Monday, September 30, 2019

A PR plan for ageless

The plastic industry has been growing over the years and has gained much popularity especially in the cosmetic surgery where the consumers, for example can undergo to have a tummy tuck, especially after giving birth.   This has been tremendous increase on the demand for plastic surgery especially among the female sex.In the beginning or earlier onset of this practice, most people viewed plastic surgery only meant for people who have been burnt, born with birth defects, accidents trauma and hence the introduction of cosmetic surgery took a lot of time to convince the potential consumers that its for enhancement or repair of their physical body outlook.More and more people have embraced the whole cosmetic surgery concept especially after the introduction and screening of reality shows, for example.   Extreme makeover, the Swan etc. this reality shows, has been an eye opener to the views (who are the potential clients) that it is safe and the physical results are amazing to the clie nt/participants of the show.In the US this industry has been becoming and other countries are following and practicing the cosmetic surgery especially in the Latin, Asian countries.   This industry has generated a lot of revenue fro the US and hence the other countries are following and what to introduce and encourage growth in the industry.The Ageless organization plans to expand their market globally and one to the country that it has chosen is; MexicoMEXICOThis is a large country that borders the US to the north and has a large population of over 100milion people.   The plastic surgery industry is not new to the country, because many of the locals have undergone some slight surgical procedures. For example breasts enhancement, reshaping of the nose etc.This country is perfect for our organization because of the demand of reputable and professional plastic surgeons.   This is due to the increase of unscrupulous people who refer themselves as plastic surgeons for the sake of making money from their patients while not doing the surgery we.   There has been an increase in cases, where some consumers have undergone a cosmetic surgery.For example tummy tucks and have ended-up with more surgical complications e.g. incomplete tummy tucks due to infection.The public relations will focus in communicating the positive side of cosmetic surgery, for example most people assume that this industry is only meant for the rich, celebrities e.g. musicians, actress but this is not true.   The ageless will offer cosmetic surgery at affordable prices for its consumers compared to the other practitioners, hence anyone seeking for the service can be able to afford it.The cosmetic surgery helps people to fix any birth defects or abnormalities that the potential   consumer is uncomfortable with e.g. reshaping of the nose, face lift which will be preformed incase where there is premature formation of wrinkles due to financial stress, effects of facial creams etc.The public realtions has decided to focus their main attention of communication to the female gender.   This is because this the largest and willing consumer who opt for cosmetic surgery to fix their physical problems.   The communication strategies will mainly focus on women who have already given birth.   After careful analysis, it was found out women who have given birth seek for affordable cosmetic surgery to help them fix some of the aftermath physique problems for example decrease of stretch marks by use of raiser dermatology technique removal of excess skin especially at the abdominal area etc.Most of the market segments i.e. the women; it has been observed that immediately after giving birth, they gain baby fat of which after vigorous exercise plan they are able to shed-off the baby fat still resulting to loose skin, the breasts drooping and this shatters their self-esteem. The breasts drooping and this shatters their self-esteem.The women don’t feel beautiful or sexy for their husbands.   This outcome has resulted to many marriages been affected since there is no sexual intimacy.   The women feel that they can no longer wear bathing suits e.g. bikinis or small tops because of the physical outlook.The cosmetic surgery will help the women get back their youthful body through for example tummy tucks (where the excess skin is removed, breast enlargement by adding of breast implants) and the groove back in the marital bed.Strategies for communicationThe PR will engage the use model hierarchy –of- effects for the communication and creation of publicity to the targeted consumers.   In this model, the buyers purchase decision is proceeded by steps such as convictions about the service benefits through various means for example testimonials from women who have   undergone cosmetic surgery to fix problems   that resulted form pregnancy.The preference for the brand i.e. ageless brand, liking and been the preferred choice brand. Knowledge rela ting to the to the benefits and features of the service after an awareness of the service has been gained through the use of classified advertisements, publicity etc.The basic model implication of this model is that function of persuasive communication should be handled deftly at every stage of the consumers adoption process.   In this model it will embrace some of the tools that will be used in the launching of the company and the service that it will offer.   

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Conflict Resolution (Team Dynamics for Managers) Essay

