Tuesday, December 17, 2019

While Every Culture, Race, Community, And Family Have Their

While every culture, race, community, and family have their own definition of normalcy, there are undisputable aspects that every being needs to pursue a successful lifestyle. With modernizing industrialization, came a more noticeable discrepancy on what these aspects should be. In Charles Dickens’s 1854 novel, Hard Times, he explores these varying viewpoints while quite obviously taking a stand for one perspective. Throughout the novel, one can clearly see that there are two different models for raising a child. These models are through the guidance of Sleary’s circus members and Mr. Gradgrind. Sleary’s circus has a very humanized approach to raising a child. Unlike Mr. Gradgrind. Through the influential writing of Charles Dickens,†¦show more content†¦Sissy seemed to be the only one who knew that Louisa felt no form of love towards Mr. Bounderby. She felt extremely sympathetic for Louisa, mourning the loss of freedom that she never truly had. At this m oment, Louisa could not bring herself to look at Sissy. She felt coldness and pride that prohibited her from having any real feelings. Sissy was able to experience life in completely different way that Louisa was not. Sissy Jupe was also able to experience the wonder of imagination and exploration that other children like the Gradgrinds were not. Children brought up by the Gradgrind system had their creativity stifled. They lived their lives by fact and reason and were heavily discouraged from letting their minds wonder. This mental suffocation was far different from what Sissy was taught. Because Sissy grew up in a performing arts environment, she was exposed to the importance of creativity and imagination. She was free to stray from the confines of fact and reason, and it was even encouraged. Those who supported Grandgrind’s system were infuriated by her failure to comply with their social normalcy. 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