distribution of the gender roles within society and with the women’s role in the family. The female characters of Lukas Moodysson’s Together can be considered as the real illustrations for depicting the various aspects of the feminists’ intentions. Thus, Lena and Goran follow the ideas of the open relationships. Moreover, Lena concentrates on this ideology more enthusiastically in comparison with Goran’s viewpoint because she sees a kind of freedom in following this style of living (â€Å"Together†). It is important that the society was always more patient to the men’s addicting to the idea of open relationship. That is why Lena’s thoughts about this question are discussed as rather pro vocative. In this case, her character can be perceived as the embodiment of the feminists’ position according to the women’s role in the family with references to their sexuality. Nevertheless, Lena’s attitude to the open relationships can also be analyzed as the exaggeration of the feminists’ intentions to be equal to men in all the fields not only of social but also of their personal life. Elizabeth, the sister of Goran, is the illustration of the woman who is not afraid of breaking the relations with her husband in spite of the social opinion. Elizabeth cannot bear the quarrels with her husband and decides to escape from such a life going to the commune in which her brother lives. However, in spite of the fact that this woman is rather decisive in her actions, she differs from those people and those women who live in the commune. Elizabeth can be discussed as the typical housewife, whose sense of life is her family and her children’s bringing up , but the situation changed, and now the young woman learns the peculiarities of the other way of living. Thus, Elizabeth is not a feminist in the typical sense of this word because she is used to live with her husband and according to the laws of the ‘men’s’ world. Nevertheless, living in the commune where people mostly speak about their freedom in all the senses, this woman seems to share these people’s points of view on the problem of the equality and liberty of men and women.Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Comparing Show Me Love and Together directed by Lukas Moodysson, it is possible to conclude that he uses the notion of lesbianism in his movies as the way to emphasize the women’s new approach to their personal freedom. From this point, the social challenge provided by the lesbians’ behavior is associated with the challenges which were accentuated by the feminists. Thus, Agnes and Elin are depicted as lesbians in order to present their strong reactions to the ordinary everyday life in a usual small town where people are dependent on their biases. However, the girls cannot be discussed as the real feminists because their visions are based only on the idea of the personal freedom. Nevertheless, they also focus on the differences between the boys and girls and accentuate the coming tendency of paying no attention to the sex or gender, but to see the personality. In Together, the main feminist who is illustrated with the help of the image of Anna is a lesbian who is rather direct in presenting her challengeable visions of the situations and many social aspects. Thus, her lesbianism is the reflection of the notion of the women’s freedom on which the second wave of feminism depends. At first sight, the problem of feminism cannot be discussed as the main topic of such movies as Show Me Love (1998) and Together (2000) which are directed by Lukas Moodysson. Nevertheless, with focusing on the peculiarities of Moodysson’s depicting the main female characters in these movies, it is possible to speak about the author’s personal reflection on the aspects of the second wave of feminism in his works. The sensitive story about the love of two girls which is described in Show Me Love seems to have few similarities with the story about the life in the commune of the 1970s which is depicted in Together. However, the main concepts of feminism which can be summarized as the freedom and equality are analyzed in the both movies with references to po rtraying the women’s provocative attitude to their liberty, sexuality, and the role in the family. Works Cited Show Me Love (Fucking Amal) 1998. Video file. 05 June 2012. Web. Together (Tillsammans) 2000. Video file. 05 June 2012. Web. This essay on The Reflection of the Second-Wave Feminism in Scandinavia: â€Å"Show Me Love† and â€Å"Together† was written and submitted by user Russell Woodard to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Shoplifting

A raising trend among many teenagers now a days has become shoplifting. The temptation of simply not paying for an item, just casually hiding the item away or stuffing it in your purse and saving your own money is a large factor for many teenagers. One might just think he or she’s getting a product for free but doesn’t realize all the affects of his or her actions, all of which are negative to themselves and others. One who chooses to steal affects not only themselves and the store they stole from but everyone around them as well. Some of these affects cause problems emotionally with parents and the person who stole, with friends, and their whole community. Stealing of any kind is not okay. When one shoplifts and gets caught his or her actions are always going to come with a punishment. When one gets caught stealing they soon come to learn how wrong it is and how it is not only a disadvantage to themselves but everyone else as well. Shoplifting effects the community in a big way. The stores get about three cents per every dollar purchased for an item. Therefore if one steal an item they are not only stealing the item but they are taking money away from the stores, when the stores don't make a whole lot of money from the profit of an item in the first place. Every shoplifter that takes a product also is taking away from the company that made the product, which costs money by the store so that also is a set back and puts the store more in dept. Some stores might even eventually have to close down because of shoplifters making the store go bankrupt. When a store is shoplifted from often the store is forced to raise their prices which then causes more people to resort to shoplifting. The people that don't shoplift just end up having to pay more money for the product or choose to go somewhere else to shop. If the customer decides to go to a different store because of the rising prices the store will also lose a lot of business and... Free Essays on Shoplifting Free Essays on Shoplifting A raising trend among many teenagers now a days has become shoplifting. The temptation of simply not paying for an item, just casually hiding the item away or stuffing it in your purse and saving your own money is a large factor for many teenagers. One might just think he or she’s getting a product for free but doesn’t realize all the affects of his or her actions, all of which are negative to themselves and others. One who chooses to steal affects not only themselves and the store they stole from but everyone around them as well. Some of these affects cause problems emotionally with parents and the person who stole, with friends, and their whole community. Stealing of any kind is not okay. When one shoplifts and gets caught his or her actions are always going to come with a punishment. When one gets caught stealing they soon come to learn how wrong it is and how it is not only a disadvantage to themselves but everyone else as well. Shoplifting effects the community in a big way. The stores get about three cents per every dollar purchased for an item. Therefore if one steal an item they are not only stealing the item but they are taking money away from the stores, when the stores don't make a whole lot of money from the profit of an item in the first place. Every shoplifter that takes a product also is taking away from the company that made the product, which costs money by the store so that also is a set back and puts the store more in dept. Some stores might even eventually have to close down because of shoplifters making the store go bankrupt. When a store is shoplifted from often the store is forced to raise their prices which then causes more people to resort to shoplifting. The people that don't shoplift just end up having to pay more money for the product or choose to go somewhere else to shop. If the customer decides to go to a different store because of the rising prices the store will also lose a lot of business and...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