A major conflict that appears in many, if not most, groups appears to be miscommunication or lack of communication. There are several solutions available to resolve miscommunication. Each member of a team has certain strengths and skills that help resolve occurring issues. When a team is confronted with miscommunication or lack of communication, having a plan is a necessity. Lack of communication can easily lead to miscommunication in a group and cause many reoccurring issues. Certain confliction techniques can be used to not only eliminate the issue, but also understand the underlying issue at hand. Conflict and Solution Personal Strengths to Resolve Issue Creating a detailed learning team charter that involves all members allows each individual to contribute their strengths in problem solving. Generally, charters are mainly used as a tool to contact other members outside of the team environment. The other members offer their information and would be responsible to check into the team in a reasonable amount of time. This is the beginning opportunity to highlight each member’s strengths and especially how willing they are to participate. Participation is one of the main behaviors that help a team strive or fail. How little or how much a person chooses to participate confides solely within them. This is especially true since individuals learn and retain information in different ways; the application of strengths can be applied in separate and unique formats in a team. The most appropriate conflict management would be Jerry Wisinski’s A-E-I-O-U Model, which focuses on collaboration and what he calls positive intentionality, the assumption that other people are not trying to cause conflict (Engleberg & Wynn, 2010). After completing the charter and knowing what is expected of each member, the most appropriate method of communication would be speaking with and checking in with members outside of the group. Conflict Management Techniques Each conflict is special in its nature and requires customized care depending on the situation or context with which the problem resides. â€Å"†¦all managers—whether they be supervisors, middle managers or chief executive officers—must learn to manage conflict if they are to be effective in leading their particular organizational units† (DuBose & Pringle, 1989, p. 1). The idea that a problem should be â€Å"managed† crops up because conflict is a known and necessary part of organizational development. Conflicts shape organizations; but why must an organization go through a difficulty or hardship in order to understand conflict management? â€Å"The term ‘managing’ implies that conflict is not inevitably destructive† (DuBose & Pringle, 1989, p. 1). Conflicts are not unchangingly damaging because it is necessary for growth to come across a few growing pains. Organizations with good management almost always succeed and dreams of growth come into fruition when conflicts are appropriately managed and managers understand the integrality of their interpretation of conflict management and its many different techniques. The team was very natural in its ability to choose a proper technique and utilize it in order to overcome the conflict at hand. The collaboration technique was used successfully as the team was forced to put their heads together and come to a decision with regard to the conflict. The collaboration was effective due to the participants’ unwavering objectivity and understanding of the conflict and how to manage it. Each party had their responsibilities laid out neatly in order to quickly and professionally get the job done. The team was highly prepared for any conflicts and managed them upon manifestation due to the highly comprehensive group. Accommodation is another technique the team productively used. Accommodation is used when the conflict is more important to the other party involved in the conflict and is treated with thoughtfulness by the other members; this technique was also successful because the team was able to â€Å"pick their battles† and strive to meet all the expectations of the team leader, and their teammates (DuBose & Pringle, 1989). Additional Conflict Management Techniques Team communication generally appears to be a conflict that exists within the members of the group. This can only be solved within the members and the willingness to strive, learn, and accomplish together as a group. It takes personal inactive and being open to other’s suggestions to make communication strong and effective. Strong communication would prove to eliminate miscommunication and therefore lack of communication. Setting goals can always be a productive approach to ensuring success and keeping members focused on what needs to be accomplished, and the most effective route to complete tasks. The important balance of goal setting in groups is making sure that personal and team goals do not outweigh one another. Goals are more productive when they are shared and known with other individuals. Making, keeping, and sharing goals in the team environment are essential to success and eliminating miscommunication. In some cases where conflict is stronger than problem solving, it is necessary to seek help outside of the group. Third-party intervention occurs when a group seeks the services of an impartial outsider who has no direct connections to the group, but has the skills needed to analyze the conflict and helps resolve it (Engleberg & Wynn, 2010). In learning team environments, the instructor is the third-party intervention and has authority to make decisions as deemed necessary to help keep the team productive and functioning as a whole. Arrival of Decision The group’s natural understanding of conflict management, and the team leader’s fantastic ability to choose proper techniques, strengthened the team’s ability to get the job done. When conflicts arose, the team effortlessly went through a decision process and effectively outlined the techniques that worked the best. The team was able to utilize all participating members’ strengths to move on with the project after nipping all problems in the bud. While some issues call for more drastic measures, accommodation and collaboration was the team’s two most valuable assets when managing conflict internally. Some issues require an entire modification of the organizational structure which could set back the team, and even the organization, for a very long time. Good management within the organization knows the proper way to take care of problems that arise from conflicts. Good management understands that the symptoms and the disease are two completely different things and should be handled as such. When managers â€Å"settle† problems for lower-level managers, it implies that they do not fully understand the real problem and how to fix it. Symptoms are stopped once the root of the problem is remedied. Conclusion When lack of communication occurs in a group, miscommunication is often followed. Certain personal strengths, such as a willingness to strive and learn from others are important in a group setting. Creating a team charter helps eliminate the issue of miscommunication. Setting goals, being open to other’s thoughts and opinions, and seeking help from outside of the group are all techniques to resolve a conflict in a group setting. The arrival of decisions are done by working as a team, using proper problem solving techniques, communicating, and having a good leader. References DuBose, P. B. & Pringle, C. D. (1989). Choosing A conflict management technique. SuperVision,50(6), 10-10. Retrieved from Engleberg, I. N. & Wynn, D. R. (2010). Working in groups (5th ed.). Boston: Pearson/Allyn &Bacon.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

