Thursday, October 31, 2019

Assessment 2 (6 assignment into 1) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Assessment 2 (6 assignment into 1) - Essay Example The formula for computing surface area of pyramids shall be provided, with the teacher demonstrating how to substitute values in the formula. The students will be given exercises to practice computing for surface area of pyramids which will be checked as a class at the end of the lesson. the concept of solid shapes and their surface areas. They should be aware that there are formulae to be followed in computing for the surface areas of various shapes and know how to substitute values and finding missing values using the formula. The Lateral Area is surprisingly simple. Just multiply the perimeter by the side length and divide by 2. This is because the sides are always triangles and the triangle formula is base times height divided by 2 Using the formula: 1/2 Ãâ€" Perimeter Ãâ€" [Side Length] + [Base Area]. The teacher illustrates to the class how to use the formula and substitute the necessary values on the blackboard, then does a few exercises with some students she may call on. Later on, students are grouped according to their abilities, given various number problems to solve for the surface areas of various pyramids. Kozioff, et al (2000) contends that the teacher can more easily monitor the progress of the students when they work in smaller groups with more or less the same guidance needs. Killen (2003) emphasized the need to practice students’ newfound skills and in this particular case, it is the computation of the surface area of a pyramid following a prescribed formula. At the end of the session, everyone comes together to compare their answers. It will be necessary to call on students to demonstrate on the blackboard how they came up with their answers to check if they followed the correct proced ure in using the formula. Should there be errors, the teacher throws the question to the class as to where it went wrong, but if students cannot figure it out, then she shows

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 31

Economics - Essay Example This creates a surplus or supply excess as the demand for the product is low, so consumers do not have to compete for the product. Because of the fact that the product is not in high demand, and competition between consumers is low, the prices will be lowered in order to make the product more attractive to consumers. 2. Inflation affects people’s standard of living and savings in a rather negative way. Inflation is basically a term which indicates an increase in the price of goods and services. In general, inflation occurs within a market as a whole, so the entire economy tends to be impacted. Peoples standard of living is severely affected because their money does not go as far as it once did. This is especially true in an economy with high unemployment and no cost of living increases for their income. Therefore, as prices grow higher, people have to stretch their dollar for daily necessities such as groceries, water, electricity, etc. Therefore, many families have to forgo certain things that are deemed to be luxuries in order to survive, which lowers their daily standard of life. According to an article entitled, â€Å"Consequences of Inflation,† savings are affected because â€Å"inflation leads to a rise in the general price level so that money loses its value†(Riley). This means that the money in a person’s bank account is worth less due to inflation. In addition, inflation â€Å"lead(s) to negative real interest rates†(Riley). So, if a person has their money in a bank account that is supposed to gain interest, they are actually going to be losing money as the interest rates are negative. 3. A stock is defined as a security or assurance for an individual or business that allows a person or company to have a certain percentage of ownership in the profits or assets of a specific product, business, or company. The benefits associated with purchasing

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Data Center Energy Efficiency Information Technology Essay

The Data Center Energy Efficiency Information Technology Essay Research green computing and projects that have been done or are being done by large organizations such as IBM, Dell, HP, and Google. See and similar sites provided on the companion web site or that you find yourself. Include your definition of green computing to including all of the topics listed in the background scenario. Describe each of these areas of green computing, including a detailed example of how at least one organization has implemented each one, and investigate the return on investment. Summarize your results in a two- to three-page paper, citing at least three references. What companies are currently implementing projects that involve green computing? Find a few website and discuss what they are implementing and if they include: Green computing, also referred to as Green IT, is the scientific study of efficient and effective designing, manufacturing, using, disposing, and recycling of computers and computer related products like servers, network systems, communication systems, monitors, USBs, printers, etc. (Kocherps, 2010). Kocherps describes the four paths to green computing that would help preserve natural resources and reduce the impact on the environment: Reducing energy consumption of computers and other related products as well a using them in an efficient manner. Refurbishing and reusing old computers as well as properly disposing and recycling unwanted computers and other equipment. Designing energy efficient and environmentally sound computers and accessories. Manufacturing computers and components with minimal effect on the evnrionrment (2010). There are several applications of Green computing available, which are explained below: Data Center Energy Efficiency Data center and overall energy efficiency refers to the energy consumption. According to a survey conducted in 2009, 44% of survey respondents have seen an increase in their power bills for their data centers, which is up from 36% the previous year who did not pay much attention (Stansberry, 2009). Fontecchio (2010) wrote that the Federal Government and other major industry groups are on developing widely accepted stands for measuring a data centers energy efficiency. Fontecchio also mentions that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) are working with six data center industry groups to standardize data center efficiency metrics (2010). Electronic Waste and Recycling The disposal of electronic waste and recycling refers to proper disposal of used computer equipment and other electronics devices. Many government sponsored programs and manufacturers have extensive online information that details how their recycling is handled (Holcombe, 2007). Hewlett- Packard (HP) is one of many companies that takes environmental issues seriously and provides solutions where businesses and consumers can donate, trade-in, recycle, or return for cash their used computer equipment (HP, 2010). Telecommuting Telecommuting is a popular benefit wherein employees perform work for a company but not physically be in the business location. This is one way that businesses are becoming more greener and lowering their office space expense (Sanchez, 2008). Office space expense can include heating, air conditioning, electricity Virtual Server Resources Virtualization of server resources Thin Client Solutions Thin client solutions Open Source Software Use of opens source software, and Software Development Development of new software to address green computing for internal use and potential sale to other organizations.,8,0,95093168,762624170,1271850709,,21878626,4381927447 Weighted Decision Matrix Prepare a weighted decision matrix using the template from the companion web site (wtd_decision_matrix.xls) for Ben to use to evaluate people applying to be the project manager for this important project. Develop at least five criteria, assign weights to each criterion, assign scores, and then calculate the weighted scores for four fictitious people. Print the spreadsheet and bar chart with the results. Write a one-page paper describing this weighted decision matrix and summarize the results. This Weighted Decision Matrix (Exhibit A) was designed to assist in selecting the appropriate candidate for the Project (or Project) Manager position. Different projects require different skills. As such, Ive created a matrix that lists seven of the most important skills required for successful completion of this project: Analytical Skills Microsoft Access Visual Basic Programming Written and Oral Communication Microsoft Office Excel Attendance Productivity Each criteria is given a weight percentage based on importance, the highest being 25% and the lowest being 10%. The combination of these weights equal 100%. After reviewing all of the resumes and past employee evaluations, the next four columns contained applicants best qualified for the Project Manager position. Ann and Danielle are existing employees within the company, and Stanley and Lisa are outside applicants applying for the position. On a scale from 1 to 100 (100 being the highest and best qualified), each application was given a rating based on their past or current experiences and skills. As you can see from the results, Ann is clearly the better of all candidates scoring 90 points in five of the 7 criteria, and 70 in the remaining two criteria, bring her average criteria score to 85. It is my recommendation that you consider Ann for the position of Project Manager. Business Case and Financial Prepare the financial section of a business case for the Green Computing Research Project. Assume this project will take six months to complete (done in Year 0) and cost $500,000, and costs to implement some of the technologies would be $2,000,000 for year one and $600,000 for years two and three. Estimated benefits are $500,000 the first year after implementing and $2.5 million the following two years. Use the business case spreadsheet template from the companion web site (business_case_financials.xls) to help calculate the NPV, ROI, and year in which payback occurs. Assume a 7 percent discount rate, but make sure it is an input that is easy to change. Project Charter Prepare a project charter for the Green Computing Research Project. Assume the project will take six months to complete and the budget is $500,000. Use the project charter template (charter.doc) and examples of project charters in Chapters 3 and 4 as guidelines. Assume that part of the approach is to select a project team as quickly as possible. Change Request Since people will request changes to the project, you want to make sure you have a good integrated change control process in place. You will also want to address change requests as quickly as possible. Review the template for a change request form provided on the companion Website (change_request.doc.) Write a two-page paper describing how you plan to manage changes on this project in a timely manner. Address who will be involved in making change control decisions, what paperwork or electronic systems will be used to collect and respond to changes, and other related issues. Appendix __ is an example of the Change Request Form which will be submitted by each individual associated with the project who wishes to make changes thereof. The process for submission, evaluating, and executing such request will be explained below. The Change Request (CR) form is a web form that needs to be submitted in order to make any change to the project that is not listed in the Project Charter, the Project Business Case, or the Work Breakdown Structure. The requestor must fill out section 1 in its entirety. Below is a description of the fields that must be completed: Requestor Name This field will be automatically filled in using the username of the individual logged into the Active Directory. Project Name and Number This field is required to identify the correct project and to electronically notify the correct Project Manager. Type of CR Indicate whether this change is an enhancement or defect. Brief Description of Change Briefly describe the nature of the change, such as the correct data is not being abstracted. Date Submitted date of submission. Date Required date that the change should be completed by. Priority Level -Select either Low, Medium, High, or Mandatory level. All request levels will be reviewed within 5 business days, however, all request marked Mandatory or high will be analyze before all others regardless of date of submission. Reason for Change: Attachments or References: Approval Signature and Date digital signature of the requestor will be captured with the current date. After all required sections are complete, a submit button will electronically be submitted to the program manager assigned to the project name and number entered on the form. An acknowledgement will be sent to the requestor when the form is submitted successfully. The Program Manager assigned to the project will be notified via email that a change request was submitted and will receive a link to the form. The Program Manager will then complete Section 2 Initial Analysis. The Project Manager will determine the impact of the change regarding hours, duration, schedule, and cost. The Project Managers recommendation will be entered and the request will be forwarded to the Change Control Board for their final decision. Electronic notification will be submitted to the Requestor indicating that the request has been submitted to the Board for final review. The Board will notify all parties regarding their final decision within 48 hours. The Boards final decision will now become a part of the projects history. 2. PROJECT SCOPE MANAGEMENT Define Project Scope Management here. 2.1 Requirements Matrix Document requirements for your project so far, including a requirements traceability matrix. Use the template provided (reqs_matrix.xls). Also include a list of questions you would like to ask the sponsor about the scope. Develop a scope statement for the project using the templates provided (scope_statement.doc). Be a specific as possible in describing product characteristics and deliverables. Make assumptions as needed, assuming you got answers to the questions you had in Task 1. Develop a work breakdown structure (WBS) for the project. Break down the work to level 3 or level 4, as appropriate. Use the template on the companion Web site (wbs.doc) and sam0ples in the text as guides. Print the WBS in list form as a Word file. Be sure to base your WBS on the project scope statement, stake holder requirements, and other relevant information. Remember to include the work involved in selecting the rest of your project team and outside resources as well as coordinating with the Environmental Technologies Program. Use the project management process groups as level 2 WBS items or include project management as a level 2 WBS item to make sure you include work related to managing the project. Use the WBS you developed in Task 3 above to create a Gantt chart for the project in Microsoft Project 2007. Use the outline numbering feature to display the outline numbers (click Tools on the menu bar, click Options, and then click Show outline number). Do not enter any durations or dependencies. Print the resulting Gantt chart on one page, being sure to display the entire Task Name column. 3. PROJECT TIME MANAGEMENT Define Project Time Management here. 3.1 Schedule Review the WBS and Gantt chart you created for Tasks 3 and 4 in Part 2. Propose three t five additional activities you think should be added to help you estimate resources and durations. Write a one-page paper describing these new activities. Identify at least four milestones for this project. Write a one-page paper describing each milestone using the SMART criteria. Using the Gantt chart created for Task 4 in Part 2, and the new activities and milestones you proposed in Tasks 1 and 2 above, estimate the task durations and enter dependencies as appropriate. Remember that your schedule goal for the project is six months. Print the Gantt chart and network diagram. Write a one-page paper summarizing how you would assign people to each activity. Include a table or matrix listing how many hours ea h person would work on each task. These resource assignments should make sense given the duration estimates made in Task 3 above. Assume that your project team starts falling behind schedule. In several cases, it is difficult to find detailed information on some of the green computing technologies, especially financial data. You know that it is important to meet or beat the six-month schedule goal, but quality is most important. Describe contingency strategies for making up lost time and avoiding schedule slips in the future. 4. PROJECT COST MANAGEMENT Define Project Cost Management here. . 5. PROJECT QUALITY MANAGEMENT Define project Quality Management here.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Free Essays - Holy Feast and Holy Fast and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight :: Sir Gawain Green Knight Essays

