Sunday, September 15, 2019

Define the term ‘consent’ in adult social care

Consent is giving permission to do something.In health and social care settings it usually means that the individual gives consent to take part in an activity or to accept some kind of care or treatment – this could be agreeing to have a shower or a bath – agreeing to take medication, as well as agreeing to have their details shared with others.Why is it important that a social care worker works in a way which promotes person centred values? Person-centred approaches are about the individual being the centre of their care and support plan enabling them to have control over their lives. Person-centred approaches are about enabling individuals to live their own lives and not just providing a service. It is about focusing on the individual person’s needs and not the tasks that need completing.Person-centred planning is a way for individuals to plan for what they want now and in the future, together with the people in their lives who they like and trust. Everyone has a right to plan their own lives and be at the centre of any planning that is done for them. Everyone has a right to be part of their community. Everyone has a right to live their lives as they want, and if they need support to do this for this support to be provided in a way in which they want it. There are eight person centred values that support person-centred care and support. These are: IndividualityIndependence Privacy Partnership Choice Dignity Respect RightsBy following the values set out above, we will be able to develop a clear understanding about the individuals we are working with. This includes their needs, their culture, their means of communication, their likes and dislikes, their family and other professionals’ involvement so we can promote and provide person centred care and support.

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