What Is Subrogation Should You Waive It

What Is Subrogation Should You Waive It SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Signing up for car insurance and not sure if it's worth it to pay a premium to waive subrogation? Or maybe you've been in an accident and the other person has offered to settle with you if you sign a waiver of subrogation- should you do it? What is subrogation, really? Before you decide, you'll need to understand what subrogation is and why you would (or wouldn't) want to waive it. In this guide, we define subrogation and explain when and why it occurs to help you make an informed decision. What Is Subrogation? In layman’s terms, subrogation occurs when Person A owes something (usually money) to Person B, and Person C steps in and legally takes Person B’s place (including the rights to what Person A owed to Person B). An example would be if you owed money to a loan company and someone else bought your debt. The person who bought your debt could then use subrogation to have you pay them back the debt (even though you didn’t borrow any money from this person originally). Here’s the more technical subrogation definition: â€Å"The substitution of one person in the place of another with reference to a lawful claim, demand or right so that he who is substituted succeeds to the rights of the other in relationship to the debt or claim, and its rights, remedies, or securities.† (source: Black's Law Dictionary) You’re most likely to encounter subrogation when dealing with insurance claims, but it can also crop up in situations with guarantors (like co-signers of a lease or a loan). How Does Subrogation Work? Because the most common place people encounter subrogation is in dealing with car insurance, I’ll explain it through an example of a car insurance claim. Let’s say you're driving along the highway one day and you get into an accident with another driver. One of your brake lights is cracked, your rear bumper is hanging off one side, and you need a new paint job. To pay for the repairs to your car, you file a claim to your insurance company with the other driver’s insurance information and cross your fingers. If your insurance company determines the other party was at fault, they’ll pay the claim to cover the damage (minus your deductible). You get your car repaired, and your life goes on as usual. Behind the scenes, however, your insurance company will seek to recover their costs from the other party’s insurance company (or if that’s not possible, from the other party). It is the right of subrogation that allows your insurer to seek to recoup the money that they paid out to you in the claim from the at-fault party. For the most part, the only involvement you'll have in this whole process is if your insurance company chooses to pursue subrogation. If they do, they’re legally obligated to inform you and attempt to recover the cost of your deductible as part of the money they're seeking from the at-fault party. If your insurance company does pursue subrogation, they'll require you to cooperate with their subrogation attempt. Among other things, this means that you likely won’t be permitted to sign a waiver of subrogation after an accident or claim. What Is a Waiver of Subrogation? A waiver of subrogation means that you give up your right to have another party (usually your insurance company) attempt to recover what a third party owes you. Let's return to the example of car insurance for a moment. Most insurance contracts forbid you from signing a waiver of subrogation after you’ve already filed a claim. You may be able to sign one in advance of any accident if your insurance allows for adding waiver of subrogation endorsements to existing policies. If you do this, however, your insurance company might charge you an extra premium to try and minimize their losses that way. By signing a waiver of subrogation, you waive your car insurer’s right to try to recover their costs (including the cost of your deductible). You’re most likely to come across waiver of subrogation clause after an accident if the at-fault party in the accident or their insurance company attempts to settle with you directly (without going through your insurance company). They’ll want you to sign a waiver of subrogation so that they’re not at risk of being hit up twice for the same incident (once from you, once from your car insurance pursuing subrogation). In most cases, your own car insurance will require you to notify them if you’ve decided to sign a waiver of subrogation (just as they have to notify you if they opt to pursue subrogation against the at-fault party or their insurance). That way, your insurance company won’t waste time and legal fees trying to get back money the at-fault party already paid out to you. Should You Sign a Waiver of Subrogation? While signing a waiver of subrogation can save you the hassle of lawsuits and dealing with insurance claims, it also means you’re far less likely to be able to recover any non-out-of-pocket costs (like all or part of your deductible). If you let your insurance company pursue subrogation, they become responsible for all the legal fees and paperwork and hassle- all you have to do is wait and see if they’re successful in recovering any of your deductible. Therefore, you should be very cautious about signing a waiver of subrogation clause, either in your car insurance contract or for a settlement after an accident. Not only might it be forbidden if you’ve already filed an insurance claim and didn’t have a waiver of subrogation signed with your insurance company before, but it could also mean that you end up with a smaller payment than you would otherwise. The only reasons to consider signing a waiver of subrogation are if: you have sizeable out-of-pocket costs that you’re hoping to recover (since your insurance company can only pursue subrogation for costs they’re responsible for), OR you believe you’ll be able to get a more favorable settlement than your insurance company would Even in these cases, however, be aware that if you sign a waiver of subrogation after the accident, your insurance might refuse to pay all or some of your claim (making it imperative that you win your suit against the at-fault party or their insurance). Other Kinds of Subrogation Aside from dealing with car insurance, you might encounter subrogation claims in a few other situations. Subrogation will most often be at issue when it comes to various types of insurance, including homeowners’ insurance- and health insurance-related subrogation claims, but it can occur with contracts of any sort. In the next couple of sections, we'll discuss the other two most common ways you'll come across subrogation in your day-to-day life: health insurance and student loan repayment. Health Insurance Subrogation For health insurance, subrogation most often comes up in the context of personal injury lawsuits. If you successfully sue another party for medical damages, your health insurance will often make a claim for part of your settlement through their right of subrogation. This might seem strange at first, but it turns out there’s a good (and in most cases, fair) reason for this. As with car insurance, when you sign up for health insurance, part of what you agree to is that the health insurance company will pay your claims on the condition that it has the right to seek reimbursement for your claims from whoever is responsible. When you go to the doctor’s office, you’re the responsible party, which is why you pay your premiums and have a co-pay. When it comes to a situation where you’ve been injured in an accident by a third party and have successfully won a suit against them, however, this changes- that third party is now responsible for your medical bills. If your health insurance company is to get reimbursed at all for your medical expenses, it must be from that third party’s payment to you. They can’t claim it from the third party themselves – otherwise, you’d be getting doubly reimbursed (your medical bills paid by the insurance company + the settlement from the third party), and the third party would be getting doubly charged, which is against the law. So while it might seem unfair that your health insurance company gets part of the settlement, it makes sense. The good news is that you won’t have to pay more than the insurer would pay for the same services. For instance, if a hospital charges $2,000 for a lab test connected to your treatment but your insurance company only has to pay $400, you would only owe the insurance company $400 out of your settlement. Student Loan Subrogation Currently, the federal government offers direct student loans, which means the loans are offered directly through and guaranteed against default by the Department of Education. If you took out a federal student loan before 2010, however, your loan would have been guaranteed by a separate student loan guarantor agency. If your loan involves a guarantor of any kind, it could be subrogated if the agency that originally guaranteed your loan you sells off your loans to a third party. The most common case where this occurs is when the Department of Education buys back a loan from one of these agencies. Unless it is otherwise prohibited by law or the loan contract you originally signed, the Department of Education can then step into the shoes of the original student loan guarantor agency to collect the loan back from you, even if you had defaulted on the loan. Besides causing you the financial burden of having to pay back a defaulted student loan, student loan subrogation will also have a negative impact on your credit score. Because the subrogation means that you now technically owe money to someone new (even though you haven’t taken out a new loan), your defaulted loan will reappear on your credit history and cause your credit score to drop. Subrogation Claims: The Bottom Line You can define subrogation as what happens when you owe something (usually money) to one entity and a second entity steps into the shoes of the first entity to collect what’s owed. Subrogation most often comes up in the context of car insurance claims, but it can be pursued under other circumstances as well, including health insurance claims and student loan repayment. In the context of insurance, you might be able to sign a waiver of subrogation endorsement before any issues arise for an additional premium. If you try to sign a waiver of subrogation afterwards, however, you might end up having your insurance claim partially or totally rejected. If you have a defaulted loan that gets subrogated, it will reappear on your credit report after subrogation because you now owe money to someone new What’s Next? Carrying a lot of student loan debt and not sure what the best way to pay it off is? Learn when and how to consolidate your student loans. If you have a bad credit score, what are your credit card options? Read our comprehensive list of the best unsecured credit cards for people with bad credit here.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Personal analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Personal analysis - Essay Example It is based on the theory of Carl Jung that the MBTI Personality types are founded. In this paper, I will discuss my personality type and how it my influence my success in achieving life goals. A critical evaluation of myself reveals that I am more of an extrovert than an introvert. I like to be with people and often find people around me. I also take great interest in people, perhaps the reason other people find me warm, sociable and interesting. While I take time alone sometimes, I spend much more of my time being with people, talking to them and trying to bring out the best in them. It hardly goes without my notice when a friend or close acquaintance is in a bad or good mood. I realise that I have the ability to â€Å"read† other people’s feelings and find it easy to understand their points of view. I find a lot of joy in being around happy people and therefore do whatever is within my power to make other people happy so that a moment is not lost in grief. I not only have a strong point in being with people but also find myself to be quite dependable. In this regard, I take my work seriously and often focus on the details maintaining warmth and energy. Perhaps it is for this reason that in many occasions I find myself being chosen as a team leader. I have what it takes to ensure that things get done the right way. I also generally like to be in control and will give my opinion without fearing, no wonder some people consider me manipulative. I find myself to be a person who respects authority and set rules. Once we agree on something with peers, friends or team-mates, I never wish to be the one to break the rule. In the same way, I always do whatever I can to be on the right side of the law and obey the rules that have been set just like I expect others to do the same. Being a Chinese lady, I have been raised in a traditional setting. In the Chinese traditional setting, women are expected to play certain gender roles. They are

