Wednesday, December 25, 2019

World Religion s Project Of Buddhism - 1003 Words

World Religion’s Project Almost 6 percent of the world s population or 350 million people follow Buddhism. Although among them are varying controversies over whether or not Buddhism is a religion or a followed pathway. Buddhism, founded in the late 6th -century B.C.E , and practices the ideas of varying traditions, spiritual practices, and all beliefs focused on the ideas of Gautama or the Buddha. Gautama valued the beliefs and teachings of The Universal Truths and Four Noble Truths and successfully shared them for the last 45 years of his life as a founder of a group called the Sramanas. He lived in what we now call Nepal and northern India and throughout his journey became known as â€Å"the awakened one† or â€Å"Buddha† as he found himself searching for enlightenment through having realizations on his entire existence. Buddhism really began to spread when roads were used for missionary uses and the Buddhist and merchants would cross paths resulting in the popularity and the spread o f these teachings increasing drastically within Asia. However, people are still contemplating on whether or not Buddhism is a religion or a way of life. People argue that it contains aspects of a religion and others say it doesn’t and should be considered a pathway that someone can value as their way of life. Some claim that Buddhism is indeed a religion and that it holds all the elements of faith, beliefs, and self-transformation while others believe it is a way of life because it doesn’tShow MoreRelatedAnnotated Bibliography Of Buddhist Ethics Online1669 Words   |  7 PagesPrebish, Charles S., and Damien Keown. Buddhism the Ebook : An Online Introduction. 4th ed. State College: Journal of Buddhist Ethics Online, 2010. PDF. , $27.75, ISBN 978-0-9801633-6-0 Background Information Charles S. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

While Every Culture, Race, Community, And Family Have Their

While every culture, race, community, and family have their own definition of normalcy, there are undisputable aspects that every being needs to pursue a successful lifestyle. With modernizing industrialization, came a more noticeable discrepancy on what these aspects should be. In Charles Dickens’s 1854 novel, Hard Times, he explores these varying viewpoints while quite obviously taking a stand for one perspective. Throughout the novel, one can clearly see that there are two different models for raising a child. These models are through the guidance of Sleary’s circus members and Mr. Gradgrind. Sleary’s circus has a very humanized approach to raising a child. Unlike Mr. Gradgrind. Through the influential writing of Charles Dickens,†¦show more content†¦Sissy seemed to be the only one who knew that Louisa felt no form of love towards Mr. Bounderby. She felt extremely sympathetic for Louisa, mourning the loss of freedom that she never truly had. At this m oment, Louisa could not bring herself to look at Sissy. She felt coldness and pride that prohibited her from having any real feelings. Sissy was able to experience life in completely different way that Louisa was not. Sissy Jupe was also able to experience the wonder of imagination and exploration that other children like the Gradgrinds were not. Children brought up by the Gradgrind system had their creativity stifled. They lived their lives by fact and reason and were heavily discouraged from letting their minds wonder. This mental suffocation was far different from what Sissy was taught. Because Sissy grew up in a performing arts environment, she was exposed to the importance of creativity and imagination. She was free to stray from the confines of fact and reason, and it was even encouraged. Those who supported Grandgrind’s system were infuriated by her failure to comply with their social normalcy. It seemed that anytime Sissy would answer a question in M’Choakumchild’s classroom, she would be incorrect because her answers were â€Å"not in the figures at all† (43). While this public humiliation occurred quite often in the classroom, Sissy’s freedom to explore the world withinShow MoreRelatedA White Irish Italian American Woman922 Words   |  4 Pages Specifically, he brought me over to Belfast to learn and experience the culture. At the time, the hostility between the Protestants and Catholics was evident. Additionally, I saw people living under the threats of terrorism and bombing, propaganda graffiti, and a city under a police state. Similarly, I witnessed families torn apart because a mother was one religion and the father was the other. It seems crazy how families were divided and fought against each other. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Making Big Changes in My Life Essay Example For Students