Forbidden Fruit in Holy Feast and Holy Fast and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight  Ã‚  Ã‚   The forbidden fruit, its properties, and its affects, has vast ramifications within the ethics of the women in Holy Feast and Holy Fast. as well as those of the characters portrayed in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 2. Perhaps the connection is less obvious with Gawain. It must be realized that this story contains multi-leveled metaphors which approach modern literature in their complexity. Argument will be made that Gawain betrays an isomorphism with Eden's tale. The author's attitude toward the fruit and perhaps toward fasting will become evident. Bynum's incisive argument has been extremely helpful in this analysis of Gawain; but, with respect to medieval women she has surprisingly little to say about Eve and the Tree. Although this neglect is regrettable, it is not fatal. This paper will tend to support the major theses of Holy Fast. The people described by these authors did not dwell inordinately on any essential weakness of women. It is hoped that this refocusing on the forbid den fruit will help us to see more clearly their perspectives. The isomorphism of Gawain with the story of Eden can be demonstrated only after the stage is set. It may be helpful to think of this isomorphism as a kind of image or reflection. This puts it squarely within the realm of neoplatonic forms. Medieval nobility, often well versed in neoplatonic thought, would be quick to point out that Arthur, the king is a lesser image of God and that his court is a reflection of the heavenly host. This assertion is not without textual support. Happiest of mortal kind King noblest famed of will You would now go far to find So hardy a host on a hill. (2) Presently, the Green Knight rides in. He mirrors Lucifer in God's court, and more; He is full of slander (7:315). He is described in titanic imagery (4:140, 9:390), which was commonly attributed to the anti-christ. The Round Table cannot abide this affront to the King so Gawain, with Guenevere's permission, steps in to intercede. Here Gawain is like Christ or Michael, going out to battle the dragon. He severs his head. Gawain is full of reversals and inversions. This is consistent with the neoplatonic model since Arthur's court is a lesser image. Later, we will present Bynum's views on this point.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Berkshire Hathaway Essay