How would you sum up the first 20 years of Law and Popular Culture as Essay

How would you sum up the first 20 years of Law and Popular Culture as a focus for scholarship in Law Schools and beyond - Essay Example Scholarship in â€Å"Law and Popular Culture’ uses this aspect of the discipline to educate attorneys in public awareness of the consequences of their actions. In critically evaluating the scholarship and impact of the last 20 years of â€Å"Law and Popular Culture† studies in Law Schools, the importance of image and appearance in constructing public opinion is made evident, as well as the popularity of legal themes in mainstream culture itself. Academic studies have drawn comparisons to the way media stereotypes of law and legal issues can frame public awareness of themes in ways that may be prejudicial to jury selection or point to biases that might influence juror opinions subliminally on technical legal issues of great importance. There has been an awareness of the importance of accuracy in legal representations in mass media, but also in the importance for lawyers to be aware of the social context when practicing law. In drawing legal issues through media stories in broad dualities, fictional programs such as film, video, television, and literary depictions represent the dynamic processes of law in the prosecutor and defence attorney. However, in painting the broader social context of these stories, and the personalities of the heroes and anti-heroes of law, thematic content can be noted to constellate around two primary archetypes as a fundamental division, 'the activist lawyer' and 'the corrupt lawyer'. As Richard Sherman writes in Symposium: Law and Popular Culture: Nomos and Cinema, â€Å"Law lives in images. We make sense of reality by drawing upon the stories and storytelling modes that are most familiar to us. And these days, television and film are by far the most popular sources of the stories and story forms that we all know. It should hardly prove surprising to find trial lawyers importing popular film stories and characters as well as familiar cinematic styles into their courtroom performances.†1 ‘Law and Popular Cul ture’ studies can draw upon groundbreaking work such as Joseph Campbell’s The Hero with a Thousand Faces and Masks Of God: Creative Mythologies to assist with the methodology of media interpretation through psychology. In understanding how the mind relates to ideas formed in popular culture through media, the assumption is that the unconscious and subconscious forces, emotions, and biases all act to build sentiment and identity in the individual as part of personal identity, as well as the more conscious and ego-driven goals. In pointing to the unconscious nature of crowd behaviour as it is reflected in public opinion in mass-media based societies in post-modernism, ‘Law and Popular Culture’ studies returns to its early roots and definitions, as posited by Lawrence Friedman in the 1980’s. For example, in Total Justice, written in 1985, Lawrence Friedman defines legal culture as "ideas, attitudes, values, and opinions about law held by a society.â₠¬ 2 However, he takes this definition further in Law, Lawyers, and Popular Culture, and essay published in the Yale law Journal in 1989. There he writes: "Legal culture refers to those ideas and attitudes which are specifically legal in content - ideas about courts, justice, the police, the Supreme Court, lawyers, and so on... the term popular culture, on the other hand, refers first, and more generally, to the norms

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Life and Music of Johann Strauss II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Life and Music of Johann Strauss II - Essay Example From among the hundreds of musical compositions that Johann Strauss II created, his most famous work was identified to be the Blue Danube, categorized as â€Å"the most widely played and arranged pieces of its time, known to the most casual listener today from many radio, film and television uses of it†. A countdown of his musical scores generated this profile: â€Å"150 waltzes, one hundred polkas, seventy quadrilles (square dances), mazurkas (folk dances from Poland), marches, and galops (French dances)†. Johann was noted to be the king of waltz or the waltz king.His music was also noted to belong to the classical genre and assuming the orchstral and opera style. In fact, a total of more than 500 orchestral compositions were attributed to his name. Likewise, Johann Strauss II was known to have popularized both light music and dance music, both musical genres and styles that gave way to less serious form of classical music intended for an audience for the purpose of da ncing the waltz, or to put them in the right mood to listen to a concert-type of music. Since Johann’s compositions were predominantly orchestral or opera in style, the musical accompaniment was composed of a variety of musical instruments chosen appropriately to create the intended mood: for dancing, for easy listening, to appreciate a particular musical instrument: cello, the piano, or the whole orchestra. He has also composed selections of best classical music of his time; concert music, music of the opera, and favorite dance music attributed to the Strauss family, to name just a few.From among the famous operettas noted to be composed by Johann Strauss II, the following were detailed: â€Å"Die Fledermaus, is probably one of the greatest operettas ever written and a masterpiece of its kind. The lovely Du und Du waltz is made up of excerpts from this work. His two other most successful operettas were A Night in Venice (1883), from which he derived the music for the Lagoon Waltz, and The Gypsy Baron (1885), from which stems the Treasure Waltz†.... Music of Johann Strauss II From among the hundreds of musical compositions that Johann Strauss II created, his most famous work was identified to be the Blue Danube (An der schonen blauen Donau), categorized as â€Å"the most widely played and arranged pieces of its time, known to the most casual listener today from many radio, film and television uses of it† (Rovi Corp, 2013, par. 1). A countdown of his musical scores generated this profile: â€Å"150 waltzes, one hundred polkas, seventy quadrilles (square dances), mazurkas (folk dances from Poland), marches, and galops (French dances)† (Encyclopedia of World Biography, 2013, par. 9). Johann was noted to be the king of waltz or the waltz king (The Johann Strauss Society of Great Britain, 2013; Encyclopedia of World Biography, 2013). His music was also noted to belong to the classical genre and assuming the orchstral and opera style (Rovi Corp, 2013). In fact, a total of more than 500 orchestral compositions were attrib uted to his name (The Johann Strauss Society of Great Britain, 2013). Likewise, Johann Strauss II was known to have popularized both light music and dance music, both musical genres and styles that gave way to less serious form of classical music intended for an audience for the purpose of dancing the waltz, or to put them in the right mood to listen to a concert-type of music. Since Johann’s compositions were predominantly orchestral or opera in style, the musical accompaniment were composed of a variety of musical instruments chosen appropriately to create the intended mood: for dancing, for easy listening, to appreciate a particular musical instrument: cello, the piano, or the whole orchestra. He has also composed selections of best classical music of his time; concert music, music of the opera, and

