Saturday, February 1, 2014


p Digital Divide is the gap between those who flub advance to engineering and those who do non have the gateway . Global Digital Divide is one of the greatest challenges human race faced by the world . This discusses the digital divide in US and the rest of the world and then proposes solutions for overcoming this gapDigital Divide in USThe Digital Divide in US seems to be descend due to increase in the use of profit and sentiency about the benefits of the technology Moreover the US government is providing give notice access to poor beas of the countries . This can be asserted from the accompaniment that there are 2 million new meshing users each month in US (Dickard , 2002 , pg . 1But at the too time the proficient divide between the ethnic groups is dull there . The internet access to b drops and Hispanics is half that of Whites and Asians . This is because Hispanics get it on from poor backgrounds with less income and less access to education . accordingly they lack the basic computer skills to take avail the opportunities of the technological get along . However realizing the great potential market that Hispanics provide , marketers are now focusing their attention on this segment and this has resulted in high internet penetration among Hispanics . merely , affordability and skills to use the technology still remains a problem for this segment . The level of education is also an important ingredient in US in distinguishing between digital haves and haves not . Only a few...If you want to get a secure essay, order it on our website:

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