ISSUES Warren Buffet invoked the substance-over-form concept to justify accounting for the GEICO and General Foods transactions as dividends distributions rather than sales of stock. Do you agree with Buffet that the substance of each of the proportionate redemptions was a dividend and not a sale of stock? In deciding how to account for an unusual or unique transaction for financial reporting purposes, should one consider the tax treatment applied to the transaction? Did Peat Marwick have a right to change its position on the proper accounting treatment for the stock redemptions? What factor or factors may have been responsible for Peat Marwick’s decision to change its position regarding these transactions? FACTS In 1983, GEICO announced plans to purchase several million shares of its outstanding common stock for $60 per share. Among GEICO’s largest stockholders was Berkshire Hathaway, Inc., an investment company. Executives of the two companies decided that Berkshire would tender approximately 350,000 if its GEICO shares in the stock buyback plan, which would allow Berkshire to treat the transaction as a proportionate redemption. In a proportionate redemption, the percentage equity interest of on company in a second company is maintained at the level that existed immediately before the transaction. For federal taxation purposes, the proceeds received by the investor company in a proportionate redemption are taxed as dividends by applying the effective intercorporate dividend tax rate. In 1983, that tax rate was approximately 6.9 percent. Berkshire also chose to treat the proceeds from the redemption of the GEICO stock as dividend income in its 1983 financial statements. Berkshire’s audit firm, Marwick, Mitchell & Company, approved that accounting treatment. In 1984, another company in which Berkshire had a significant equity interest,  General Foods, announced a stock buyback plan. Again, Berkshire structured the sale of stock to General Foods so that the transaction qualified as a proportionate redemption. Berkshire also opted to report the proceeds received from General Foods as dividend income in its 1984 financial statements. In late 1984, representatives of Peat Marwick told Berkshire executives that the proceeds of the General Foods stock redemption should not be considered dividend income for financial reporting purposes. Instead, Peat Marwick maintained that the transaction should be recorded as a sale of stock with the difference between the selling price and cost reported as a capital gain on Berkshire’s income statement. This treatment of the transaction was less favorable for financial reporting purposes that the option preferred by Berkshire since it did not allow the total proceeds received from General Foods to be reported as revenue. Peat Marwick’s recommendation annoyed Berkshire’s executives. The accounting firm’s next decision irritated those executives even more. Marwick insisted that Berkshire restate its 1983 financial statements to reflect the GECICO stock redemption as a sale of stock rather than as a dividend distribution. Warren Buffet, Berkshire’s CEO, discussed the GEICO and General Foods stock redemption at length in his company’s 1984 annual report. Buffet disputed Peat Marwick’s contention that the transactions should be treated as sales of stock and not as dividend distributions. He then explained why he eventually agreed to accept the audit firm’s position by saying â€Å"†¦to avoid a qualified auditor’s opinion, we have adopted Peat Marwick’s 1984 view and restated 1983 accordingly.† Buffet as confirmed that Marwick’s decision had no effect on Berkshire’s business with GEICO or General Foods, their cash, taxes, and market value and tax basis of our holdings all remain the same. However, treating the General Foods transaction as a sale of stock reduced Berkshire’s 1984 net income by 8 percent. Applying that accounting treatment to the 1983 GEICO transaction reduced Berkshire’s previously reported net income for 19 83 by 1 percent. The Wall Street Journal reported the disagreement between Berkshire  executives and Peat Marwick that evolved from the proportionate redemption transactions. When asked to comment on Buffet’s criticism of Peat Marwick in his company’s 1984 annual report, a Peat Marwick partner simply noted, â€Å"It’s the client’s prerogative to disagree. Our report speaks for itself.† Another prerogative of an audit client is to change auditors. In 1985, Berkshire retained Touche Ross & Company to audit its financial statements. As required by the Securities and Exchange Commission, Berkshire filed an 8-K statement with that federal agency to disclose the change in auditors. In that statement, Berkshire reported it was â€Å"dissatisfied† with Peat Marwick’s inconsistency regarding the proper accounting treatment for stock redemptions. AUTHORITY/ANALYSIS The substance over form accounting concept means that the economic substance of transactions and events must be recorded in the financial statements rather than just their legal form in order to present a true and fair view of the affairs of the entity. Preparers of the financial statements should use their judgment when employing the substance over form concept, which helps to derive the business sense from the transactions and events and to present them in a manner that best reflects their true essence. In some instances the legal aspects of transactions and events may have to be disregarded in order to provide more useful and relevant information to the users of financial statements. The concept of substance over form is imperative to the representation and reliability of information contained in the financial statements. A proportionate stock redemption is a transaction in which ownership interests are redeemed proportionate to the total shares outstanding. As a result, each shareholder owns the same percentage of the company after the redemption as before. Buffet was justified in recording each of the proportionate redemptions as a dividend and not as a sale of stock, because although GEICO and General Foods repurchased their stocks, Berkshire still maintained the same percentage of equity interest as it did before the transaction. Also, Buffet followed federal taxation purposes, which stated  that the proceeds received by the investor company in a proportionate redemption are taxed as dividends; therefore the transaction was recorded as dividends not sale of stock. By placing the responsibility on the preparers of the financial statements to actively consider the economic reality of transactions and events to be reflected in the financial statements, it will be more difficult for the preparers to justify the accounting of transactions in a manner that does fairly reflect the substance of the situation. According to the PCAOB’s AU Section 316.66, â€Å"†¦the auditor may become aware of significant transactions that are outside the normal course of business for the entity, or that otherwise appear to be unusual given the auditor’s understanding of the entity and its environment. The auditor should gain an understanding of the business rationale for such transactions and whether that rational (or the lack thereof) suggests that the transactions may have been entered into to engage in fraudulent financial reporting or conceal misappropriation of assets.† (PCAOB, 2002) AU Section 314.21 states that the auditors’ understanding of the entity and its environment consists of an understanding of several aspects, including industry, regulatory, and other external factors (PCAOB, 2002). Taxation would be an example of the regulatory aspect; therefore, one should consider the tax treatment when deciding how to account for unusual transactions. In the case of Berkshire Hathaway, Inc., since the IRS considers proportionate redemptions to be equivalent to dividend distributions, and the proceeds from the repurchasing of stock are taxed as dividends; to ensure consistency, the transaction should have been recorded as dividends. The PCAOB states that the auditor should recognize an adjustment to correct a misstatement in previously issued financial statements to ensure the company’s financial statements remain consistent in the auditor’s report, especially if the matter has a material effect on the financial statements (PCAOB, AU 508.16, 2004). Since Peat Marwick was the auditing firm, it had the right to change its position on the proper accounting treatment for the stock redemptions, and since Berkshire wanted to preserve the unqualified  opinion, the company complied with the auditors. In order for Peat Marwick to maintain its reputation as professional auditors and providing quality audits, the firm decided it was in their best interest to record the GEICO and General Foods transactions as sales of stock by Berkshire, rather than as the receipt of dividends. Under this accounting approach, a portion of the cost of the Berkshire’s investment in the stock of each company would be charged against the redemption payment and any gain would be reported as a capital gain, not as dividend income. This is an accounting approach only, having no bearing on taxes; although, Peat Marwick agreed that the transactions were dividends for IRS purposes. Since the change in accounting treatment reduced Berkshire’s net income by 1% and 8% in 1983 and 1984, respectively, Peat Marwick might have deemed this as material and thought it was necessary to correct the way the transactions were recorded. According to the PCAOB, in evaluating consistency of financial statements, the auditor should evaluate a change in accounting principle to determine whether: the newly adopted accounting principle under GAAP, the method of accounting for the effect of the change is in conformity with GAAP, the disclosures related to the accounting change are adequate, and the company has justified that the alternative accounting principle is preferable (PCAOB, AU 508.17A, 2004). Any of these factors may have been responsible for Peat Marwick’s decision to change its position regarding these transactions. Although recording the stock redemption as a dividend complied with taxation rules under the IRS, it may not have been in accordance with GAAP. Berkshire may not have justified that recording the stock redemption as a dividend was preferable. Although it was preferable to Berkshire, because total proceeds from General Foods would have been reported as revenue, increasing Berkshire’s net income; it may not have been preferable to all the users of Berkshire’s financial statements, because net income would have been over stated. Lastly, in Berkshire’s letter to its shareholders, it stated that the GEICO and General Foods transactions were â€Å"virtually† identical, except  that General Foods repurchased its stock over a period of time in the open market, whereas GEICO had made a â€Å"one-shot† tender offer. In the General Foods case we sold to the company, on each day that it repurchased shares, but left Berkshire’s ownership percentage unchanged. Maybe this difference triggered Peat Marwick to look back into the stock redemption, where they found discrepancies with the accounting treatments and recommended that Berkshire make adjustments to report the transactions appropriately. RECOMMENDATIONS/CONCLUSIONS After Berkshire’s 1984 audit, the company released Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Company as its auditing firm. Berkshire reported that it was â€Å"dissatisfied† with Peat Marwick’s inconsistency regarding the proper accounting treatment for stock redemption. Corporate non-liquidating distributions to shareholders are usually treated as dividends income; however, distributions that qualify as stock redemptions are treated the same as a sale of stock by the investor to the investee. Therefore, capital gain treatment normally results. Corporate shareholders prefer stock redemptions to be treated as dividend income, because corporate shareholders received the benefits of the dividends, which are deductible and in most cases escape taxation. Qualifying stock redemption results in capital gains that are fully taxable at the corporation’s highest marginal rate. Warren Buffet employed the substance over form concept while accounting for Berkshire’s stock redemption transactions. Since the IRS considers proportionate redemptions to be equivalent to dividend distributions and are taxed accordingly, Buffet justified the accounting treatment used to record these truncations. References

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Bismark Attack Paper

Bismarck exemplifies the best in effective leadership. While his methods may have been temporarily distasteful, his successful ends for Germany more than justified his means to achieve them. (ATTACK) Otto Von Bismarck spent 10 years working for at united Germany in an attempt to shift the balance of power in Europe. He was once quoted as saying â€Å"People don t make nations, strong leaders and wars do†, and he was more than willing to sacrifice his fellow Germans for his vision of a powerful Germany.Even with the great idea to bring Germany together, I believe it was the farthest example of the best in effective leadership. In fact based on the video and research I believe Bismarck used blackmail and temper tantrums to get his way which is not the mark Of a great and powerful leader. When the King of Prussia asked Bismarck to be his Prime Minister, he wanted Bismarck to unite all Germans under one power, and one crown. He had a parliament that wouldn't pay their military and needed a way to get allGermans from the Saxons, Bavarian and Hessians to unite and become a stronger county. Bismarck believed he was being led by God to bring all of Germany together. This to me sounds very Hitler-issue and very much like someone who is going to step on everyone in his path to get what he wants. He attacked Denmark and then Austria, even though the King of Prussia was against it. While see where his thought process was, and why he attacked to unite his country, the King was very hesitant to have â€Å"Germans shooting at Germans†.After the wars, Bismarck had what he wanted as far as national pride and Germans having a sense of country and dedication to the father land. This is where his effectiveness as a leader ends. The Prime Minister then decided to provoke France into a war. He wanted to make sure no one would try and intervene in German affairs and bring some of the smaller German states out of the nation as a whole. He then adds insult to injury by su ggesting a German prince become the new ruler of Spain, which France vehemently denied.Bismarck had become so power angry and now longer concerned with German affairs that he was blinded to what was going on. There was no need to provoke the French into a war for pointless gains. Bismarck had no need for the French territory but was more concerned with himself and his legacy than his people. Being out only for himself and provoking other countries needlessly is by no means an effective leader much less a great one.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Beauty and the Beast (Beast POV) Essays

Beauty and the Beast (Beast POV) Essays Beauty and the Beast (Beast POV) Paper Beauty and the Beast (Beast POV) Paper he added. l will not let you die but for one condition, bring your daughter here, I said. The merchant promised me that he will bring her lovely daughter in my castle. That night, I started to wonder how she looks. I think she has a silky black hair, kissable red lips, flawless fair color and rosy cheeks, I told to myself as I am having my daydream. I cant Walt to see her actually. I wanted to meet her for I know that she has a good heart like her father. Can she accept me? Can she love me? Theres so many questions on my mind. But one thing I know for sure, I want her in my life. Its not my intention to imprison her, but asking his father to bring her to Hello Anybody home? I am awaken by a very sweet voice coming from the hallway. As if a nightingale is singing. Alas, I forgot that today is the coming of my visitor! I rushed to fixed myself. I am getting excited! I put on my best robe and wear my best shoes. Now, I am ready. What are you doing here? I asked the young lady. Oh well, I am here because of my fathers promise, she replied. She is so lovely. Shes more than I thought in my dreams. I cant take away my eyes on her as she speaks. Muff will stay here, I said. Days passed, and my feelings gets stronger for her. It was so amazing how she captured my heart. At first, she refused to talk to me. I understand her. I have this monster awful head. Theres always a silence between us. But it changed. We always have a conversation now. I enjoyed her company that lead me to make my most precious decision in life: to ask her for marriage. Above me, the stars were out in full, and air was fresh with the earthy scent. I went to Belle, and held her hand. As we watched the glazing stars like specks of silver paint on a canvas, I decided to ask her. I kneeled and said, will you be mine forever? I know two things might happen: its either she will say miss, or I will receive a No. And the latter broke my heart. Life goes onthats what I believe. One day, I decided to give her a present. l want to give this to you. I know that you miss your family a lot. You can see and talk to them through this magic mirror, I said. She was surprised, I saw it on her eyes. The truth is, I felt a little awkwardness that morning. What a strange feeling! I cant speak to her, maybe because Im still broken. After few days, Belle talked to me. l need to see my father. She was crying hardly. My father is ill. He needs to see me. I never wanted to see her crying. So, I allowed her to visit her father but leaving a promise that she will come back after seven days. I became weak and lonely after she left. I truly changed a lot. I know it. And it is because of her. I appreciated everything I have because of her. I became contented and most of all, I learned how to love. Not only her, but others and myself as well. The days flashed past, and shes still not coming back. l need her back or else, I will die, I told myself. For seven days, I lived in a melancholic way. Until the terrible night has come My time has come. Dont die! Dont die! Ill marry you At these words, a miracle took place. I was revived and my ugly snout turned magically into the face of a handsome young man. How Eve been waiting for this moment! I said with Joy. l was under a curse and suffering in silence, and couldnt tell my frightful secret. An evil witch turned me to a monster and only the genuine love of a maiden willing to accept me for who I am will break the curse. And let me transform back to my real self. I never gave up my feelings for you, for I hope one day you will realize that you can love me too And I was right, I added. Can I held your hand? I asked her. Of course, she replied. For the second time around, now with all my heart, will you be mine forever? Once upon a time Len a faraway castle, there I live. I have a huge house that is now filled with happiness and love. For a long time, I am living alone. Yes, I am alone before, but not today. I now have my family that composes of my lovely wife and our children. No one wished to be with me, cared for me, and loved me until Belle came to my life. I am hopeless before, until I met my princess and we proved that fairy tales do come true.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Darkling Thrush Essay Example

