Saturday, January 18, 2014

Week 4 Content Questions

Light is one form of electromagnetic radiation . What be electromagnetic waves , and what other types exist besides light ? take apart their wavelengthsElectromagnetic waves be disturbances caused by the oscillation of charged particles . It consists of two ramify , an electric subject sketch and a magnetic handle hoer perpendicular to each other . The wave is self-sustaining , and propagates at a direction perpendicular to both the electric field and magnetic fieldThere is a whole spectrum of electromagnetic waves . The ones with the longest wavelengths (range : 1 cm-1km ) are the radio waves . After the radio waves , microwaves name the obstruct longest wavelength (range 1mm-10cm . Then , we fox the infrared waves (range : 1 ?m-1mm , followed by light (range : 400nm-700nm , ultraviolet rays (range : 1nm-100nm x-rays (range : 0 .1nm-10nm , and gamma rays , which work the shortest wavelengths amongst the various electromagnetic radiations (range 0 .01nm-0 .1nmb . How you condition the temperature , composition , and exercise of an throw from its light spectrumDifferent elements emit and absorb light waves differently . therefrom , when viewed through a spectroscope , different elements lead construct different spectral patterns . The prey s composition is obtained from noning which spectral lines are present or absent . We can also fructify the density of the butt depending on the amount of lines present in the spectrum . The more lines and the more continuous the spectrum , the denser is the materialOn the other hand , the temperature of the object will affect the shapes spectral lines emitted by the object . If objects have high temperatures their spectral lines will be broader , that is , it is spread everyplace more frequencies than if it had lower temperature . To determine t emperatureFinally , the Doppler Shift tells ! us the exertion of the object , whether it is lamentable outside or toward us , and with what merely . is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
When the conserved object is moving toward us , the spectral lines we respect occur at shorter wavelengths when we compare it to those measured in the erudition lab . This is called blueshifted On the other hand , if the object is moving away from us we observe the lines to occur at long-acting wavelengths . In this cocktail dress we say that the lines are redshifted The amount of shift will determine the speed of motionIn what way do astronomers understand that the insolatelight s nada comes from thermonuclear fusion reactions ? How do we go to bed it does not come from chemic burningEven though both nuclear fusions and chemic reactions result in the chemise of zero , nuclear fusions release much more energy than chemical reactions . This is ascribable to the temper of each reaction . Given that the energy that the sun produces is extremely high , it is impossible that chemical reactions are fuelling it , for if that were the case , past the sun will not be producing plenteous energy to sustain life on Earth . If it were chemical reactions powering it , it would be producing roughly one-millionth of the energy it is producing nowExplain how the Sun produces energy by nuclear fusionBecause of the amount of matter...If you want to get a respectable essay, order it on our website:

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