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Nostalgia and the frontier Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nostalgia and the frontier - Assignment Example Since it introduced new changes into he society, it was fiercely opposed by the native populations. Meaning, it sparked a violent resistance from the natives who were threatened by the coming of these colonialists into their land. Such a version can appeal most to the scout who perceive America to be built from violent resistances. Initially, Americans were democratic people who believed in equality, peace and social order. This is the view of Turner in his highly regarded Frontier thesis in which he says that the Native American populations were peace-loving. At the same time, they were egalitarians who did not entertain selfishness, but believed in the sharing of resources amongst themselves. This was seen in the manner in which they managed land resources. In fact, it is because of this that the native Indian Americans believed in the free land system. After all, there was a vast land with numerous resources to exploit making it unnecessary for these natives to scramble for them. However, when the land was invaded by the colonialists, all these changed as a new social order was established. After the signing of numerous with the Europeans, the natives would soon find out that life would never be the same. As demonstrated by Buffalo Bill, violence had to erupt because the invasion opened a new frontier to the Indian Americans whose life had been confined within their geographical area. So, unlike before, they would be exposed to the western community and the rest of the world thus influencing them a great deal. Apart from introducing new economic systems, the frontier led to the establishment of the states. These were totally new developments that had to be defended. All in all, the ideas expressed by the boy scouts, Buffalo Bill Wild West shows and Westerns demonstrate that the frontier was indeed a new development that marked a big turning point in the lives of the Indian Americans. If it were not for it, these natives

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Community Service Essay Example for Free

Community Service Essay Community service is very important because it helps build character, which is something that the Dalton School and the Detroit News would agree with me on. Having community service as a requirement to graduate is a good idea as long as the student can choose what type of community service they want to do; because it forces students to go out in their community and help others. Community Service doesnt have to have a negative effect on people, it can and usually has a good effect. Willie Grothman and Tim Phang are two high school students who started a community service club that helped a lot of people in their community. Community service can be extremely valuable in the development of both character, academics and it gives students a chance to give back to their community. Community service builds character because after accomplishing something, it gives people a feel of satisfaction and accomplishment that makes students feel good about themselves. The Dalton School believes when an individual goes out in the world and interacts with other people in the spirit of bettering, that individual makes a contribution and will feel a sense of accomplishment. But on the other hand, some people argue that it is wrong to force students into doing community service. Arthur Stukas, Mark Snyder, and E. Gil Clary said students were less affected even if they had a choice of community service. These scientists also say that researchers have found that students who initially did not want to volunteer found that they actually enjoyed helping others if requirements were applied gently and with their input and involvement in the process. In my opinion that is what we want to happen when students are involved in community service. From graph two that Mark Hugo presents is that community service has a high rating from the students who are educationally successful which shows that community service can have a positive affect on people. In the Detroit News, they talked about a thirteen year-old boy named John Prueter and the type of community service he did and the positive affect it had on him. He volunteered at the Alterra Sterling House, an assisted living home in Hampton Township. From this experience from John, he now wants to study nursing and he said he became interested in the field because of his volunteer work. This shows the positive result of community service because it can also lead you into the career path you would have never known you liked until you volunteered. Putting time into your community is a way of giving back. The Dalton School says the moral center of a community, that place where we can find the values of empathy, compassion, and caring, is the basis for civic responsibility and the success of that community. In the Washington Post by Tara Bahrampour, she writes about two high school students, Willie Grothman and Tim Phang of Washington- Lee High School experienced the success of communi ty service. They formed a community service club called the Willie Grothman Club and they held things like walking for AIDS, for the homeless and for breast cancer in an event in which they took turns walking relays all night around a track in the rain. For these events they collect pledges of money from friends and family members for each mile they walked or each bowling pin they knocked down. These guys were some of the most inspiring people because they were not just helping their community, but the people in their community who were homeless, had AIDS, etc. Not only did this club change the members lives, but also it changed the lives of others around them, and the people they were helping. Community service does not have to be a negative because it can always turn into a positive. In the Dalton School, the Washington Post, the Detroit News, and Arthur Stukas, Mark Snyder, E. Gil Clary, and Mark Hugo, they all helped me determine that community service should be a requirement to graduate because it can change peoples lives for the better. Thank you for reading my essay but I have another question, which introduction sounds better, the one above or this one: Community service is very important because it helps build character. Having community service as a requirement to graduate is a good idea because it forces students to go out in their community and help others. Community Service doesnt have to have a negative effect on students, it can have a good effect or no effect at all. Willie Grothman and Tim Phang two high school students who started a community service club that helped a lot of people in their community-, The Dalton School, and The Detroit News- who did a story on John Prueter- would agree that community service is important. Community service can be extremely valuable in the development of both character, academics and it gives students a chance to give back to their community.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Booker T. Washington Essay -- Essays Papers