The Darkling Thrush Essay Example The Darkling Thrush Paper The Darkling Thrush Paper In the poem The Darkling Thrush, nature has a predominantly negative effect on the poet. It makes him feel depressed and isolated. Towards the end of the poem the poets mood lifts when he sees an aged thrush, frail, gaunt, and small, chirping. In the poem Neutral Tones nature is portrayed in a negative way, however, in this poem nature reflects how the poets relationship is failing rather than effects how he is feeling. In The Darkling Thrush the title begins to paint a negative picture. The word Darkling means, shrouded in darkness. Neutral Tones also refers to colour in its title. The word Neutral implies blandness and colourless emotions. There is a link between the two poems as both colours are unappealing and are surrounded by a dull negative aura. Throughout the poem The Darkling Thrush there is a sense of emptiness, desolation and loneliness, this also applies to Neutral Tones. The poet uses lots of effective language to convey this. In stanza one, Hardy talks about how all mankind that haunted nigh / Had sought their household fires. This enhances the contrast between the barren outdoors and the warm and inviting households. This also emphasises his loneliness and isolation compared to the rest of mankind. The land is portrayed as barren when the poet mentions The tangled bine stems scored the sky like strings of broken lyres, The stems of climbing plants remind the poet of strings of an old musical instrument. The fact that the poet mentions that the lyres are broken, implies that there is no sound therefore the land is empty and desolate. This effective metaphor paints a picture of how the poet is feeling. The poet uses pathetic fallacy to match the barren landscape to how the poet feels. The wind his death lament encourages the reader to picture an empty landscape where only the sound of the wind is to be heard, whistling a funeral song in mourning of the death of nature. The poet uses a lot of language associated with death to convey how his positive emotions and feelings have died. Hardy uses an effective extended metaphor using the theme of death to convey how his hope has died: The ancient pulse of germ and birth Was shrunken hard and dry, And every spirit upon the earth Seemed fervourless as I. This metaphor also adds to the desolation of the area, the word pulse refers to life which in this case is no where to be seen, the land is dead. Hardy uses some examples of religious language. He compares the landscape to religious things to convey his search for faith. He uses the word soul and evensong and carolling to describe different aspects of the surroundings. Towards the end of the poem it becomes apparent that the poets mood has lifted. The religious language enhances the fact that the poets mood has lifted and adds a hopeful note. Words such as joy and ecstatic add a hopeful note. In stanza one frost has a capital F and in stanza five Hope has a capital H this draws the readers attention to the poets change of mood. In the poem Neutral Tones nature reflects how the poet is feeling. The poet describes how the sun was white, as though chidden of God, this portrays the sun to be weak, in the poem The Darkling Thrush we also see a weak sun it is metaphorically called, The weakening eye of day. This shows how Hardys relationship with his partner like the sun, is weak and failing. Like the poem The Darkling Thrush, Neutral Tones also has language associated with death to convey the fact that his relationship is dying. The word ash depicts how his relationship is metaphorically going to burn out. The ominous bird portrays how the relationship was doomed from the start and was surrounded by a bad omen. This is a contrast to The Darkling Thrush as the little bird in it brings joy to the poet. In the poem Neutral Tones there are several colours used throughout the poem, in relation to the landscape, such as ash, gray and white, all of which are dull and bland depicting how the poet feels about his relationship. In Neutral Tones the pond represents how the relationship is still, without ripples and nothing flowing. The starving sod, which is emphasised through alliteration, portrays how the relationship is slowly dying, has no nourishment and is no longer fruitful. To conclude, the bird in both poems is of great significance. The bird in The Darkling Thrush although so old and frail has some underlying blessed Hope, which the poet doesnt have, yet longs for. The poet conveys that a spiritual force is behind the birds carolling: So little cause for carollings Of such ecstatic sound Was written on terrestrial things Afar or nigh around, The birds beautiful singing contrasts with its bleak surroundings. The bird in Neutral Tones is an ominous bird. Therefore, this bird is a contrast to the thrush. Through use of effective language the poet has conveyed in both poems how nature can both reflect and affect someones feelings.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Word Choice Exhort vs. Extort - Proofread My Paper

Word Choice Exhort vs. Extort - Proofread My Paper Word Choice: Exhort vs. Extort â€Å"Exhort† and â€Å"extort† are both verbs (i.e., action words) and similarly spelled, but neither is a word often used on a daily basis. This makes it easy to confuse them if you’re not careful. But these terms also have very different meanings, so using the wrong one in your written work would be unfortunate. To make sure this doesn’t happen, keep the following in mind. Exhort (Encourage or Urge) If you â€Å"exhort† someone to do something, you’re encouraging or urging them to follow a particular course of action. For instance, as proofreaders, we might say: Typos can look very bad to recruiters, so we exhort you to proofread your resume carefully! A passionate attempt to persuade someone in this way is known as an â€Å"exhortation.† Extort (Obtain via Force or Threats) To â€Å"extort† something is to obtain it via force, coercion, intimidation or threats. For example, we might say that a school bully â€Å"extorts† lunch money from the other children. Extortion is the slippery slope that leads from bullying to organized crime. The adjectival form of this word (i.e., used to describe actions or people that obtain something via force) is â€Å"extortive.† We’d use this term in a sentence like the following: The school bully’s extortive behavior meant she was given detention. The term â€Å"extort† is most commonly used in relation to â€Å"extortion,† which is the crime of using force or threats to extract money from a person or business. Thus, we might say that a gangster or corrupt official has â€Å"extorted† money from his or her victims. Exhort or Extort? As you can see, there’s a big difference between â€Å"exhorting† someone to do something, which implies offering advice, and â€Å"extorting† something, which implies threatening someone. Although extortion could involve exhorting someone to hand over their wallet, if you want to get technical. If you’re still not sure which term is which, it can help to think that â€Å"extortion† is â€Å"extracting† money from someone, and that both of these start with the letters â€Å"ext.† Remember: Exhort = Passionately advise or urge something Extort = Gain something using threats or intimidation

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Advanced HealthCare Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Advanced HealthCare Management - Essay Example the organization and they help in establishing plans through which they effectively cooperate to fulfill the aims of such organizations in the most amicable ways. In health care, teams help in implementing the plans of the institutions they serve so that they offer services that can establish them quality deliverers for the benefit of their clients. Teams that are established in different organizations have different characteristic that produce significant impact on the performance of such at the individual or organizational level (Burns, Bradley & Weiner, 2012). This implies that at to ensure that a team is to produce exemplary results that will trigger the success of the organization; the teams that exist in must have a well focused on the goals. One factor that leads to good performance of a team and consequently improves the productivity of the organization is communication among the team members that are involved in establishing it. Communication ensures that team members are in a position to exchange relevant data among themselves and lead to improvement of the quality of services they offer to clients. In health care, teams ensure that all the people are in a position to supply the information about a specific field of study which turns out to be relevant to the care they give to the people to patients. On the contrary, failure in the communication results to low performance of the team because the members lack the updated information that can be of help in implementing care (Woodcock & Francis, 2008). Another characteristic of a team that has an impact on performance is the diversity that is represented by the team members who work together because they have different backgrounds. The diversity in a team can work for the improvement of a team if they work to bring together knowledge in different fields that will ensure they diversify the perspective of looking at the care. On the other hand, diversity in the group can cause conflicts that can weigh down

Friday, October 18, 2019

Capital Mortgage Insurance Corporation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Capital Mortgage Insurance Corporation - Essay Example Corporate Transfer Services (CTS) is an organization dedicated to the relocation of corporate employees and the real estate functions that are associated with said transfers. The acquisition of this firm would represent a diversification of CMI into a field that would make them a more integrated real estate services company. Discussion Question #1: Prepare a negotiation strategy that can be utilized by Randall and Dolan. What is important for this section is that both Randall and Dolan have found sufficient background information on CTS. Whilst it may be the case that the employee relocation market is big (Estimated at 500,000 relocations annually) What is important to remember is that the company according to the case has â€Å"Barely even reached a break-even point† and that it is only through years of additional work of building up the business can CMI or CTS really recognize a profitable enterprise. Given the stature and experience of the CTS Board, it would seem foolish to take a ‘Hard’ or ‘Soft’ Stance on negotiation as these men (Specifically Elliott Burr) would probably not respond favorably to these strategies. As it is the case that CMI Does not want to pay the $600,000 over the book value of the business and a $400,000 over the book value was offered it is a case of trying to persuade the four CTS executives to meet CMI at a middle ground. As such a â€Å"Principled negotiation strategy† should be employed in which the four stages should be focused on identifying exactly the book value of the firm is, focus on how much CMI wants to build on CTS’ business model, identify that no matter what CTS will be getting a premium on their business and always focus the criteria on objective measures.