Thursday, September 26, 2019

B.F. Skinner and Operant Conditioning Research Paper

B.F. Skinner and Operant Conditioning - Research Paper Example Subjects opt for alternatives that result to low risks. Choice introduces self-control where the subject learns how to wait for better rewards instead of settling on immediate smaller rewards. A reinforcement schedule delivers reinforcement to an organism according to a predefined rule. Food is a common reinforcement used to condition hungry rats and pigeons. The schedule delivers the food for a switch closure as a result of a lever press or a peck. Similar experiments have been conducted on humans and the results are similar to those from animals. However, human beings have resulted into a wider range of adopted behavioral strategies compared to animals. A time-based schedule is the most effective where the reinforcement is delivered after a fixed or variable time period. A time marker or the reinforcement is utilized in time-based schedules. Trial-by-trial versions are also utilized during conditioning. For example, in the fixed interval schedule, an inter-trial interval precedes e ach trial and extra-empty trials where no food is given to the rats. In operant conditioning, the acquired behavior is reversible and can only be repeated when the reinforcement is available. ... This is evident in different results from subsequent results of the experimental history. This indicates that the animal has undergone some internal transformation, but the learned behavior is reversible. Several researchers have encountered problems when uncovering the reversible behavior and the nonreversible internal state of the animal. Skinner is concerned with the reversible behavior and not the internal state of the subject. This makes it difficult to draw a plausible conclusion on the cause of the reversible behavior when a second reinforcement is withdrawn after a short exposure. During conditioning, the organism is exposed to the reinforcement at timed intervals. Doubling the interval time doubles the wait time after a learning period. The organism develops an approximation to the interval to be timed. In some procedures, the organism can be exposed to a stimulus and different responses are expected after an absolute or relative duration. The subject can be exposed to two s timuli that confront it with two choices. For example, a rat can be given food after either a press on the left or right lever. After a learning period, the subject is presented with the two stimuli in lieu, which introduces the question of how it distributes the responses. The subject has to develop an intermediate duration in order to differentiate between the two stimuli. Other factors such as the degree of hunger can influence the response during a fixed interval procedure. A time discrimination procedure can mitigate this problem. The subject is exposed to food after a fixed time followed by a longer period of no food. This helps the subject learn to wait then respond until the behavior has been learnt properly. Interval timing is widely used by

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Koran Issues in Contemporary Middle Eastern History Essay

Koran Issues in Contemporary Middle Eastern History - Essay Example The followers of Judaism and Christianity viz. Jews and Christians are referred to in Islam as the ‘people of the book’ because they too were sent messengers with scriptures. Differences between the three lie mainly in which prophets are recognized or not, the accepted books, interpretations of faith and teachings and so on. The Jews and Arabs historically are cousins set apart by the brothers Ishac (Isac) (A.S.) and Ismail (Ishmail) (A.S.) respectively, both descendents of prophet Ibrahim (A.S.). Between Christianity and Islam the notable differences come down to the belief in the oneness of Allah versus the doctrine of trinity; that Jesus was a prophet like other prophets (Islamic view) or the son of God (orthodox Christian view), and so on. So, there is a very close relationship between Islam, Judaism and Christianity and a great scope for mutual understanding and learning. Christians especially are potentially closer to the Muslims â€Å"because amongst these are me n devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world and they are not arrogant†. (5:85) The true concept of jihad in Islam is a comprehensive and constant ‘struggle’, ‘effort’ or ‘striving’ on an individual level and against one’s ego (nafs). Its justification or purpose is purification of the soul In a limited sense and as popularly perceived in the West, it also means a collective ‘holy war’ against others especially infidels. It is therefore a collective obligation (fard al-kifayah) under certain circumstances. It should also be pointed out that jihad in this manner has certain conditions that must be met, also that the drive to engage in warfare is overridden by some conditions too. For example, in Surah Tauba (9:5-6) it appears that muslims are being enjoined to fight but this must cease if for instance, those who are being fought convert to Islam, observe prayer, or seek asylum and pay the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