Booker T. Washington 1856-1915, Educator Booker Taliaferro Washington was the foremost black educator of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He also had a major influence on southern race relations and was the dominant figure in black public affairs from 1895 until his death in 1915. Born a slave on a small farm in the Virginia backcountry, he moved with his family after emancipation to work in the salt furnaces and coal mines of West Virginia. After a secondary education at Hampton Institute, he taught an upgraded school and experimented briefly with the study of law and the ministry, but a teaching position at Hampton decided his future career. In 1881 he founded Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute on the Hampton model in the Black Belt of Alabama. Though Washington offered little that was innovative in industrial education, which both northern philanthropic foundations and southern leaders were already promoting, he became its chief black exemplar and spokesman. In his advocacy of Tuskegee Institute and its educational method, Washington revealed the political adroitness and accommodationist philosophy that were to characterize his career in the wider arena of race leadership. He convinced southern white employers and governors that Tuskegee offered an education that would keep blacks "down on the farm" and in the trades. To prospective northern donors and particularly the new self- made millionaires such as Rockefeller and Carnegie he promised the inculca...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Caring for the Elderly and Their Views on Aging

Caring for the Elderly and their Views on Aging Kesha Edwards ECPI University Nursing 111 Mrs. Shaffer June 8th, 2012 The purpose of this report is to investigate the ageing and life of Ms. Rose Brown, who happens to be one of my residents at the nursing home I am currently employed at; how she feels about ageing in today’s society, and also what she has learned and what she would have done differently. She is 67 years-old, and lives by herself. With this report, I intend to learn about her life condition and, as well suggest and inform her ways to improve her life.After spending two afternoons interviewing Ms. Brown, I gained some knowledge on how she perceives the aging process and the impact on the quality of her life. Firstly, she assured me that she views aging in a very positive and healthy way. Ms. Brown first stated that aging itself has a bad reputation, but all isn’t bad. â€Å"The best thing about aging is the experiences one can acquire and share with young er people. She believes that, a positive attitude and assists in accepting oneself and the physical and psychological changes.She enjoys the fact that, she is physically fit and cognitively alert. She is positively sure that with the advances made in a health care, the quality of her life will be granted. Also, she enjoys the benefits of being a senior citizen, including discounted travel and fares, lower cost Medicare. Over all, the spare time to do what she loves. However, when I mention about a long term care, such as Nursing home, if for any instance she ever considered going to a nursing home for a better assistance; she paused for a moment, as if was something that made her really sad.She replied that, she has no regards on going to a nursing home, in her opinion; nursing home is a place where she would feel isolated of the world and her close friends. Most important, she would feel useless, being in a place that people would do everything for her. Secondly, she is afraid to b e neglected and mistreated. Many times she asked herself, will I be happy? Will I be alone or surrounded with happy people? Will I be cared? I also shared with Ms. Brown about different topics concerning elderly, in particular, ageism, social network, and caregiving. On my second interview with Ms. Brown, I decided to bring my Gerontology notebook â€Å" Aging, the Individual, and Society†, so I could share with her some facts about aging, elderly, how society views it, and most important. From the book, we look up about Ageism, I asked her, what she had to say about it and if she ever felt discriminated for being old. She had a positive response to that, she told from the 25 years she had been leaving here, younger generation have always respected her, and generous to her.We also read chapter 4† Physical Health and Wellbeing†, leaving by herself it important to know about being self-sufficient, we cover chapter 5 â€Å"Mental Health†, â€Å"Finances and l ifestyles†, chapter 9, statistically speaking, women’s financial needs are different from men’s. Women live longer than men, most often; they see themselves leaving in an income below average. Lastly, we read chapter 10 â€Å"Living Environment†, and â€Å"The Oldest-old and Caregiving†, on chapter 11.One of my concerns with Ms. Brown was the fact that she was leaving by herself. What are some problems that the elderly may face living alone? I think the greater concern would be loneliness, anyone who has been married for a long time, and now faces widowhood, certainly will miss their mate. Other concerns are, not eating properly; vulnerability to strangers, unable to maintain a household, forgetting to take their medicine, unable to walk outside without help, and the list goes on.As a caretaker at the South Richmond Adult facility, a couple of major challenges facing our facility include; the increased rules and regulations, the increasing burden of Documentation and Paperwork, understaffing and having enough sub-acute trained nurses and quality therapists; seeing that I often have ten to twenty residents because of the understaffing issue, and treating increasingly difficult patients with reduced reimbursements and insufficient funding.Besides my children, two of my most significant accomplishments to date would have to include obtaining my CAN and working in this field for the past six years, and finally making the decision to attend college and obtain my Nursing Degree. A couple of my strengths as being a caretaker would include my communication skills, which I believe are great and benefit me in my everyday career. I enjoy speaking with patients nd families whenever possible. I even spend the day with some of my residents on my days off. I have come to believe that a close friendly relationship is very important with the families as well as the patients as they are coping with ageing of someone close and all the health iss ues that follow. Also, my organizational skills are very important to me as well as my fellow co-workers. Remaining organized and scheduled allows for a smoother day.I have come to believe that my greatest weakness is finding it challenging on occasions to separate my feelings from my career. My views on ageing are that it can be a beautiful thing. If you take care of your body at a young age and eat healthy, when you become older it won’t affect you as much. With age comes wisdom, so once you become a certain age, you have done a lot in life and you have the knowledge and wisdom to pass on to younger people.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Conventions of the Gothic Horror †The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe Essay