Making Big Changes in My Life Essay Moving from ones hometown to another country is so difficult. People have different feelings and thoughts for each stage. Actually, they are excited to see and experience new things, but at the same time, they feel sad about missing their family and friends. In short, it is hard to move without any experience, but people will learn many things like I did as a new immigrant. I was driving when my husband called me and said, We have to move to the USA because my job application to the United Nations was accepted. I thought that it could be my last chance to drive on those streets. I had a lot of questions like how I could handle this situation and what would happen in the future. We were lucky because my husband received a new job offer from the United Nations three years ago. Then we decided to move from Tehran to New York City. We had gotten married one year before the job offer. We lived in an apartment with brand new furniture, so we had to sell the furniture and break our lease. We had two different feelings when we sold our furniture. We were really sad because all of it was new. However, we were excited because we knew that we would replace it as soon as possible. It was the first time that I had to leave my parents and sisters for a long time. We used to see each other every day. I was worried about my parents because they are old. I have three sisters who are older than me and very kind and got married a decade ago. Also I have two nephews and two nieces who are close to me. I hardly ever had a day without spending time with at least one of them. I was worried about missing my family, and I thought that it would be too hard to go back to my country to visit them. At night on January 19, 2011, my husband and I had our luggage packed. We had dinner at my in-laws place. My parents also came there and we went to the airport together. They were trying to keep us calm by giving us hope and energy. They told us about opportunities and chances we would have to improve our lives. We gave each other big hugs. We could not stop crying when we were saying goodbye to each other. When we boarded the plane, we already missed them. We had tickets for business class seats. During the flight I was sleeping for a long time, but my husband watched a few movies. There were lots of food and drinks served on the plane. Our flight was more than 10 hours long. We arrived at JFK Airport in New York City around 5 PM. It looked like an old airport with old carpet and dark paintings. We took a cab from the airport to the Roosevelt Hotel. This was not like any other city that I had visited in Europe. I was shocked when I saw the city skyline while driving toward Manhattan. There were people from different countries and of different colors on the crowded streets below tall buildings. It is now more than three years that we have moved to New York and I have learned a lot during this time. I have learned not only about the new country and new groups of people with different cultures, but also about myself. I know how I can improve my capability to learn new skills in the short time. I have examined my flexibility in accepting new ways of living. My husband and I have become more independent as individuals. I have started to attend college once again, which gives me confidence. I now realize that I have a chance to start again, and this time, I am going to study my favorite major which is fashion design. .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555 , .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555 .postImageUrl , .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555 , .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555:hover , .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555:visited , .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555:active { border:0!important; } .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555:active , .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555 .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5986aea3648d5964ee870970d8689555:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Anselm And Aquinas EssayFurthermore, though being far from my family is so hard, however going to college has a lot advantages because I have been with numbers of new friends who help me to handle the new station. We usually go the gym together and also sometimes go a restaurant. In fact, I have never been really alone here because my friends are always around me and make me happy. Also my husband is my best friend who spends most of his free time with me, so I have not been really depress or alone since I moved here. Moreover, during the past three years, we have gone back to my country and visited our family, which made us happy. Indeed, living alone without family members, managing my life and making progress in my life are important things that I had never learned before. In addition, I learnt that saving time and money for both of us are very important. I did not realize that in my country because I had a supporter there, but we are alone here and have to improve our life without any help and make our future the best.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Reflection of the Second

