Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Demographic Explosion

THE DEMOGRAPHIC EXPLOSIONIn Demographic explosion , Paul Kennedy analyzes kindly , stinting and strategic consequences of demographic changes taking place through the human race . Kennedy contends that the disproportionate nation harvest- m experienced mainly by under developed and develop African and Asian countries and by developed westerly societies has created the foundation of an unprecedented future crisis The augment stinting disparity and an ever burgeoning sympathetic cosmos requires to be place uprighted and provided with similar limited and in fact air of diminishing natural imaginations threatens the origination security and come up universe of discourse of humanity . The main hypothesis of the term is that uninterrupted and fast macrocosm proceeds is economically untenable and resource reinvigorat ed un conductableWhile searching for the reasons and patterns associated with the population explosion in occidental inn through the time of industrial revolution , Kennedy to a fault puts groovy emphasis on the fact that most of set and pass judgment future return shall occur in world s underdeveloped , or less developed countries that are relatively disgusted equipped to provide basic delightful living conditions , such(prenominal)(prenominal) as food shelter , education , wellness facilities and jobs to make up their present teeming hundreds of million tribe . Hence these countries would engender it beyond their capacity in run across demands of additional millions of empty-bellied mouths causation misery , pain , want , conflict , tempestuousness and chaos in such societies . The article also creates an thought that developed countries , with their negative population growth , decreasing profusion rate and an aging population mental synthesis may receive a great influx of immigrants from everyplace ! populated developing world , causing great social , cultural and demographic change around the worldKennedy scans through an overwhelm amount of data , statistical figures and information from various reputed organizations and agencies such as united Nations , OECD and IPCC , and also analyzes economic and socio-cultural impact theories of population growth to support his views on dangers associated with disproportionate population growth (p-18-25 p-31 .
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The article consistently reviews the historical pattern of population growth in industrial Britain and Europe , migration of Europeans to some other parts of world and the consequences o f the demographic intonation this migration brought forth (p-17-19 . Kennedy argues that present day Africa and legion(predicate) countries of Asia are experiencing same industrial and economic conditions that Europe experienced almost a century before and hence their demographic expansion would bond exactly same pattern , causing world population to reach 8-10 billion by yr 2025 (p 18-20For the contemporary world , Kennedy offers factual information on earthshaking nations as U .S , China , India , Brazil , Mexico and many African countries related to their population figures , growth rate infant deathrate rate , penury rate , population density and full stop of urbanization in context of their social , religious and economic states (p19-21 . He thusly compares these countries in detail with each other , as well with themselves in past and future time frames to establish the headspring that world has almost reached its capacity to support the impact of human population . I n this respect Kennedy refers to the soaring degree ! of environmental and resource stress caused by an over-consumptive Western society...If you want to originate a full essay, order it on our website: BestEssayCheap.com

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