How Air Brakes on Trains Work Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

How Air Brakes on Trains Work - Article Example Eventually, there is a slowdown of the wheels and the whole train stops. The braking material assumes the form of a pad or block. Most trains are installed with braking systems that feature compressed air like the power to force blocks on to pads or wheels on to discs. Such systems are referred to as "pneumatic brakes" or "air brakes". A â€Å"brake pipe† is used to transmit the compressed air into the system. Varying the level of air pressure results into a variance in the brake’s state of application in every locomotive. The train may apply the brake, hold (release) it after an incomplete application. The compressor serves as the pump necessary for drawing air from the atmosphere, while compressing it for further usage on the train. The principal function of the air is portrayed in the brake system, even if compressed air is also used in other means. The driver’s brake valve acts as the means via which the train driver regulates the brake system. This valve has a minimum of such positions as: "Running", "Lap", "Release", "Emergency", and "Application". Additionally, a position to "Shut Down" is included to help lock the valve when it is not on use. Every position plays an autonomous role in the braking system. The "Release" position links the brake pipe to the main reservoir. This effort helps in raising the available air pressure within the shortest time possible in order to acquire an instant release when the driver is signaled to restart the train. The selection of the feed value is acquired when the valve is in the position, "Running". This facilitates the maintenance of a slow feed within the brake pipe in order to counteract the losses or small leaks in the connections, brake pipe and connections. The role of the "Lap" is to help close the link between the brake pipe and main reservoir, as well as to hinder the atmospheric connection when a brake application is committed. The Lap has

Monday, September 23, 2019

Technology in Zara Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Technology in Zara - Term Paper Example This study discusses that Zara’s strategy is to focus on the popularity that has been achieved on its consumers rather that popularizing the less recognized stock. The managers are accorded outstanding obligation to determine the products that would have a positive implication on the revenue that would be generated by the company. The desire to trust these employees with the principal decision has led to the generation of the realized profit because the company does not dictate the available merchandize, but have an indirect link to consumers through the manager. An added strategy to regulate the revenue spent is realized in the reduction of advertising fees as the company fails to engage in the process. This strategy is applied in creating a modernized store to attract the customers because of the position in the urban centers that require better display. Zara applied a consistent procedure to ensure its goals are attained, and a wider market niche satisfied. These were categ orized into simpler units.This paper outlines that orders were placed to La Coruna on a two times weekly basis. This ensured that the required items that were on demand delivered to customers and the managers applied a system that checked on the deliveries through a dial-up modem system. Fulfillment was achieved through checking for orders that the customers had been engaged in consuming updating the manuals to satisfy the ordered merchandize.... The managers are accorded outstanding obligation to determine the products that would have a positive implication on the revenue that would be generated by the company. The desire to trust these employees with the principal decision has led to the generation of the realized profit because the company does not dictate the available merchandize, but have an indirect link to consumers through the manager. An added strategy to regulate the revenue spent is realized in the reduction of advertising fees as the company fails to engage in the process. This strategy is applied in creating a modernized store to attract the customers because of the position in the urban centers that require better display. Zara applied a consistent procedure to ensure its goals are attained, and a wider market niche satisfied. These were categorized into simpler units. Orders were placed to La Coruna on a two times weekly basis. This ensured that the required items that were on demand delivered to customers and the managers applied a system that checked on the deliveries through a dial-up modem system. Fulfillment was achieved through checking for orders that the customers had been engaged in consuming updating the manuals to satisfy the ordered merchandize. Value Chain Designing and manufacturing ensured that the latest fashion had been implemented, and a wider collection maintained in stock. The design established the trend within the market to alter the merchandize that would sell more to the clients predicting the future pattern of the goods. This made sure that Zara had stayed with the competitors to capture the consumer market that appreciated the latest trend of items. The