Coursework world war 1 what events didworld war 1 cause and what were Essay

Coursework world war 1 what events didworld war 1 cause and what were the short and long term impacts of this war - Essay Example The Germans had to lose a large piece of their lands as their colonial power was dissolved and restrictions on armed forces as well as the war machinery were imposed. The size of the troops was restricted and Germany was not allowed to have an air force. The treaty also held Germany solely guilty for the bloodshed and demanded economic compensation for the damages done during the war. As a result, Germany lost areas of Alsace and Lorraine. Part one of the treaty stated a creation of a universal body that would maintain universal peace and hence the League of Nations was born. League of Nations was formed with an aim to arbiter international disputes and to play an important role in preventing future wars. The treaty of Versailles treaty created a wave of fury and unrest in the entire Germany and played a major role in initiating World War II by lighting the fire of vengeance in the heart of Germans. The end of World War I brought an economic recession in most of the participating cou ntries. The most visible short term impact of the war was inflation of prices, which affected almost every country including America. The countries had to break away from the gold policy and started issuing currency freely, taxes were increased and unavailability of goods became a common issue. As a result, thousands of people went bankrupt and many died at the hands of poverty.

Economic Issue Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Economic Issue - Assignment Example In other words, as competition increases in the market, the cost of labor becomes of essence. Considering that the discriminatory employers would go for particular employees who necessarily do not guarantee the least cost of labor, the result is that their business is likely to have higher labor costs as compared to businesses of non-discriminatory employers. Eventually, labor discrimination will decline as business which discriminate find it hard to operate in a competitive market where cost of labor plays a critical role. Employer discrimination may still persist despite efforts to break down barriers and introduce competition for two main reasons. First, it is almost impractical to create perfectly competitive markets. This is based evidenced by the decade long continuity of labor market discrimination in high-income countries. As regards to developing counties, monopolistic power is quite of essence, which permits indulgence in market discrimination. Secondly, even though competition lives on in virtually all markets, it is not by itself a sufficient reason for the elimination of discrimination. Therefore, market discrimination in a competitive market will still exists as long as all the employers have a taste for

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Creativity and entrepreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Creativity and entrepreneurship - Essay Example The social network studies scholars had claimed that creativity of an individual or a concern is significantly dependent on social networks that are static over time. The static network concepts are basically one network point at a time. Here networks are either described on the basis of their position or strength. However, it should be noted that the precise relationship existing between social network and creativity is not clearly known. Even so, it is believed that creativity of an individual or an organization is a component of social process. At the initial stages it was believed that social networking viewpoint of creativity was only a â€Å"one dimensional static concept† (Perry-Smith and Shalley, 2003). However, over time it is found that the concept can be multidimensional in nature, including both static and dynamic perspectives. Creativity and progress of an organization can only be tackled by its promoters or entrepreneurs. This essay will analyze the most appropri ate approach of social networking perspective of creativity in context of entrepreneurship. The social network perspective has been advocated by Perry-Smith and Shalley (2003), which identifies interpersonal interaction and interpersonal communication as two important antecedents or precursors to creativity. This concept has been previously agreed upon by various scholars such as Amabile (1996) and Woodman, Sawyer and Griffin (1993), proposing that communication of information and ideas enhance creativity. Interpersonal communication has been linked to creativity and knowledge level skills. Similarly, interpersonal interaction includes communication with people across diverse backgrounds, specialization areas and responsibilities (Woodman et al., 1993). Thus, one of the major factors differentiating social network perspective is its dynamic relationship and

Animals for testing the safety of products Research Paper

Animals for testing the safety of products - Research Paper Example An example of Merck, otherwise known as MSD in areas other than USA and Canada, which is a healthcare company known for its research-driven work in pharmaceuticals. Merck came up with a painkiller known as Vioxx and had it approved by the Food and Drugs Administration (F.D.A) basing their approval on clinical trials carried out on animals that indicated the drug was safe. This was despite the fact that previous trials had shown that the drug increased the possibility of heart ailments. The drug was intended for painful menstrual cramps, acute pain and osteoarthritis and in the five year period that it was available, it was responsible for 88,000 to 139,000 heart attacks. This was later explained by the fact that common conditions affecting humans such as diabetes, hypertension and heart ailments are not common with animals. What researchers such as Merck do is simulate these conditions in animals ("Animal Testing Not Reliable† 19).   Opponents of product testing on animals ha ve raised issue with the fact that there are alternatives to animals for the purposes of testing and experimentations. For example, in vitro models that are available commercially and can be reconstructed in three-dimension have been identified as being alternative to animals for toxicology tests in biomedical research. These models are adoptable where tests are carried out to find out the safety of drugs on human organs especially since three-dimension models make it possible to have internal organ models.... This was despite the fact that previous trials had shown that the drug increased the possibility of heart ailments. The drug was intended for painful menstrual cramps, acute pain and osteoarthritis and in the five year period that it was available, it was responsible for 88,000 to 139,000 heart attacks. This was later explained by the fact that common conditions affecting humans such as diabetes, hypertension and heart ailments are not common with animals. What researchers such as Merck do is simulate these conditions in animals ("Animal Testing Not Reliable† 19). Opponents of product testing on animals have raised issue with the fact that there are alternatives to animals for the purposes of testing and experimentations. For example, in vitro models that are available commercially and can be reconstructed in three-dimension have been identified as being alternative to animals for toxicology tests in biomedical research. These models are adoptable where tests are carried out to find out the safety of drugs on human organs especially since three-dimension models make it possible to have internal organ models (Liebsch et al 842-843). There are in vitro tests as well that can be used in place of the Draize test used to measure irritability where one of these tests is applicable to a number of toiletries and cosmetics where the test product is put in with a synthetic fusion that replicates the human eye specifically the living cornea. Following a matching of color gradations, potential irritability is scored and this signifies molecular effects on the tissue (Beatrice 28). Additionally, the deontological view holds that animal interests similar to human interests are not subject to moral weighing.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Creativity and entrepreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Creativity and entrepreneurship - Essay Example The social network studies scholars had claimed that creativity of an individual or a concern is significantly dependent on social networks that are static over time. The static network concepts are basically one network point at a time. Here networks are either described on the basis of their position or strength. However, it should be noted that the precise relationship existing between social network and creativity is not clearly known. Even so, it is believed that creativity of an individual or an organization is a component of social process. At the initial stages it was believed that social networking viewpoint of creativity was only a â€Å"one dimensional static concept† (Perry-Smith and Shalley, 2003). However, over time it is found that the concept can be multidimensional in nature, including both static and dynamic perspectives. Creativity and progress of an organization can only be tackled by its promoters or entrepreneurs. This essay will analyze the most appropri ate approach of social networking perspective of creativity in context of entrepreneurship. The social network perspective has been advocated by Perry-Smith and Shalley (2003), which identifies interpersonal interaction and interpersonal communication as two important antecedents or precursors to creativity. This concept has been previously agreed upon by various scholars such as Amabile (1996) and Woodman, Sawyer and Griffin (1993), proposing that communication of information and ideas enhance creativity. Interpersonal communication has been linked to creativity and knowledge level skills. Similarly, interpersonal interaction includes communication with people across diverse backgrounds, specialization areas and responsibilities (Woodman et al., 1993). Thus, one of the major factors differentiating social network perspective is its dynamic relationship and

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Science Reaction Rate Between an Acid and Metal Investigation Essay Example for Free

