Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Data Center Energy Efficiency Information Technology Essay

The Data Center Energy Efficiency Information Technology Essay Research green computing and projects that have been done or are being done by large organizations such as IBM, Dell, HP, and Google. See and similar sites provided on the companion web site or that you find yourself. Include your definition of green computing to including all of the topics listed in the background scenario. Describe each of these areas of green computing, including a detailed example of how at least one organization has implemented each one, and investigate the return on investment. Summarize your results in a two- to three-page paper, citing at least three references. What companies are currently implementing projects that involve green computing? Find a few website and discuss what they are implementing and if they include: Green computing, also referred to as Green IT, is the scientific study of efficient and effective designing, manufacturing, using, disposing, and recycling of computers and computer related products like servers, network systems, communication systems, monitors, USBs, printers, etc. (Kocherps, 2010). Kocherps describes the four paths to green computing that would help preserve natural resources and reduce the impact on the environment: Reducing energy consumption of computers and other related products as well a using them in an efficient manner. Refurbishing and reusing old computers as well as properly disposing and recycling unwanted computers and other equipment. Designing energy efficient and environmentally sound computers and accessories. Manufacturing computers and components with minimal effect on the evnrionrment (2010). There are several applications of Green computing available, which are explained below: Data Center Energy Efficiency Data center and overall energy efficiency refers to the energy consumption. According to a survey conducted in 2009, 44% of survey respondents have seen an increase in their power bills for their data centers, which is up from 36% the previous year who did not pay much attention (Stansberry, 2009). Fontecchio (2010) wrote that the Federal Government and other major industry groups are on developing widely accepted stands for measuring a data centers energy efficiency. Fontecchio also mentions that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) are working with six data center industry groups to standardize data center efficiency metrics (2010). Electronic Waste and Recycling The disposal of electronic waste and recycling refers to proper disposal of used computer equipment and other electronics devices. Many government sponsored programs and manufacturers have extensive online information that details how their recycling is handled (Holcombe, 2007). Hewlett- Packard (HP) is one of many companies that takes environmental issues seriously and provides solutions where businesses and consumers can donate, trade-in, recycle, or return for cash their used computer equipment (HP, 2010). Telecommuting Telecommuting is a popular benefit wherein employees perform work for a company but not physically be in the business location. This is one way that businesses are becoming more greener and lowering their office space expense (Sanchez, 2008). Office space expense can include heating, air conditioning, electricity Virtual Server Resources Virtualization of server resources Thin Client Solutions Thin client solutions Open Source Software Use of opens source software, and Software Development Development of new software to address green computing for internal use and potential sale to other organizations.,8,0,95093168,762624170,1271850709,,21878626,4381927447 Weighted Decision Matrix Prepare a weighted decision matrix using the template from the companion web site (wtd_decision_matrix.xls) for Ben to use to evaluate people applying to be the project manager for this important project. Develop at least five criteria, assign weights to each criterion, assign scores, and then calculate the weighted scores for four fictitious people. Print the spreadsheet and bar chart with the results. Write a one-page paper describing this weighted decision matrix and summarize the results. This Weighted Decision Matrix (Exhibit A) was designed to assist in selecting the appropriate candidate for the Project (or Project) Manager position. Different projects require different skills. As such, Ive created a matrix that lists seven of the most important skills required for successful completion of this project: Analytical Skills Microsoft Access Visual Basic Programming Written and Oral Communication Microsoft Office Excel Attendance Productivity Each criteria is given a weight percentage based on importance, the highest being 25% and the lowest being 10%. The combination of these weights equal 100%. After reviewing all of the resumes and past employee evaluations, the next four columns contained applicants best qualified for the Project Manager position. Ann and Danielle are existing employees within the company, and Stanley and Lisa are outside applicants applying for the position. On a scale from 1 to 100 (100 being the highest and best qualified), each application was given a rating based on their past or current experiences and skills. As you can see from the results, Ann is clearly the better of all candidates scoring 90 points in five of the 7 criteria, and 70 in the remaining two criteria, bring her average criteria score to 85. It is my recommendation that you consider Ann for the position of Project Manager. Business Case and Financial Prepare the financial section of a business case for the Green Computing Research Project. Assume this project will take six months to complete (done in Year 0) and cost $500,000, and costs to implement some of the technologies would be $2,000,000 for year one and $600,000 for years two and three. Estimated benefits are $500,000 the first year after implementing and $2.5 million the following two years. Use the business case spreadsheet template from the companion web site (business_case_financials.xls) to help calculate the NPV, ROI, and year in which payback occurs. Assume a 7 percent discount rate, but make sure it is an input that is easy to change. Project Charter Prepare a project charter for the Green Computing Research Project. Assume the project will take six months to complete and the budget is $500,000. Use the project charter template (charter.doc) and examples of