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Police Corruption In The United States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Police Corruption In The United States - Essay Example Police corruption acts are increasing with the passage of time and everyday we comprehend and share our views regarding police unlawful acts, what is published in the newspaper. "In New Orleans, 11 police officers were convicted of accepting nearly $100,000 from undercover agents to protect a cocaine supply warehouse containing 286 pounds of cocaine. The undercover portion of the investigation was terminated when a witness was killed under orders from a New Orleans police officer." (General Accounting Office, Report to the Honorable Charles B. Rangel). Police departments participating in the five-year study were drawn from a pool of more than 4,000 police departments throughout the United States. Only sixty-nine supplied the necessary personality, background, and offense data and met all of the prerequisites for inclusion in the study (each had to administer a personality test to applicants and had to have had at least one incident where a screened officer engaged in a substantiated corrupt act, for example). Overall, the study examined 439 officers who had engaged in corrupt acts (such as bribes and information breaches) and 439 who had not. Police corruption exists in two forms: Internal corruption and External Corruption. Internal corruption refers to all those crimes, which are held within the boundaries of the police department, i.e., corruption that resides among policemen whereas External corruption escorts to those unlawful acts that apprehend police dealings with the public. Example of an Internal crime can be any officer who is involved in drug or cocaine violence along with other officers or staff or any officer who has taken excessive advantage over the authority given to him by harassing one of his colleague or member. A 1998 report by the General Accounting Office states, "The most commonly identified pattern of drug-related police corruption involved small groups of officers who protected and assisted each other in criminal activities, rather than the traditional patterns of non-drug-related police corruption that involved just a few isolated individuals or systemic corruption pervading an entire police department or precinct." (General Accounting Office, Report to the Honorable Charles B. Rangel) When we talk about external corruption, it is obvious to do something with public prosecution and it is a widespread predicament often found in our everyday lives. Example can be any police officer (or civilian) found engaged in the persuasion of common public. Like I have often observed in New York City, some cops take unnecessary advantage of wearing a five star badge uniform. As an example of police corruption, the GAO cites Philadelphia, where "Since 1995, 10 police officers from Philadelphia's 39th District have been charged with planting drugs on suspects, shaking down drug dealers for hundreds of thousands of dollars, and breaking into homes to steal drugs and cash." (General Accoun

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Case Of Speluncean Explorers Essay Example for Free

The Case Of Speluncean Explorers Essay FACTS A group of 5 including the 4 defendants and Roger Whetmore had entered into a limestone cavern. A landslide occurred and the boulders blocked the only entrance of the cave. When they discovered the problem, the 5 settled themselves on the obstructed entry until a rescue part could rescue them. Employers had left indicators at the headquarters of the society about where the cavern was. On the failure of their return, a rescue party was dispatched. The rescue task was really difficult. More men and machinery had to be conveyed to the remote area. A group of engineers, workmen, geologists and other experts were appointed. The work of removing the obstructions was frustrated by fresh landslides. Ten workmen were killed while clearing the entrance. All the treasury of the Speculean community was exhausted. Eight hundred thousand frevlars raised by legislative grants were all exhausted before the men were rescued. Success was finally achieved on the 32nd day of the rescue mission. It was known that the workers had carried very little provisions with them and that there were no animal or food matter in the cavern. On the 20th day of the rescue, it was discovered that the workers had carried with them a radio transmitter through which communication could be established. The workers asked the physicians and the experts how long it would take for them to be rescued, the physicians told them that it would take atleast 10 days and there was a little possibility for them to survive. Then they asked the physicians whether they could survive if they consumed one their coworkers. The physicians chairman replied reluctantly in affirmative. Roger Whetmore asked the physicians if they could do that by casting lots. There was no answer from their side. Then he asked if any party or a judge was willing to answer this question, there was no answer. He then asked if a priest could answer the question, unfortunately, even they could not. Thereafter, no more messages were received as the battery of the radio receiver had been exhausted. On the 23rd day of the rescue, Whetmore was killed and was eaten by his companions. Then it was known from the defendants that Whetmore had proposed this idea about whod be eaten by the throw of a dice. When it was Whetmores turn, the dice was thrown by a defendant and it turned out to be against Whetmore. He then was killed and eaten by his companions. VERDICT OF THE JUDGES CHIEF JUSTICE TRUEPENNY: He believed that the four defendants should be sentenced to death as he stated Whoever shall wilfully take the life of another shall be punished by death. He mentions that the above statute is not open to more than one interpretation ie it is unambiguous. He also suggested the idea of executive clemency adding that granting mercy would be in the hands of the executive. JUSTICE FOSTER He disagreed with the verdict of the Chief Justice. He thought that the defendants were innocent. He believed that the statute put forward by CJ Truepenny was not applicable  in this case as the law of nature was applied (defendants were in a state of nature at the time of the killing). He also said that if 10 workmens lives were sacrificed to save 5, why not kill 1 to save 4 lives. JUSTICE TATTING He felt sorry for the defendants but at the same time, also had a feeling of disgust at the act they committed. He strongly disagreed with Justice Fosters state of nature. He also thinks that self defence cant be applied to the case as it would raise difficulties. Ultimately, he is not able to decide the case. JUSTICE KEEN He took on the case from a morality point of view. He was in favour of the defendants not being given a death sentence. He criticized the other judges for failing to differentiate between the moral and legal aspects of the case. He also criticizes the courts self defence excuse. JUSTICE HANDY He uses a common-sense approach instead of using legal principles to solve the case. He had a philosophical point of view and was in favour of publics opinion on the case. MY VERDICT ON THE CASE This case has two sides ie the legal side and the moral side. If this case is seen from the legal side, then a death sentence is justified for the four defendants as the statute itself states that whoever shall wilfully take the life of another shall be punished by death. But I personally think that this case is special and it should be seen from the moral point of view. I dont believe that the defendants should be given a death sentence. I strongly disagree with CJ Truepennys verdict, with all due respect. The four defendants were in extremely unfavourable conditions and they had no choice but to kill one the companions and consume them, so that they could survive. The facts suggest that when Roger Whetmore asked the chairman of the physicians if they consume any one of the four companions, they would survive or not, the chairman also replied in affirmative even though he was reluctant. And the decision to kill Roger Whetmore was also justified as per the throw of dice. I agree with Justice Fosters views as well. First of all, the law of nature should be applied to this case as the defendants were in a state of nature at the time of killing. And as per the facts suggest, 10 workmen were killed to save the life of 5 people, then why not kill 1 person and save the life of 4 others? As far as granting executive clemency is concerned, I think that it should completely be in the hands of the executive, but I would be in favour of granting them with it.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Factors Affecting Trade Volume