Tick, tick, tick, the heart ticks on. The Tell-Tale Heart is another spooky Gothic Horror story written in the 19th century by Edgar Allen Poe. Written entirely in first person, we follow the account of a young man driven to insanity by his mad actions. The person we hear the tale from tells us of his emotions and his feelings along the way. The young man lives with an older man who has never harmed him or never done anything wrong to him, but he decides to kill the older man. The old man’s eye drives him to this terrible deed as it looks like a ‘vulture’s eye’ and makes his blood run cold every time it sets upon him. The young man slowly but surely progresses into a state of madness and plots the murder of the old man by spying upon him sleeping at midnight every night. We come to the night of the murder, and the young man is almost caught spying on him as the old man wakes from his sleep terrified, the time comes and the young man leaps into the room, throws the man to the floor and pulls the bed over him. He dies. Chopping the body into pieces and carefully hiding them under the floor boards the police call round about a scream they were informed of, the man is not afraid, but as he sits there chatting away to them calmly a ticking fills his ears and no matter what he tries it gets worse and worse until he finally goes mad and confesses to the police of his crime. We define different stories by genres, how we find out what genre the book fits in is by determining if the story has the correct conventions within it. Within the Tell-Tale Heart we are frequently shown conventions of the Gothic Horror genre, reversal of common norms is one convention shown to us: â€Å"He had the eye of a vulture†¦Ã¢â‚¬  From this quotation we can see the narrator describes the old man to have ‘the eye of a vulture’. As we know full well this is not very possible for some one to have the eye of a vulture and a normal human doesn’t have an eye of a vulture. This shows us the reversal of common norms and the irregularity of the characters in this story. The eye is compared to a vulture’s and this creates a sense of fear and unknown as the character is afraid of this eye even though he is not afraid of the owner. Abandoned isolated setting is another convention in the Gothic Horror genre and is shown in the Tell-Tale Heart: â€Å"Amid the dreadful silence of that old house† An abandoned setting is frequently used as a setting in the Gothic Horror genre as it easy to use this setting to create an atmosphere of danger, fear and concern. The Victorians are reflected in this convention as they were feeling abandoned and isolated after their beliefs and religion had been purposely ripped to shreds by science proving them wrong. Another convention is high emotion: â€Å"Very, very dreadfully nervous† We see that the narrator here is very nervous showing us his high emotions within the story and giving an atmosphere of fear. As it is told in first person we, the readers, are affected by the nervousness of the main character and in the story it creates an atmosphere of fear, nervousness and anxiousness. The Victorians were very nervous at the time of the crisis and were probably in a state of high emotion. Sense of mystery and suspense is yet another convention found within the Gothic Horror genre and the Tell-Tale Heart: â€Å"†¦ a very, very little crevice in the lantern. So I opened it — you cannot imagine how stealthily, stealthily†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Mystery and suspense is a convention that increases the Gothic Horror genre intensely as it builds up the emotions of the characters and leaves the readers wanting to read on to find out what happens, the atmosphere created by this convention is an agonizing heightened sense of anticipation. The Victorians would have been in suspense and most of it would have been mystery as well as they were waiting for some sign of their beliefs to be confirmed as still true. The use of darkness and gloom in the Tell-Tale Heart is shown often too: â€Å"†¦black as pitch with thick darkness†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Darkness and gloom creates an atmosphere of derangement and confusion as you feel something could jump out at you anytime. To the Victorians this would have scared them a lot as their loneliness and the darkness surrounding them could mask anything hiding and could scare them even more. â€Å"†¦It is the beating of his hideous heart!† This quotation shows us the convention of supernatural occurrences, we get from this quote that the narrator can hear the beating of his heart even though he is dead already. The atmosphere here is of fear and terror as the thought of a dead mans heart still beating is very scary and could drive even the sanest person into madness. For my last convention it will be dangerous omens: â€Å"All in vain; because Death, in approaching him had stalked him with his black shadow before him†¦Ã¢â‚¬  From this quotation we can feel a sense of someone being hunted or stalked, in this case it would be the man being hunted down by death and taken from the world. Atmospherically it would create fear and paranoia, as the feeling of getting pursued by an unknown person or being would be chilling and creepy. The Victorians could be represented as the people being stalked and science would be the stalker or hunter, as they were pursuing religion of the people and destroying it with their logical theories. The Tell-Tale Heart truly is a Gothic Horror story. With the conventions of Gothic Horror found within the story nearly every line you read, Edgar Allen Poe wrote an amazing, gripping and scary story in the 19th century, this story was called the Tell-Tale Heart.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How to Prove De Morgans Laws

How to Prove De Morgan's Laws In mathematical statistics and probability it is important to be familiar with set theory. The elementary operations of set theory have connections with certain rules in the calculation of probabilities. The interactions of these elementary set operations of union, intersection and the complement are explain by two statements known as De Morgan’s Laws. After stating these laws, we will see how to prove them. Statement of De Morgans Laws De Morgan’s Laws relate to the interaction of the union, intersection and complement. Recall that: The intersection of the sets A and B consists of all elements that are common to both A and B. The intersection is denoted by A ∠© B.The union of the sets A and B consists of all elements that in either A or B, including the elements in both sets. The intersection is denoted by A U B.The complement of the set A consists of all elements that are not elements of A. This complement is denoted by AC. Now that we have recalled these elementary operations, we will see the statement of De Morgan’s Laws. For every pair of sets A and B (A  Ã¢Ë† © B)C AC U BC.(A U B)C AC  Ã¢Ë† © BC. Outline of Proof Strategy Before jumping into the proof we will think about how to prove the statements above. We are trying to demonstrate that two sets are equal to one another. The way that this is done in a mathematical proof is by the procedure of double inclusion. The outline of this method of proof is: Show that the set on the left side of our equals sign is a subset of the set on the right.Repeat the process in the opposite direction, showing that the set on the right is a subset of the set on the left.These two steps allow us to say that the sets are in fact equal to one another. They consist of all of the same elements. Proof of One of Laws We will see how to prove the first of De Morgan’s Laws above. We begin by showing that (A  Ã¢Ë† © B)C is a subset of AC U BC. First suppose that x is an element of (A  Ã¢Ë† © B)C.This means that x is not an element of (A  Ã¢Ë† © B).Since the intersection is the set of all elements common to both A and B, the previous step means that x cannot be an element of both A and B.This means that x is must be an element of at least one of the sets AC or BC.By definition this means that x is an element of AC U BCWe have shown the desired subset inclusion. Our proof is now halfway done. To complete it we show the opposite subset inclusion. More specifically we must show AC U BC is a subset of (A  Ã¢Ë† © B)C. We begin with an element x in the set AC U BC.This means that x is an element of AC or that x is an element of BC.Thus x is not an element of at least one of the sets A or B.So x cannot be an element of both A and B. This means that x is an element of (A  Ã¢Ë† © B)C.We have shown the desired subset inclusion. Proof of the Other Law The proof of the other statement is very similar to the proof that we have outlined above. All that must be done is to show a subset inclusion of sets on both sides of the equals sign.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Horseshoe Crabs, Ancient Arthropods That Saves Lives