project charters in Chapters 3 and 4 as guidelines. Assume that part of the approach is to select a project team as quickly as possible. Change Request Since people will request changes to the project, you want to make sure you have a good integrated change control process in place. You will also want to address change requests as quickly as possible. Review the template for a change request form provided on the companion Website (change_request.doc.) Write a two-page paper describing how you plan to manage changes on this project in a timely manner. Address who will be involved in making change control decisions, what paperwork or electronic systems will be used to collect and respond to changes, and other related issues. Appendix __ is an example of the Change Request Form which will be submitted by each individual associated with the project who wishes to make changes thereof. The process for submission, evaluating, and executing such request will be explained below. The Change Request (CR) form is a web form that needs to be submitted in order to make any change to the project that is not listed in the Project Charter, the Project Business Case, or the Work Breakdown Structure. The requestor must fill out section 1 in its entirety. Below is a description of the fields that must be completed: Requestor Name This field will be automatically filled in using the username of the individual logged into the Active Directory. Project Name and Number This field is required to identify the correct project and to electronically notify the correct Project Manager. Type of CR Indicate whether this change is an enhancement or defect. Brief Description of Change Briefly describe the nature of the change, such as the correct data is not being abstracted. Date Submitted date of submission. Date Required date that the change should be completed by. Priority Level -Select either Low, Medium, High, or Mandatory level. All request levels will be reviewed within 5 business days, however, all request marked Mandatory or high will be analyze before all others regardless of date of submission. Reason for Change: Attachments or References: Approval Signature and Date digital signature of the requestor will be captured with the current date. After all required sections are complete, a submit button will electronically be submitted to the program manager assigned to the project name and number entered on the form. An acknowledgement will be sent to the requestor when the form is submitted successfully. The Program Manager assigned to the project will be notified via email that a change request was submitted and will receive a link to the form. The Program Manager will then complete Section 2 Initial Analysis. The Project Manager will determine the impact of the change regarding hours, duration, schedule, and cost. The Project Managers recommendation will be entered and the request will be forwarded to the Change Control Board for their final decision. Electronic notification will be submitted to the Requestor indicating that the request has been submitted to the Board for final review. The Board will notify all parties regarding their final decision within 48 hours. The Boards final decision will now become a part of the projects history. 2. PROJECT SCOPE MANAGEMENT Define Project Scope Management here. 2.1 Requirements Matrix Document requirements for your project so far, including a requirements traceability matrix. Use the template provided (reqs_matrix.xls). Also include a list of questions you would like to ask the sponsor about the scope. Develop a scope statement for the project using the templates provided (scope_statement.doc). Be a specific as possible in describing product characteristics and deliverables. Make assumptions as needed, assuming you got answers to the questions you had in Task 1. Develop a work breakdown structure (WBS) for the project. Break down the work to level 3 or level 4, as appropriate. Use the template on the companion Web site (wbs.doc) and sam0ples in the text as guides. Print the WBS in list form as a Word file. Be sure to base your WBS on the project scope statement, stake holder requirements, and other relevant information. Remember to include the work involved in selecting the rest of your project team and outside resources as well as coordinating with the Environmental Technologies Program. Use the project management process groups as level 2 WBS items or include project management as a level 2 WBS item to make sure you include work related to managing the project. Use the WBS you developed in Task 3 above to create a Gantt chart for the project in Microsoft Project 2007. Use the outline numbering feature to display the outline numbers (click Tools on the menu bar, click Options, and then click Show outline number). Do not enter any durations or dependencies. Print the resulting Gantt chart on one page, being sure to display the entire Task Name column. 3. PROJECT TIME MANAGEMENT Define Project Time Management here. 3.1 Schedule Review the WBS and Gantt chart you created for Tasks 3 and 4 in Part 2. Propose three t five additional activities you think should be added to help you estimate resources and durations. Write a one-page paper describing these new activities. Identify at least four milestones for this project. Write a one-page paper describing each milestone using the SMART criteria. Using the Gantt chart created for Task 4 in Part 2, and the new activities and milestones you proposed in Tasks 1 and 2 above, estimate the task durations and enter dependencies as appropriate. Remember that your schedule goal for the project is six months. Print the Gantt chart and network diagram. Write a one-page paper summarizing how you would assign people to each activity. Include a table or matrix listing how many hours ea h person would work on each task. These resource assignments should make sense given the duration estimates made in Task 3 above. Assume that your project team starts falling behind schedule. In several cases, it is difficult to find detailed information on some of the green computing technologies, especially financial data. You know that it is important to meet or beat the six-month schedule goal, but quality is most important. Describe contingency strategies for making up lost time and avoiding schedule slips in the future. 4. PROJECT COST MANAGEMENT Define Project Cost Management here. . 5. PROJECT QUALITY MANAGEMENT Define project Quality Management here.

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