The notion of feminism is characterized by the development of the peculiarities of its definition according to the aspects of the phenomenon’s waves. Thus, historians and sociologists still argue on this point, and they are inclined to determine two, three or even four main waves of feminism. According to the majority of opinions, the second wave of feminism began in the 1960s and lasted till the 1990s.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Reflection of the Second-Wave Feminism in Scandinavia: â€Å"Show Me Love† and â€Å"Together† specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More During this long period, women changed their opinions on the gender inequality and stated their different rights and freedoms. That is why today the second wave of feminism is associated with the women’s liberty in relation to such concepts as sexuality, family, and equality. The Sweden poet and director Lukas Moodysson also emphasized the feminists’ ideas in his two movies which are known for the English-speaking audience as Show Me Love (1998) and Together (2000). The main female characters of these movies are the women who want to feel their freedom of feelings, expressions, emotions, and attitudes, and who can make decisions without references to the traditional norms and customs only because of the fact they are women. Thus, their intentions to acquire and realize their personal freedom in spite of the traditional social visions reflect the main tendencies of the second wave of feminism. If the feminists of the first wave concentrated on their legal rights and freedoms, the feminists of the second wave accentuated their roles in the society as individuals who are equal with men in their expression of the definite personal feelings and emotions and in their free attitude to relationships in family and to the sex. From this point, the feminists of the second wave began to discuss the feeling o f love as the multidimensional phenomenon which cannot be regulated by any social visions of the questions, but only by the personal attitude. Thus, in his Together, Lukas Moodysson concentrates on the depiction of a woman with the variety of her feelings which are based on the feeling of love. This love can be parental or sexual, reflect the attitudes to the husband or relatives, to the children and friends. In this case, women in Together try to state their freedom to feel and express those emotions they want to focus on without concentrating on their gender. These women are seeking for their personal and emotional image. Thus, Anna discovers that she is a lesbian, and she does not want to hide this fact as she does not want to hide her body under the clothes which is too tight for her. There is an interesting situation when Anna argues that she can behave as it is comfortable for her, and it is her right to decide to wear or not the clothes in order to hide her nakedness (â€Å" Together†). This discussion between the members of the commune Tillsammans can be considered as the metaphor which accentuates the women’s desire to express themselves without paying attention to any social limits.Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Anna is a lesbian, but she was not always aware of the fact because the peculiarities of the women’s life in the Swedish society in the middle of the 20th century could not provide her with the idea that it is possible to go beyond some social fringes. The era of the 1960s presented the opportunities for all the people to look at the social norms and rules from the other point of view. Lukas Moodysson portrays the aspects of the life in the commune Tillsammans in 1975 with references to the people’s rethinking the notion of liberty and equality. If Anna begins to think about her sexuality as the way to e xpress herself only after analyzing her life with Lasse and in relation to the fact they have the child Tet, the main characters of the other movie by Moodysson, Agnes and Elin, begin to experience the difficulties with the understanding of their feelings much earlier, when the girls are in their teens. Thus, this difference in the female characters’ age accentuates the evolution of the women’s attitude to their personal self-actualization which develops from the 1970s till the late 1990s. In Show Me Love, Moodysson pays attention to the girls’ lesbianism as their reaction to the conservatism of the society in which they live, to the traditions and customs of their small town Amal. They are ready to behave provocatively in order to break the false norms which limit their freedoms in expression the feelings and in order to understand themselves as personalities (â€Å"Show Me Love†). It is possible to speak about feminism in Show Me Love as the way to repr esent the changes in the women’s visions of their role in the society. According to the ideas of the movie, women are equal to men even in the situation when both the women and men fight for the other girl’s attention and love. There are no boundaries between the genders which can prevent somebody to fall in love with a person of the same sex. Agnes and Elin act as the young feminists who are free from the social prejudices, and they follow only their own desires and inclinations. They feel the tension of the social morality, but they try to resist it. Lukas Moodysson is successful in his presentation of the girls’ story as the element of the everyday reality.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Reflection of the Second-Wave Feminism in Scandinavia: â€Å"Show Me Love† and â€Å"Together† specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More That is why the world which he depicted is the world of t he further changes in the social rules and norms with references to the position of women which can be discussed as the second wave of feminism. The feminists of the second wave concentrated on those women’s rights which were associated with the distribution of the gender roles within society and with the women’s role in the family. The female characters of Lukas Moodysson’s Together can be considered as the real illustrations for depicting the various aspects of the feminists’ intentions. Thus, Lena and Goran follow the ideas of the open relationships. Moreover, Lena concentrates on this ideology more enthusiastically in comparison with Goran’s viewpoint because she sees a kind of freedom in following this style of living (â€Å"Together†). It is important that the society was always more patient to the men’s addicting to the idea of open relationship. That is why Lena’s thoughts about this question are discussed as rather pro vocative. In this case, her character can be perceived as the embodiment of the feminists’ position according to the women’s role in the family with references to their sexuality. Nevertheless, Lena’s attitude to the open relationships can also be analyzed as the exaggeration of the feminists’ intentions to be equal to men in all the fields not only of social but also of their personal life. Elizabeth, the sister of Goran, is the illustration of the woman who is not afraid of breaking the relations with her husband in spite of the social opinion. Elizabeth cannot bear the quarrels with her husband and decides to escape from such a life going to the commune in which her brother lives. However, in spite of the fact that this woman is rather decisive in her actions, she differs from those people and those women who live in the commune. Elizabeth can be discussed as the typical housewife, whose sense of life is her family and her children’s bringing up , but the situation changed, and now the young woman learns the peculiarities of the other way of living. Thus, Elizabeth is not a feminist in the typical sense of this word because she is used to live with her husband and according to the laws of the ‘men’s’ world. Nevertheless, living in the commune where people mostly speak about their freedom in all the senses, this woman seems to share these people’s points of view on the problem of the equality and liberty of men and women.Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Comparing Show Me Love and Together directed by Lukas Moodysson, it is possible to conclude that he uses the notion of lesbianism in his movies as the way to emphasize the women’s new approach to their personal freedom. From this point, the social challenge provided by the lesbians’ behavior is associated with the challenges which were accentuated by the feminists. Thus, Agnes and Elin are depicted as lesbians in order to present their strong reactions to the ordinary everyday life in a usual small town where people are dependent on their biases. However, the girls cannot be discussed as the real feminists because their visions are based only on the idea of the personal freedom. Nevertheless, they also focus on the differences between the boys and girls and accentuate the coming tendency of paying no attention to the sex or gender, but to see the personality. In Together, the main feminist who is illustrated with the help of the image of Anna is a lesbian who is rather direct in presenting her challengeable visions of the situations and many social aspects. Thus, her lesbianism is the reflection of the notion of the women’s freedom on which the second wave of feminism depends. At first sight, the problem of feminism cannot be discussed as the main topic of such movies as Show Me Love (1998) and Together (2000) which are directed by Lukas Moodysson. Nevertheless, with focusing on the peculiarities of Moodysson’s depicting the main female characters in these movies, it is possible to speak about the author’s personal reflection on the aspects of the second wave of feminism in his works. The sensitive story about the love of two girls which is described in Show Me Love seems to have few similarities with the story about the life in the commune of the 1970s which is depicted in Together. However, the main concepts of feminism which can be summarized as the freedom and equality are analyzed in the both movies with references to po rtraying the women’s provocative attitude to their liberty, sexuality, and the role in the family. Works Cited Show Me Love (Fucking Amal) 1998. Video file. 05 June 2012. Web. Together (Tillsammans) 2000. Video file. 05 June 2012. Web. This essay on The Reflection of the Second-Wave Feminism in Scandinavia: â€Å"Show Me Love† and â€Å"Together† was written and submitted by user Russell Woodard to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.