Horseshoe Crabs, Ancient Arthropods That Saves Lives Horseshoe crabs are often called living fossils. These primitive arthropods have lived on earth for 360 million years, largely in the same form as they appear today. Despite their long history, the horseshoe crabs existence is now threatened by human activities, including harvesting for medical research. How Horseshoe Crabs Save Lives Any time a foreign object or substance enters the human body, theres a risk of introducing infection. If youve had a vaccination, an intravenous treatment, a surgery of any kind, or had a medical device implanted in your body, you owe your very survival to the horseshoe crab. Horseshoe crabs have copper-rich blood that appears to be striking blue in color. Proteins in the horseshoe crabs blood cells are released in response to even the smallest amount of bacterial endotoxin, such as E. coli. The presence of bacteria causes horseshoe crab blood to clot or gel, part of its hypersensitive immune response system. In the 1960s, two researchers, Frederick Bang and Jack Levin, developed a method of using these coagulation factors to test for contamination of medical devices. By the 1970s, their Limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) test was being used commercially to make sure everything from scalpels to artificial hips is safe for introduction in the human body. While such testing is crucial to safe medical treatments, the practice takes a toll on horseshoe crab populations. Horseshoe crab blood is in high demand, and the medical testing industry catches as many as 500,000 horseshoe crabs each year to drain them of their blood. The crabs arent killed outright in the process; theyre caught, bled, and released. But biologists suspect the stress results in a percentage of the released horseshoe crabs dying once back in the water. The International Union on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources lists the Atlantic horseshoe crab as vulnerable, just one category below endangered in the extinction risk scale. Fortunately, management practices are in place now to protect the species. Is a Horseshoe Crab Really a Crab? Horseshoe crabs are marine arthropods, but they arent crustaceans. Theyre more closely related to spiders and ticks than they are to true crabs. Horseshoe crabs belong to the Chelicerata, along with arachnids (spiders, scorpions, and ticks) and sea spiders. These arthropods all possess special appendages near their mouthparts called chelicerae.  Horseshoe crabs use their chelicerae to put food in their mouths. Within the animal kingdom, horseshoe crabs are classified as follows: Kingdom – Animalia (animals)Phylum – Arthropoda (arthropods)Subphylum – Chelicerata (chelicerates)Class – XiphosuraOrder – XiphosuridaFamily – Limulidae (horseshoe crabs) There are four living species in the horseshoe crab family. Three species, Tachypleus tridentatus, Tachypleus gigas, and Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda, live only in Asia. The Atlantic horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus) lives in the Gulf of Mexico and along the Atlantic coast of North America. What Do Horseshoe Crabs Look Like? The Atlantic horseshoe crab is named for its horseshoe-shaped shell, which helps protect it from predators. Horseshoe crabs are brown in color, and grow as large as 24 inches long at maturity. Females are considerably larger than males. Like all arthropods, horseshoe crabs grow by molting their exoskeletons. People often believe the horseshoe crabs spine-like tail is a stinger, but its actually no such thing. The tail functions as a rudder, helping the horseshoe crab navigate the bottom. If a wave washes the horseshoe crab ashore on its back, it will use its tail to right itself. Never lift a horseshoe crab by its tail. The tail is attached by a joint that works similar to a human hip socket. When dangled by its tail, the weight of the horseshoe crabs body can cause the tail to become dislocated, leaving the crab helpless the next time its overturned. On the underside of the shell, horseshoe crabs have a pair of chelicerae and five pairs of legs. In males, the first pair of legs is modified as claspers, for holding the female during mating. Horseshoe crabs breathe using book gills. Why Are Horseshoe Crabs Important? In addition to their value in medical research, horseshoe crabs fill important ecological roles. Their smooth, wide shells provide the perfect substrate for many other marine organisms to live on. As it moves along the oceans bottom, a horseshoe crab may be carrying mussels, barnacles, tube worms, sea lettuce, sponges, and even oysters. Horseshoe crabs deposit their eggs by the thousands along sandy shorelines, and many migratory shorebirds, including red knots, rely on these eggs as a source of fuel during their long flights. Sources: Atlantic Horseshoe Crab (Limulus polyphemus), University of Rhode Island, Environmental Data Center. Accessed online July 26, 2017.The Horseshoe Crab and Public Health, The Horseshoe Crab website, Ecological Research Development Group (ERDG). Accessed online July 26, 2017.Limulus polyphemus, IUCN Red List. Accessed online July 26, 2017.Project Limulus, Sacred Heart University website. Accessed online July 26, 2017.The Blood of the Crab, by Caren Chesler, Popular Mechanics, April 13, 2017. essed online July 26, 2017.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Assess the importance of foreign capital and overseas emigration for Essay

Assess the importance of foreign capital and overseas emigration for the economic development of Germany in the 19th century - Essay Example Following the political and economic restructurings experienced in Germany during the mid-1860s, Berlin developed as Germany’s financial center (Stone 1999, 788). Transfer of commodities, people, capital as well as ideas characterized globalization in 19th century across continents. Germany was well known to be an important financial center after the Deutsche Reich, which was founded in 1871 following the war between Germans and the French. A territory was then established and defined persistently until 1914. Despite the political unification of Germany after the war, most areas of economic life were harmonized afterwards (Clark 2003, 176). In 1873, gold standard was introduced in Germany and a year later followed by creation of central bank, the Reichs bank. The period between 1870 until 1914 was characterized by a great economic expansion in nearly all sectors with a further shift from an agricultural to an industrial economy along with concentration of powers, enterprises and capital. This rapid expansion in economy was primarily the cause and consequence of the fast growing population and with the evolution to an industrialized economy leading to increased urbanization rates. Germany experienced net migration outflows until the mid 1890s when it turned into inflows until 1908. In 1883-1913, Germany invested roughly six hundred and eighty million capitals in British pounds in foreign securities that translated to an average of twenty two million pounds per year. This capital was predominantly invested into European countries but also other regions obtained considerable amounts of capital. In the middle of 19th century, private banks were the main financial intermediaries for foreign securities, but were later displaced by the joint-stock banks. The large majority of foreign securities were bonds and the main issuers were governments and railroad companies to Germany’s neighboring

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Assessment 2 (6 assignment into 1) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Assessment 2 (6 assignment into 1) - Essay Example The formula for computing surface area of pyramids shall be provided, with the teacher demonstrating how to substitute values in the formula. The students will be given exercises to practice computing for surface area of pyramids which will be checked as a class at the end of the lesson. the concept of solid shapes and their surface areas. They should be aware that there are formulae to be followed in computing for the surface areas of various shapes and know how to substitute values and finding missing values using the formula. The Lateral Area is surprisingly simple. Just multiply the perimeter by the side length and divide by 2. This is because the sides are always triangles and the triangle formula is base times height divided by 2 Using the formula: 1/2 Ãâ€" Perimeter Ãâ€" [Side Length] + [Base Area]. The teacher illustrates to the class how to use the formula and substitute the necessary values on the blackboard, then does a few exercises with some students she may call on. Later on, students are grouped according to their abilities, given various number problems to solve for the surface areas of various pyramids. Kozioff, et al (2000) contends that the teacher can more easily monitor the progress of the students when they work in smaller groups with more or less the same guidance needs. Killen (2003) emphasized the need to practice students’ newfound skills and in this particular case, it is the computation of the surface area of a pyramid following a prescribed formula. At the end of the session, everyone comes together to compare their answers. It will be necessary to call on students to demonstrate on the blackboard how they came up with their answers to check if they followed the correct proced ure in using the formula. Should there be errors, the teacher throws the question to the class as to where it went wrong, but if students cannot figure it out, then she shows