Science Reaction Rate Between an Acid and Metal Investigation Essay PROBLEM/RESEARCH QUESTION In this investigation, a controlled experiment will be conducted to determine whether the varying concentration of an acid alters its reaction rate with a metal substance and if so, what is the resultant relationship between the rate of reaction and the concentration of the acid. In particular, we will be reacting Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) with Magnesium metal (Mg) and collect data based on the resultant hydrogen gas produced by the reaction. Word Equation: Magnesium + Sulfuric Acid → Hydrogen gas + Magnesium Sulfate Balanced Equation: Mg (S) + H2SO4 (aq) → MgSo4 (aq) + H2 (g) Research will be formulated by conducting a controlled experiment in which we will react 0. 05g of Magnesium metal ribbons (Mg) with 10mL of four different H2SO4 (Sulfuric Acid) solutions varying in concentration and determine the time it takes for the reaction to produce 20mL of Hydrogen gas with each varying concentration. HYPOTHESIS I hypothesise that as the concentration of the H2SO4 solution increases/strengthens (measured in molarity mass), it will correspond to an increased/quicker rate of reaction with Mg metal. Hence, I also hypothesise that based on the above premise- the 2M solution of H2SO4 would be the quickest to produce 20mL of H2 gas when reacted with magnesium, as it is the strongest of the four concentrations being trialed. My hypothesis is based upon the scientific reasoning that a more concentrated solution has more particles of the altering reactant (in this case H2SO4) present in a specific volume/amount of space than those present in a more dilute solution. Hence, at a higher concentration, particles are more likely to collide and react with one another, forming a larger number of new bonds between the two reactants. The â€Å"Collision Theory† (which summaries the previous sentences) infers that the rate of reaction is impacted by how often molecules collide with one another. This can be applied to my hypothesis to suggest that with the occurrence of more collisions in the reaction- due to a higher percentage of particles in the more concentrated H2SO4 solutions- it will result in the formation of more bonds and hence, lead to a quicker rate of reaction between two reactants, leading to a quicker production of 20mL of H2 gas. Macintosh HD:Users:160161:Desktop:Screen Shot 2015-03-22 at 2.41.05 pm.png VARIABLES The independent variable (the variable being changed): The independent variable is going to be the varying concentration- measured in molarity mass (M)- of Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) solution. Four different concentrations will be trialed- 0.5M, 1.0M, 1.5M and 2.0M- each three times and then averaged out so that we achieve a more accurate result. We will alter this variable by changing the concentration of the H2SO4 solution in order to determine a relationship between the strength of an acid and its rate of reaction with a metal substance (in this case: Magnesium metal). The different concentrations have been prepared in the laboratory before the experiment and hence, we do not have to self-prepare the concentrations in class. The dependent variable (the variable being measured): The dependent variable is going to be the varying rate of reaction between a magnesium metal ribbon (Mg) and different concentrations of sulfuric acid (H2SO4). In particular, we will measure and record the time taken by the reaction to produce 20 mL of hydrogen gas in an inverted measuring cylinder. This will indicate the rate at which each concentration reacts and allow us to draw conclusions on how altering the concentration affects the rate of reaction between an acid solution and metal substance. We will measure this variable through the application of a stopwatch and gather recordings/data in seconds. The stopwatch will start when 10mL of H2SO4 is poured into the test tube, reacting with the magnesium ribbon, and will stop timing when the volume of water in the inverted measuring cylinder has decreased by 20mL- indicating that it has been replaced with an equivalent amount of hydrogen gas. The control variables (the variables kept the same): The other variables, which we need to keep constant, are: * The volume of H2SO4 being added to each reaction. This will be kept constant throughout the investigation by accurately measuring 10mL of H2SO4 solution for each trial in a measuring cylinder. This is vital for a fair test as varying it would mean that reaction rate is not only being altered by the effects of varying concentration but also that of volume. * The same climatic conditions present around the experiment. The climatic conditions, in particular temperature will remain the same throughout the experiment to prevent natural processes and disturbance from impacting the experiment. These will be kept the same as no windows will be opened or closed and the air conditioning will not change in temperature or switch on/off after the experiment has started. Temperature, itself, possesses the ability to change the rate of reaction and hence, it is vital to keep it controlled and constant so that the results only reflect the impact of varying concentration. * The same mass of Magnesium (Mg) ribbon to be reacted with the H2SO4 solution (0.05g). The laboratory technician will keep this constant beforehand, as they will provide us with the pre-cut ribbons for our experiment. This mass has been chosen, as it is a sufficient for a distinct reaction to be witnessed in a suitable period of time. * Preventing cross contamination from occurring between trials and different concentrations of H2SO4 solution. To prevent cross contamination, we will clean the two measuring cylinders and test tube with distilled water before each trial, ensuring that no residue from previous trials remain in either of the instruments. * The target volume of H2 gas to be produced by the reaction in each trial- 20mL. This will be kept constant by first determining the ideal amount and then clearing calculating on the measuring cylinder 20mL less than the water level inside it so that it is clear during the trial when to stop the stopwatch. Pre-determining a target volume is vital for us to be able to effectively compare and form a relationship between the concentrations of H2SO4 and time taken to produce the same amount of hydrogen gas. * The same person handling the stopwatch during the experiment. Identifying one group member to handle and use the stopwatch before the experiment and then ensuring that he only handles it during each trial will control this variable. It is vital to reduce the impact human error and keep the experiment as accurate as possible. ALL EQUIPMENT IS TO BE KEPT CONSTANT TROUGHT THE EXPERIMENT TO OBTAIN CONSISTENCY EXPERIMENTAL PLAN Materials/Equipment: * 1x Test Tube * 1x Delivery Tube * 1x Rubber Stopper * 2x 50mL Measuring Cylinders * 1x Plastic Container * 1x Retort Stand and Clamp Set * 1x Laptop * 1x Desk * 1x Stopwatch * 2x Distilled Water Bottles * 12x 0.05g Magnesium Ribbons * 2500mL of water (H2O) * 30mL of each H2SO4 Solution (0.5M, 1M, 1.5M 2M concentrations) Macintosh HD:Users:171321:Desktop:Screen Shot 2015-03-16 at 8.27.40 pm.png Setup Plan: Independent Variable Control Variable Control Variable Control Variable Dependent Variable Concentration of H2SO4 solution (M) Total volume of H2SO4 solution per trial (mL) Mass of Mg ribbons added to reaction each trial (g) Amount of Hydrogen gas produced per trial (mL) Method: 1. Collect all necessary equipment from the equipment table- all equipment should be in one tray. 1. Setup the retort stand and clamp on a stable desk. The clamp should be fixed approximately half way up the stand. 1. Open up Photo Booth or a similar video/image-capturing program on a laptop so that evidence of the experiment and setup can be visually shown. 1. Place the plastic, ice-cream container on the desk adjacent to the retort stand and fill it 2/3 of the way up with water from the tap. 1. Fill one of the measuring cylinders with 100mL of water and place inverted into plastic container. Ensure to cover top with hand until fully submerged into container so to prevent leakage of water. 1. Take delivery tube (with rubber stopper attached to one end) and place through inverted cylinder (side without rubber stopper). This should not be difficult, as water pressure of plastic container will keep 100mL in measuring cylinder whilst tube is being inserted. 1. Measure out 10mL of the 0.5M, H2SO4 solution in second measuring cylinder and pour into large test tube. 1. (Start of trial) Place one strip of magnesium ribbon (0.05g) into large test tube and immediately cover top of tube with rubber stopper end of delivery tube. Ensure that it is firmly attached and air tight. As soon as reaction begins with H2SO4 solution already in test tube, start timing the rate of reaction using the stopwatch. 1. Measure and record the time it takes for the water level in the inverted measuring cylinder to decrease by 20mL. This will indicate that it has been replaced by 20mL of hydrogen gas. 1. Reset the experiment by rinsing the measuring cylinders and test tube with distilled water; refill the inverted measuring cylinder with 100mL of water and carefully place back into plastic container with delivery tube passing through it. 1. Measure another 10mL of 0.5M, H2SO4 solution in second measuring cylinder and pour into test tube. 1. Repeat steps 8 and 9 again, adding the 0.05g, Mg ribbon to the reaction in the test tube, cap of the test tube with the rubber stopper end of the delivery tube and time until 20mL of H2 gas has been produced in inverted measuring cylinder. 1. Rinse all equipment with distilled water once trial 2 is completed and measure out another 10mL of 0.5M, H2SO4 solution. Reset experiment like in step 10 and pour measured solution into clean test tube. 1. Begin trial 3 and repeat steps 8 and 10 again. If the previous two trials yielded similar results, trial 3 should also be of similar time length. If at the end of three trials, there is an anomaly within them, it may be required to complete a fourth trial to clean up data. 1. Repeat steps 7-14 again with the 1M, 1.5M and 2M H2SO4 solutions. The process is the same with the only variable changing being the concentration of H2SO4. 1. Once finished, record gathered results onto laptop and return all equipment. Ensure to clean all test tubes and measuring cylinders with distilled water before returning. 2. Write up report, ensuring to include a marked-scattered graph and results table with averages established for each concentration of H2SO4 tested. If required, process the data to achieve a desired relationship between the two variables. *NOTE: Capture pictures throughout experiment with the laptop and remember to write down all observations. RESULTS Results Table: Time Taken To Produce 20mL of Hydrogen Gas (sec) From a Reaction Between Magnesium Metal (Mg) and Different Concentrations (M) of Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4) Concentration Of H2SO4 (M) Time Taken to Produce 20mL of Hydrogen Gas (sec) Graph: I think the best kind of graph to use to display these results would be to create a marked line graph with a line of best fit (Trendline): Observations Throughout the investigation we collected and gathered observations using our five senses, with the sound of the reaction, the sight of the reaction and the heat of test tube all extending our knowledge and understanding of this phenomenon. The fizzing sound that the reaction was creating was because of the chemical bonding taking place between the metal and acid. The fizzing was also visible to the eye, as when the magnesium was added to the reaction in the test tube, it combined with the H2SO4 and produced bubbles. Furthermore, particles of higher concentration H2SO4 collided and reacted with the magnesium particles to produce magnesium sulfate and hydrogen gas at a quicker rate. The heat developed in the test tube also varied significantly with more concentrated solutions radiating warmer temperatures due to higher levels of friction and energy in the reaction. DATA PROCESSING The relationship achieved in the above graph between the two variables is of a quadratic, inverse relationship with no modifications made to the data. To achieve a linear relationship between the independent and dependent variable, me must process and modify the results. This is outlined in the table below: Concentration Of H2SO4 (M) Modification Rule New Value of Independent Variable (graphed) Time Taken to Produce 20mL of Hydrogen Gas (sec)- Average Modification Rule New Value of Dependent Variable (graphed) 0.5M 1/r Graph: I think the best kind of graph to use to display the modified results would be to create a marked line graph with a line of best fit (Trendline): DISCUSSION Our results show a wide range of relationships between the data. For instance, the shape of our initial graph shows an inverse, quadratic relationship between the concentration of H2SO4 and time required to produce 20mL of H2 gas from its reaction with Mg metal. The polynomial trend line displays this relationship in the first, raw data graph with an equation of y = 602 254x + 350, creating a â€Å"minimum† parabola. From here, we were able to deduce a set of modified results- taking into account two specific rules required to develop a linear relationship from an existing inverse relationship (represented in the table above). Macintosh HD:Users:160161:Desktop:Screen Shot 2015-03-23 at 7.03.05 pm.png Hence, the second graph provides us with a linear relationship between the two variables in that it possesses a straight line with the equation: y = x + 350. The value of the modified gradient is one, signifying that for every additional 1/0.5M rise in concentration of H2SO4; an equivalent ratio of decrease is experienced for the time taken to produce 20mL of H2 gas. In relation to the research question, our data collected clearly shows that the rate of reaction between an acid and metal substances is quickened by an increase in concentration of the acid substance. The data looks fairly reliable as there are no anomalies or outlier’s present- with the data plotted on the marked scattered graph all being located along the trend line which intersects each mark near-perfectly, suggesting the data’s accuracy with the rule. However, there was slight variation between the three trials of each concentration, suggesting slight variation between the conditions for each trial. CONCLUSION The results gathered are sufficient and clearly show a distinct relationship detailing that the stronger the concentration of the H2SO4 solution, the quicker/faster its rate of reaction with magnesium metal, proving my hypothesis valid as I had hypothesized that â€Å"as the concentration of the H2SO4 solution increases/strengthens (measured in molarity mass), it will correspond to an increased/quicker rate of reaction with Mg metal†. Evidence from the data collected shows that the strongest concentration of H2SO4 (2M) only required an average of 80secs to produce 20mL of H2 gas, where as the most dilute solution trialed (0.5M) required an average of 240secs- more than any other trialed concentration. There is enough evidence to show that unless the data is modified and processed, a linear relationship is not formed between the two variables, indicating that there is no direct proportionality between the increase in concentration and time taken to produce 20mL of hydrogen gas. This occurs because the reaction between H2SO4 and Mg is an exothermic reaction so a small amount of energy has been released/transferred out of the experiment as the reaction progressed. EVALUATION Our experiment went quite well and we were able to collect all the necessary readings required. We encountered very few problems during the course of the experiment and were able to conduct three trials for each H2SO4 concentration, thus improving the reliability of our data and deeming the experiment fair and valid. We had a sufficient sample size of four different concentrations at equal intervals of 0.5M-adequate for this experiment and allowing for a conclusive relationship to be established. The extensive range of data collected through the conduction of three trials for each concentration of H2SO4 allowed us to obtain an accurate trend line and formulate justifiable conclusions. Furthermore, our results for each concentration of H2SO4 were similar each trial with no major outliers in the data, implying that our control of the constant variables was successful, all data was precise and accurate averages were deemed. Analyzing our results, we were able to achieve the phenomena (affects of concentration on the rate of reaction between a metal and acid substance) we were interested in and hence were able to answer our research question in the affirmative that the concentration of an acid (in this Sulfuric acid) does effect its reaction of rate with magnesium metal, with the relationship being that an increase in concentration (molar mass) equates to an increased/quicker rate of reaction- evidenced by the time taken to produce 20mL of hydrogen gas. Our method was fairly clear, concise and allowed us collect our data in a fairly orderly way, doing so for most tests. It allowed us to complete the experiment with accuracy excluding the effects of the one, major problem (mentioned above) that were inevitable based on the way the experiment was conducted. Although our method and experimental plan were quite accurate, easy to understand and allowed us to achieve our target of determining a distinct and logical relationship, there are still many improvements that could be made to it to improve the validity of our results and further experiments could be carried out to extend this investigation. These include: * Completely eliminating human impact in the experiment by a valve of some sort to add the magnesium ribbons to the reaction in the test tube with the rubber stopper already firmly attached to the test tube. This will mean that the slight deviation in data is not experienced. * Using a larger sample size- (i.e. 8-10 different concentrations of H2SO4) so that the relationship gathered can be further strengthened and backed up by more evidence. * Investigate whether changing the concentration of H2SO4 has an impact on the time it takes for the reaction to reach equilibrium (the end of the reaction) and form a relationship from there. * Use different types of acids and metals with different properties to investigate if the rate of reaction is similar to that between Sulfuric acid and magnesium or it is quicker/slower. * Trialing different factors that affect the rate of reaction such as temperature or agitation and evaluating their influence compared to that of altering the concentration.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Negative Effects of Technology on Society