Factors Affecting Trade Volume Introduction The area of research for this thesis focuses on empirical study determinants of trade volume of Asian developing economies; which constitute the success of global trade. The relationship among determinants of trade studied in the context of developing economies which includes: Pakistan, India, China, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Factors those affects on trade includes: Tariff, Import duty, Inflation, Foreign Direct Investment (F.D.I), Exchange Rate, Transportation Cost and Gross domestic Product (G.D.P) affect on trade volume, based on gravity equation framework in which foreign trade depend in between countries. To accomplish this purpose by using standard gravity model, study comprises multivariate regression on trade of Asian economies. Study found that trade depend on distance in between countries, wealth, tariff and non tariff barriers (N.T.Bs) like exchange and capital control. Export volume of an economy measures trade volume of a particular country to indicate economic growth of a particular country (Tamirisa, 1999). An Economy that have positive balance of trade, improve economic growth of a particular country due to effective economic and financial performance. Besides this basic affects exchange and capital controls influence trade through other channels, for example, transaction cost, exchange rate, foreign exchange risk and trade financing. Capital control in particular country affect on trade in goods by reducing inter temporal trade and portfolio diversification, which may substitute or complement intra temporal trade (Tamirisa, 1999). Therefore, this thesis aims to study determinants of trade volume based on developing economies. A restricted trade policies imposed by a government is harm for a trade. Study found that world trade organization (W.T.O) rules regulations foster trade volume based on strategic planning of global trade at this competitive era. Despite the net economic and social benefits; most governments reduce subsidies and open economic trade. It has been realized in this study manufacturing tariffs remained high in developing countries. However; subsidies and trade policies affects on agricultural, textile and service industries of both rich and poor countries which continued hamper efficient resource allocation, economic growth and poverty alleviation (Anderson, 2004). Fundamentally, capital controls affects on trade by decreasing inter temporal trade and portfolio diversification. The impact of trade in goods depends, if trade in goods and trade in factors are substitute (for example, as found in the basic Heckscher-Ohlin model) the volume of trade in goods likely to fall. If trade in goods and trade in factors are complement (as, for example, in some models with increasing returns to scale), the volume of trade in goods increases (Tamirisa, 1999). The empirical evidence indicates that foreign direct investment tend to increase host countries export and import due to liquidity in a financial market. Foreign direct investment and exports are alternative strategies in this case. Since multinational companies (M.N.Cs) avoid to pay tariff. They initiate subsidiary companies at the host country to cross subsidize in other countries based on strategic management. Capital controls often limit business opportunities for hedging foreign exchange risk and trade financing, thus inhibit trade (Tamirisa, 1999). The gravity equation is one of the most empirically successful studies. It relates trade flow to GDP, distance and other factors that affects on the volume of trade (Anderson and Wincoop, 2003). For this purpose, the overall effects of trade barriers on Asian developing economies empirically studied, analyzed, tested and resulted. Justification For The Research This study is timely significant for theoretical, methodological and practical reasons. With regards to theoretical significance; this study contributes to the literature based on their specification. Determinants of trade volume of Asian developing economies comprises, Pakistan, India, China, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka to identify their trade issues with respect to other regions based on gravity equation framework. As mentioned in empirical literature, determinants of trade volume contribute their significance at this competitive era, where lot of resistance exists at global market. While competition indicate threat for any type of business either manufacturing or service industry. On other hand trade barriers like Tariff, Import duty, Capital Control through Foreign direct investment (F.D.I), Transportation cost and Inflation raise more critical issues to survive in this competitive era. This study also practically signifies from management prospective for those entrepreneurs intending to cross subsidize their business at global market to retain their leading market share. Results of this study provide guidelines for entrepreneurs to identify their, Economic and Socio-Cultural issues that lead to trade barriers for their investment. This study support them based on empirical understanding about trade barriers of developing economies and how it affects on trade. Finally, this study will benefit on strategic decision making to implement trade policies in global market. This chapter comprises the foundation of this study. It introduces research objective and focus on trade and its determinants based on theoretical practical justification of this research. Then major terms used in this study are discussed comprehensively. Literature Review This chapter based on comprehensive literature review, those are useful for this study. The objective is to evaluate determinants of trade volume in the context of literature