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 31

Economics - Essay Example This creates a surplus or supply excess as the demand for the product is low, so consumers do not have to compete for the product. Because of the fact that the product is not in high demand, and competition between consumers is low, the prices will be lowered in order to make the product more attractive to consumers. 2. Inflation affects people’s standard of living and savings in a rather negative way. Inflation is basically a term which indicates an increase in the price of goods and services. In general, inflation occurs within a market as a whole, so the entire economy tends to be impacted. Peoples standard of living is severely affected because their money does not go as far as it once did. This is especially true in an economy with high unemployment and no cost of living increases for their income. Therefore, as prices grow higher, people have to stretch their dollar for daily necessities such as groceries, water, electricity, etc. Therefore, many families have to forgo certain things that are deemed to be luxuries in order to survive, which lowers their daily standard of life. According to an article entitled, â€Å"Consequences of Inflation,† savings are affected because â€Å"inflation leads to a rise in the general price level so that money loses its value†(Riley). This means that the money in a person’s bank account is worth less due to inflation. In addition, inflation â€Å"lead(s) to negative real interest rates†(Riley). So, if a person has their money in a bank account that is supposed to gain interest, they are actually going to be losing money as the interest rates are negative. 3. A stock is defined as a security or assurance for an individual or business that allows a person or company to have a certain percentage of ownership in the profits or assets of a specific product, business, or company. The benefits associated with purchasing

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Data Center Energy Efficiency Information Technology Essay