Negative Effects of Technology on Society Negative Effects of Technology There is no doubt that technology is playing a critical role in developing societies as countries depend on it in all disciplines of life. Countries all over the globe are competing to invent and develop the highest technological devices that can maintain the highest efficiency and accuracy of the work. Starting from 1980s, people started to use technology every day. The use of technology kept rising dramatically that people used it in tiny things. That overuse resulted in many negatives. There are many negative effects of overusing of technology on societies but the three major effects could be health problems, privacy problems and social problems. One of the negative sides of the rapid use of technology on societies is the health issue. There is no doubt that the technology is getting better and spreading around the world. That led societies to deal with it almost every day to get their work done resulting in many issues. These issues can mainly be divided into two main categories which are mental health problems and physical health problems. First of which is the physical health problem, there are many physical health issues that caused by dealing with technology but the critical ones are weaken the eyesight. People who usually deal with computers for a long periods of time like programmers suffer from blurry vision and eye soreness. According to Tripp (2013), people who usually use computers for long terms experience serious issues such as soreness of the eyes and blurring the vision. That can be clearly seen since eyes have to concentrate all the time on the screen that emits dangerous radiations that affects the eyes criti cally leading the eyes to start dropping tears which can make the eye blurry. Resulting in soreness of the eyes on long terms. In addition, technology can cause mental problems for some. Some people who usually spend hours dealing with TVs and Computers without interacting with people get discouraged and get an independent behavior which results in fear of talking to people resulting them to suffer from mental disease called anxiety. Unfortunately nowadays, parents are exposing their children to technology without taking in consideration the cruel effects of such an action. Causing their children to suffer from many mental diseases. Crawford (2011) mentioned that due to spending huge amounts of time; huge number of children were diagnosed by di polar disorder, anxiety and depression resulting in using enormous amounts of psychotropic medications. That can be clearly seen since the parents does not take in consideration that technology isolate the child from the outer world thus they get mental diseases. To sum up, technology has double edged effects which are mental and physical problems. The second negative effect of overuse of technology on the society is the deprivation of privacy and security. As the world experiencing many advancements in the technology it is also facing problems of privacy and security that can strip the world from personal information. Firstly, privacy issues. Privacy problems are considered as one of the critical issues. Privacy issues are concerned with tracking locations and spying on information. It is very easy for professionals to trace and spy on any electronic device that connects to a network by simply tracking the IP location using programs then establishing connections by dominating over foibles resulting in accessing data of the user. For example, some advertising websites can track location, watch what users do and see what the users like and dislike by s doing a survey of which products are more preferred, while some countries usually spy on another countries to maintain its internal security and spy on extremely important informa tion. According to Thai serves group (2012), minister of communication in Iran mentioned that the western are spying on the internet resulting in spreading of corruption. That is clearly seen since the west have more advanced instruments that can track and spy on anyone in the world with high accuracy. In addition to privacy problems, security problems can negatively affect anyone in the world, it is concerned with stealing of information. It is known that information of users of any website are saved in cloud storage of the website. Professionals aim for that cloud storage. If it is not well secured all of users information including ID and passwords will be threatened. For example, if a professional hacker login a bank database, he would cause a fatal damage to the users and the bank, running away leaving almost no trace. â€Å"Computer predators† (n.d.) mentioned that while computers are connected to the internet, hackers send malwares to seek for financial information and transfer it to them. That can be clearly seen since many hackers have used these malwares to penetrate banks systems in the west. Wrapping up, technology affects dramatically on the privacy and security The third negative effect of overuse of technology on societies is the social issue. Through these years technology was getting more advanced not only in business and work fields but for numerous number of fields. One of these important fields that gains enormous amount of profit is the games field, which has been modified many times to make the games more realistic and has more similarities to the real life. Games are so realistic that killing and other disgusting scenes are included in games. The serious effects of games can be divided into two main categories which are temper fluctuating and lack of social skills .Firstly, due to killing and blood scenes in the games aggression spread among all the teenagers. According to Alamy (2012), teens who usually play brutal games become extremely aggressive. That can be clearly seen because watching such dangerous scenes make the teenagers or children more likely to attack people or cause critical damage to their friends in schools or in n eighborhood. In addition to aggression, lack of social skills is another result of overuse of technology. Sitting all the day working on electronics such as computers could isolate the person. It is clear that technology boosted communications by easily contacting anyone by just pressing a button. But in fact it is responsible for the rapid loss of the relationships. Nowadays some people could be having a date and they are actually sitting next to each other but in reality they are not having any kind of contact. According to Howarth (2014), children social skills are decreasing dramatically because of spending long periods of time interacting with technology. That is clear because the more the child is attached to technology the less his social skills will be. Wrapping up, technology affects socializing of children. Finally, technology was made to serve the world but people used it in intensive levels that it caused serious problems that are health problems, privacy problems and social problems. Health problems are considered as critical issues which affects mental and physical health of the user. Moreover, privacy is negatively affected due to spying and stealing of information of users. Furthermore, socializing is affected by rapid change of temper and lack of social skills. People should spend less time and communicate with each other and use technology in rates that it doesn’t hurt people to avoid getting any problems in the future. Word Count -1198

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Comparing Jeffersonians and Hamiltonians :: Jefferson Hamilton American Constitution Essays

