Sunday, February 9, 2014

Television Influence On Teen’s Sexual Activities

Liliana S English 105 Essay 3: antecedent and Effect television system Influence on jejunes Sexual Activities reflection cozyly related subject matter on television influences teenagers informal behavior. Sex is a great deal presented as a casual operation without risk or consequences on television. boob tube shows are kind to any individual thitherfore there is no barrier for teens to have access to these types of informal presentations. Typically, favorite teen shows such(prenominal) as Jersey Shore, The Real World, and Tila Tequila birth dour doses of sexual content ranging from touching, kissing, jokes, and suggestion to conversations more or little sexual activity and scenes of intercourse. Anita Chandra, a behavioral scientist at RAND, states that the keep down of sexual content on television has doubled in recent years, and there is infinitesimal representation of safer sex practices in those portrayals (Aubrey). Representations of sexual content on te levision can bait teens to unrealistic impulsive behaviors that result lead to early motherhood period, sexual transmitted diseases, and disengage them from education. Studies underline the effects on the relationship between teen pregnancy and sexual content on television: A new gear up study in the November issue of the journal Pediatrics suggests that sexually active teens who watch a lot of these types of programs are almost twice as likely as those who dont to spoil with child(predicate) or get a partner pregnant. Researchers from RAND Corp., a non-profit-making look organization, interviewed 2,003 boys and girls, aged 12 to 17 years old, by telephony between 2001 and 2004. The researchers asked specific questions about television believe habits, including how often they watched more than 20 popular TV shows that were found to contain lots of sexual or suggestive content. Of the 718 boys and girls who give saliva to they were sexually active, 58 girls reported becoming pregnant everywhere the course of! the study or gotten someone else pregnant (Aubrey). Teens should non be limited or forced to...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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