The Data Center Energy Efficiency Information Technology Essay Research green computing and projects that have been done or are being done by large organizations such as IBM, Dell, HP, and Google. See and similar sites provided on the companion web site or that you find yourself. Include your definition of green computing to including all of the topics listed in the background scenario. Describe each of these areas of green computing, including a detailed example of how at least one organization has implemented each one, and investigate the return on investment. Summarize your results in a two- to three-page paper, citing at least three references. What companies are currently implementing projects that involve green computing? Find a few website and discuss what they are implementing and if they include: Green computing, also referred to as Green IT, is the scientific study of efficient and effective designing, manufacturing, using, disposing, and recycling of computers and computer related products like servers, network systems, communication systems, monitors, USBs, printers, etc. (Kocherps, 2010). Kocherps describes the four paths to green computing that would help preserve natural resources and reduce the impact on the environment: Reducing energy consumption of computers and other related products as well a using them in an efficient manner. Refurbishing and reusing old computers as well as properly disposing and recycling unwanted computers and other equipment. Designing energy efficient and environmentally sound computers and accessories. Manufacturing computers and components with minimal effect on the evnrionrment (2010). There are several applications of Green computing available, which are explained below: Data Center Energy Efficiency Data center and overall energy efficiency refers to the energy consumption. According to a survey conducted in 2009, 44% of survey respondents have seen an increase in their power bills for their data centers, which is up from 36% the previous year who did not pay much attention (Stansberry, 2009). Fontecchio (2010) wrote that the Federal Government and other major industry groups are on developing widely accepted stands for measuring a data centers energy efficiency. Fontecchio also mentions that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) are working with six data center industry groups to standardize data center efficiency metrics (2010). Electronic Waste and Recycling The disposal of electronic waste and recycling refers to proper disposal of used computer equipment and other electronics devices. Many government sponsored programs and manufacturers have extensive online information that details how their recycling is handled (Holcombe, 2007). Hewlett- Packard (HP) is one of many companies that takes environmental issues seriously and provides solutions where businesses and consumers can donate, trade-in, recycle, or return for cash their used computer equipment (HP, 2010). Telecommuting Telecommuting is a popular benefit wherein employees perform work for a company but not physically be in the business location. This is one way that businesses are becoming more greener and lowering their office space expense (Sanchez, 2008). Office space expense can include heating, air conditioning, electricity Virtual Server Resources Virtualization of server resources Thin Client Solutions Thin client solutions Open Source Software Use of opens source software, and Software Development Development of new software to address green computing for internal use and potential sale to other organizations.,8,0,95093168,762624170,1271850709,,21878626,4381927447 Weighted Decision Matrix Prepare a weighted decision matrix using the template from the companion web site (wtd_decision_matrix.xls) for Ben to use to evaluate people applying to be the project manager for this important project. Develop at least five criteria, assign weights to each criterion, assign scores, and then calculate the weighted scores for four fictitious people. Print the spreadsheet and bar chart with the results. Write a one-page paper describing this weighted decision matrix and summarize the results. This Weighted Decision Matrix (Exhibit A) was designed to assist in selecting the appropriate candidate for the Project (or Project) Manager position. Different projects require different skills. As such, Ive created a matrix that lists seven of the most important skills required for successful completion of this project: Analytical Skills Microsoft Access Visual Basic Programming Written and Oral Communication Microsoft Office Excel Attendance Productivity Each criteria is given a weight percentage based on importance, the highest being 25% and the lowest being 10%. The combination of these weights equal 100%. After reviewing all of the resumes and past employee evaluations, the next four columns contained applicants best qualified for the Project Manager position. Ann and Danielle are existing employees within the company, and Stanley and Lisa are outside applicants applying for the position. On a scale from 1 to 100 (100 being the highest and best qualified), each application was given a rating based on their past or current experiences and skills. As you can see from the results, Ann is clearly the better of all candidates scoring 90 points in five of the 7 criteria, and 70 in the remaining two criteria, bring her average criteria score to 85. It is my recommendation that you consider Ann for the position of Project Manager. Business Case and Financial Prepare the financial section of a business case for the Green Computing Research Project. Assume this project will take six months to complete (done in Year 0) and cost $500,000, and costs to implement some of the technologies would be $2,000,000 for year one and $600,000 for years two and three. Estimated benefits are $500,000 the first year after implementing and $2.5 million the following two years. Use the business case spreadsheet template from the companion web site (business_case_financials.xls) to help calculate the NPV, ROI, and year in which payback occurs. Assume a 7 percent discount rate, but make sure it is an input that is easy to change. Project Charter Prepare a project charter for the Green Computing Research Project. Assume the project will take six months to complete and the budget is $500,000. Use the project charter template (charter.doc) and examples of project charters in Chapters 3 and 4 as guidelines. Assume that part of the approach is to select a project team as quickly as possible. Change Request Since people will request changes to the project, you want to make sure you have a good integrated change control process in place. You will also want to address change requests as quickly as possible. Review the template for a change request form provided on the companion Website (change_request.doc.) Write a two-page paper describing how you plan to manage changes on this project in a timely manner. Address who will be involved in making change control decisions, what paperwork or electronic systems will be used to collect and respond to changes, and other related issues. Appendix __ is an example of the Change Request Form which will be submitted by each individual associated with the project who wishes to make changes thereof. The process for submission, evaluating, and executing such request will be explained below. The Change Request (CR) form is a web form that needs to be submitted in order to make any change to the project that is not listed in the Project Charter, the Project Business Case, or the Work Breakdown Structure. The requestor must fill out section 1 in its entirety. Below is a description of the fields that must be completed: Requestor Name This field will be automatically filled in using the username of the individual logged into the Active Directory. Project Name and Number This field is required to identify the correct project and to electronically notify the correct Project Manager. Type of CR Indicate whether this change is an enhancement or defect. Brief Description of Change Briefly describe the nature of the change, such as the correct data is not being abstracted. Date Submitted date of submission. Date Required date that the change should be completed by. Priority Level -Select either Low, Medium, High, or Mandatory level. All request levels will be reviewed within 5 business days, however, all request marked Mandatory or high will be analyze before all others regardless of date of submission. Reason for Change: Attachments or References: Approval Signature and Date digital signature of the requestor will be captured with the current date. After all required sections are complete, a submit button will electronically be submitted to the program manager assigned to the project name and number entered on the form. An acknowledgement will be sent to the requestor when the form is submitted successfully. The Program Manager assigned to the project will be notified via email that a change request was submitted and will receive a link to the form. The Program Manager will then complete Section 2 Initial Analysis. The Project Manager will determine the impact of the change regarding hours, duration, schedule, and cost. The Project Managers recommendation will be entered and the request will be forwarded to the Change Control Board for their final decision. Electronic notification will be submitted to the Requestor indicating that the request has been submitted to the Board for final review. The Board will notify all parties regarding their final decision within 48 hours. The Boards final decision will now become a part of the projects history. 2. PROJECT SCOPE MANAGEMENT Define Project Scope Management here. 2.1 Requirements Matrix Document requirements for your project so far, including a requirements traceability matrix. Use the template provided (reqs_matrix.xls). Also include a list of questions you would like to ask the sponsor about the scope. Develop a scope statement for the project using the templates provided (scope_statement.doc). Be a specific as possible in describing product characteristics and deliverables. Make assumptions as needed, assuming you got answers to the questions you had in Task 1. Develop a work breakdown structure (WBS) for the project. Break down the work to level 3 or level 4, as appropriate. Use the template on the companion Web site (wbs.doc) and sam0ples in the text as guides. Print the WBS in list form as a Word file. Be sure to base your WBS on the project scope statement, stake holder requirements, and other relevant information. Remember to include the work involved in selecting the rest of your project team and outside resources as well as coordinating with the Environmental Technologies Program. Use the project management process groups as level 2 WBS items or include project management as a level 2 WBS item to make sure you include work related to managing the project. Use the WBS you developed in Task 3 above to create a Gantt chart for the project in Microsoft Project 2007. Use the outline numbering feature to display the outline numbers (click Tools on the menu bar, click Options, and then click Show outline number). Do not enter any durations or dependencies. Print the resulting Gantt chart on one page, being sure to display the entire Task Name column. 3. PROJECT TIME MANAGEMENT Define Project Time Management here. 3.1 Schedule Review the WBS and Gantt chart you created for Tasks 3 and 4 in Part 2. Propose three t five additional activities you think should be added to help you estimate resources and durations. Write a one-page paper describing these new activities. Identify at least four milestones for this project. Write a one-page paper describing each milestone using the SMART criteria. Using the Gantt chart created for Task 4 in Part 2, and the new activities and milestones you proposed in Tasks 1 and 2 above, estimate the task durations and enter dependencies as appropriate. Remember that your schedule goal for the project is six months. Print the Gantt chart and network diagram. Write a one-page paper summarizing how you would assign people to each activity. Include a table or matrix listing how many hours ea h person would work on each task. These resource assignments should make sense given the duration estimates made in Task 3 above. Assume that your project team starts falling behind schedule. In several cases, it is difficult to find detailed information on some of the green computing technologies, especially financial data. You know that it is important to meet or beat the six-month schedule goal, but quality is most important. Describe contingency strategies for making up lost time and avoiding schedule slips in the future. 4. PROJECT COST MANAGEMENT Define Project Cost Management here. . 5. PROJECT QUALITY MANAGEMENT Define project Quality Management here.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Free Essays - Holy Feast and Holy Fast and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight :: Sir Gawain Green Knight Essays

Forbidden Fruit in Holy Feast and Holy Fast and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight  Ã‚  Ã‚   The forbidden fruit, its properties, and its affects, has vast ramifications within the ethics of the women in Holy Feast and Holy Fast. as well as those of the characters portrayed in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 2. Perhaps the connection is less obvious with Gawain. It must be realized that this story contains multi-leveled metaphors which approach modern literature in their complexity. Argument will be made that Gawain betrays an isomorphism with Eden's tale. The author's attitude toward the fruit and perhaps toward fasting will become evident. Bynum's incisive argument has been extremely helpful in this analysis of Gawain; but, with respect to medieval women she has surprisingly little to say about Eve and the Tree. Although this neglect is regrettable, it is not fatal. This paper will tend to support the major theses of Holy Fast. The people described by these authors did not dwell inordinately on any essential weakness of women. It is hoped that this refocusing on the forbid den fruit will help us to see more clearly their perspectives. The isomorphism of Gawain with the story of Eden can be demonstrated only after the stage is set. It may be helpful to think of this isomorphism as a kind of image or reflection. This puts it squarely within the realm of neoplatonic forms. Medieval nobility, often well versed in neoplatonic thought, would be quick to point out that Arthur, the king is a lesser image of God and that his court is a reflection of the heavenly host. This assertion is not without textual support. Happiest of mortal kind King noblest famed of will You would now go far to find So hardy a host on a hill. (2) Presently, the Green Knight rides in. He mirrors Lucifer in God's court, and more; He is full of slander (7:315). He is described in titanic imagery (4:140, 9:390), which was commonly attributed to the anti-christ. The Round Table cannot abide this affront to the King so Gawain, with Guenevere's permission, steps in to intercede. Here Gawain is like Christ or Michael, going out to battle the dragon. He severs his head. Gawain is full of reversals and inversions. This is consistent with the neoplatonic model since Arthur's court is a lesser image. Later, we will present Bynum's views on this point.