Comparing Jeffersonians and Hamiltonians The Washington administration was the first to bring together in the cabinet of the United States, the Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson and the Secretary of Treasury Alexander Hamilton. Jefferson and Hamilton began to take different views when the government began to address the issue of the old war debts and the worthless paper money left over from the days of the Confederation. Hamilton suggested that the government should create the Bank of the United States, which would be a public-private partnership with both government and private investors. The Bank of the United States was to handle the government’s banking needs. Jefferson protested because this was not allowed by the Constitution. Hamilton opposed the view of Jefferson and stated that the Constitution’s writers could not have predicted the need of a bank for the United States. Hamilton said that the right to create the Bank of the United States was stated in the â€Å"elastic† or the â€Å"necessary and proper† clause in which the Constitution gave the government the power to pass laws that were necessary for the welfare of the nation. â€Å" This began the argument between the â€Å"strict constructionists† (Jefferson) who believed in the strict interpretation of the Constitution by not going an inch beyond its clearly expressed provisions, and the â€Å"loose constructionists† (Hamilton) who wished to reason out all sorts of implications from what it said†. Hamilton and Jefferson began to disagree more and more. Hamilton wrote nasty anonymous articles in John Fenno’s Gazette of the United States and Jefferson responded to him in Philip Freneau’s National Gazette. Jefferson’s Notes of the State of Virginia in 1787 stated that rural life was beneficial to the government because cities and other areas of large population created poverty, disease, and corruption. Jefferson believed that the small farmers where the backbone of the United States. While in the Report on Manufactures of 1791,Hamilton stated that the government should be used to develop cities, industries, and trade Hamilton believed that â€Å"government's function is to maintain order in a potentially chaotic society. It needs to be remote and secure from the people's emotional uprisings†.Jefferson believed the government â€Å"needs to be limited in its powers and completely responsive to the needs and desires of the people†.Hamilton was strongest among merchants in the cities and throughout New England while Jefferson was strongest among artisans in the cities and throughout the South. Comparing Jeffersonians and Hamiltonians :: Jefferson Hamilton American Constitution Essays Comparing Jeffersonians and Hamiltonians The Washington administration was the first to bring together in the cabinet of the United States, the Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson and the Secretary of Treasury Alexander Hamilton. Jefferson and Hamilton began to take different views when the government began to address the issue of the old war debts and the worthless paper money left over from the days of the Confederation. Hamilton suggested that the government should create the Bank of the United States, which would be a public-private partnership with both government and private investors. The Bank of the United States was to handle the government’s banking needs. Jefferson protested because this was not allowed by the Constitution. Hamilton opposed the view of Jefferson and stated that the Constitution’s writers could not have predicted the need of a bank for the United States. Hamilton said that the right to create the Bank of the United States was stated in the â€Å"elastic† or the â€Å"necessary and proper† clause in which the Constitution gave the government the power to pass laws that were necessary for the welfare of the nation. â€Å" This began the argument between the â€Å"strict constructionists† (Jefferson) who believed in the strict interpretation of the Constitution by not going an inch beyond its clearly expressed provisions, and the â€Å"loose constructionists† (Hamilton) who wished to reason out all sorts of implications from what it said†. Hamilton and Jefferson began to disagree more and more. Hamilton wrote nasty anonymous articles in John Fenno’s Gazette of the United States and Jefferson responded to him in Philip Freneau’s National Gazette. Jefferson’s Notes of the State of Virginia in 1787 stated that rural life was beneficial to the government because cities and other areas of large population created poverty, disease, and corruption. Jefferson believed that the small farmers where the backbone of the United States. While in the Report on Manufactures of 1791,Hamilton stated that the government should be used to develop cities, industries, and trade Hamilton believed that â€Å"government's function is to maintain order in a potentially chaotic society. It needs to be remote and secure from the people's emotional uprisings†.Jefferson believed the government â€Å"needs to be limited in its powers and completely responsive to the needs and desires of the people†.Hamilton was strongest among merchants in the cities and throughout New England while Jefferson was strongest among artisans in the cities and throughout the South.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Shit I Do For Fun Essay -- essays research papers

To look into the mind of a television addict, we must look at the big picture†¦ First we recognize the voluntary slavery that makes up the majority of modern life. A I see it, people get up early, put on work clothes, and â€Å"work like machines for the rest of the day† getting no satisfaction from their repetitive day-jobs. Then come home around seven o’clock to their families who have already had dinner, and the kids already getting in bed. By that time there is almost no room left for quality family time or anything else to pursue that’s worthwhile. Thus the person turns to the television for that instant dose of friendship and gratification that could not be found anywhere else during his or her day. Once the person gets comfy on the lazy-boy, he becomes quickly stimulated and amazed by the intense sound and picture of thirty frames per second, and suddenly forgets thinking about the real world. Notice how some people become extremely annoyed when you talk to them or distract them when they are watching a program, or even a commercial. And might even yell at you for walking in front of the TV. As the hours of straight zombie-like watching go by, the person slips further into the fantasy world of television, and with you breaking that link between them and the tube comes as a shock to them. Someone can be so engulfed that it becomes a regular part of his/her daily routine. As a result of a lot of watching TV, studies have shown that the heart rate, and blink rate have slowed down dramatically and muscular function decreased down to the snap of a finger on the remote or the lift of a drink. The stimulation of the picture and sound shift so rapidly that they must become completely relaxed to soak it all up. Television is like an addiction, and like any addictive substance a moral message lies behind it†¦ The advertising and the programs are only they’re to keep the viewer coming back for more. But there are even deeper morals to the story. The televisions main purpose is to distract from what you really want to be doing. Than around the second line of commercials you realize that you could be doing far better things than this, but before that thought gets to you, another flashy commercial pops up that literally says â€Å"damnit stay in your seat, we’ve got more products to sell you†. And giving the viewer the sense that he/she cannot live without it. And this is... ...half its inorganic wastes. Television is where one must look to blame for this chaos. As it is the obvious driving force. With that in mind, how can it be possible for people to see past these views long enough before they realize what impact the media has on them, if they ever do, let them decide for themselves. In other words, how much TV must we watch before we realize what it is doing to us as people, and as a society. As you think about this, and wonder how we can change it all, obviously it is going to have to be a grass-roots effort. And since the message wont come to you through the TV or the government (since they fund some of it), it will only come from friends, and from other people showing the Tv-aholik that there is another way to live. Something like â€Å"hey come with me, I can be a real friend to you, make you laugh, and share the world together. The light bulb of the soul switches off as we switch on the TV. And I believe that the bulb can only flicker again from the wisdom of someone else that shares the same thoughts about the media. But ultimately, in the end people are searching for meaning, and that meaning can only come from within, and for each of us to find.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Muffler Magic

They are young, energetic and willing to learn from the ground up. For Intermediate technicians. I recommend trade school and trade school graduates. These individuals have more than the basic skill set and have chosen their career path. For senior technicians, I recommend to first look to hire within. These individuals know the business and are familiar with the daily operations and company expectations. Next I would look at advertising in the local paper, internet and Job fairs. B. My recommendation for selecting these Individuals would consist of a rigorous here prong assessment of their skill level.This would consist of a Job knowledge test, a structured interview and work sample simulations (Desire, 2010) to test the validity of their knowledge. I also recommend background checks and references. C. My recommendation for training would consist of various skill assessments for all levels of employees. This would include new employee orientation for all newly hired employees' regar dless of skill level. I recommend that a classroom environment be established so that each level (novice, intermediate and senior) to chive the proper training.This could ensure that they receive the proper training to any oral, written, and on-the-job training for all certifications. The classroom should have several automobiles for safe and more detailed hands on experience. II. The following are my suggestions for three questions that Ron Brown should Include In a structure EAI Interview Tort experienced technicians. A. â€Å"One of our company's biggest challenges is safety. How would you deal with b. â€Å"Have you accomplished something you didn't think was possible? † c. â€Å"How long would you stay with the company? Ill.If I were Ron Brown, I would implement the professor's recommendation to start paying for sick days, because of the following: a. The first reason I would implement paying sick days is that safety should be priority one! Both the safety of our emplo yees and that of our customers. An employee could lack the necessary attention to detail if they are on some type of over the counter medication. This could cause some type of accident, either in the shop or with a customer's automobile while it is on the road. This could lead to sever doily injury and potential lawsuits. . Work production could come to a near halt if one contagious employee comes in and contaminates the entire shop. Instead of one employee out, you end up with four-five. C. Due to time constraints to ensure the vehicle get in and out in a timely manner, it is imperative that each employee is working at their Max potential. While 50% production might be better than zero, it means nothing if the work is not done properly. ‘V. Ron Brown should implement the professor's skill-based pay plan in its present form, because of the following: .This would allow for each employee to know where they stand in regards to compensation with their skill set and abilities. This could help motivate employees to acquire more skills; this would intern lift the overall skill set of the shop b. If they are looking for career progression, this would provide them with a clear set of goals for each to strive for. C. If employees know that the possibility for progression is there and is attainable, it could also help cut down on turn-over. V. Ron Brown should not implement the professor's incentive pay plan, because of he following: a.This could create a divided shop as each team would be in constant competition wilt can toner. You would a nave to ensure Tanat all teams were AT equal strength with the same amount of team members all trained on the same level. This could create a hostile work environment if one team is under staffed or under trained. B. This could promote individuals coming in when sick or not taking the necessary time off that they might need. Again, the safety of the employees and customers should be the priority. C.There is the appearance on so many different variables that it would be difficult to properly determine if a team has been more productive that another. You have to factor in the type of work done, how labor extensive, time-off for employees, safety and you still have to ensure that each technician still receives the proper training in the proper environment. Employees would be so busy competing for money. This could be a time consuming process that ends up costing more than its worth. Desire, G. (2010). Human Resource Management. New Jersey: Prentice Hill.