review. To this end, this chapter divided into three sections. First section deal broadly with trade and its determinants for which this thesis first explains determinants of trade and then model based empirical finding those are relevant to this research. The second section will investigate theoretical perspective and determinants of trade. The third section interlinks determinants of trade with empirical findings based on Asian developing economies. In short, this thesis first discuss trade theories as mentioned in the literature and then pertinent model present; which will not only explain trade theories but also highlight the link determinants of trade and developing economies. Overview Of International Trade It is a well accepted idea that free trade benefits all countries around the world; it is also a well known fact that hardly any country has always been practice free trade policies. Traditionally trade theories contend that government intervenes on foreign trade because of political pressure from interest groups. Since import can pose a threat to domestic industries, these industries lobby intensely for trade protection (Krueger, 1974, Pincus 1975, Mayer 1984). Other studies suggest that governments are tempted to use trade bargaining to gain larger share from global trade (Morishima, 1989); [Cheng, Liu, and Yang, 1999]. International trade is more or less substitute of foreign investment. On the contrary factor proportion hypothesis [Helpman, 1984; Markusen, 1984; Helpman and Krugman, 1985; Ethier and Horn, 1990] seems to predict that international trade and investments are complement as firms take advantage of factor price differences through cross border vertical integration. According to Aizenman, Joshua and Ilan Noy (2005), it is common to expect bidirectional linkage between FDI and trade. However, it is difficult to indicate whether inflows and outflows of FDI affect directly on trade in different types of goods and services. Study found there is strong feedback relationship between FDI and trade; especially in manufacturing industries. There is some evidence indicate trade enhancement lead to extensive competition in domestic and global market at this era (S. and W. Chaisrisawatsuk, 2007). Economic integration promises to raise trade volume through trade creation by engaging trade agreements. At micro level, interdependence between international trade and investment is magnified through intra firm trade (trade among foreign affiliates), outsourcing of raw material, intermediate goods, output and firms vertical integration behavior (S. and W. Chaisrisawatsuk, 2007). Since trade liberalization implies a liberated (less costly) movement of goods and services while investment liberalization implies better environment for movement of resources. Increasing international trade based on sustainable comparative advantage is a key condition for countries to realize gain from global trade. If trade and investment are complementary, FDI inflow supposed to enhance gain from trade. In addition, FDI inflow to the host country expected to improve efficiency and productivity of factors production, therefore it enhances the countrys competitiveness (S. and W. Chaisrisawatsuk, 2007). This study applies gravity model approach to investigate the relationship between international trade and foreign investment. Generally, countries with similar resources produce similar products. However, existence of two way trade (Bilateral Trade) in similar products and two way investments among developed as well as developing economies indicates that there is a room for trade and investment. Thus, simultaneous equation estimate is more appropriate approach used in order to capture feedback effects between trade and investment in order to examine relationships between trade and investment (S. and W. Chaisrisawatsuk, 2007). Factors Influence International Trade Study found that tariff, inflation, transportation costs are critical factors affect on trade of developing economies. The empirical evidence indicates foreign direct investment tends to increase host countries exports, although the impact on imports is relatively weak. In the presence of tariff barriers, however restrictions on foreign direct investment distort trade. According to the static general equilibrium model, trade is determined by the wealth and size of countries. While distance has a negative effect on trade, in a part because of trade costs (e.g., transportation and communication) are likely increase with respect to distance. Tariff barrier in the importing countries also tend to have a negative, albeit insignificant effect on exports into these countries. While Per capita, G.D.P and Population, on other hand, have significant positive effects on exports (Tamirisa, 1999). Factors those affect on trade justify in detail below. Tariff A tariff is a tax on import which is collected by the federal government to build infrastructure of a particular country. Tariff usually aims first to limit import and second to raise government revenue, thats reason multinational corporations (M.N.Cs) avoid to pay tariff. And initiate subsidiary companies at host country through cross subsidization to retain their leading market share at global market. Empirical studies found tariff lead to trade distortion due to it have a negative effect on trade which raises the cost of trade. Due to tariff rates significantly reduce export of developing and transition economies (Tamirisa, 1999). Model predicts the presence of trade barriers, such as tariffs and non-tariff barriers (N.T.Bs) diminish trade volume. The empirical study found tariff rate interact with the estimated share of free trade. Since trade distortions caused by tariffs; which indicate low growth rate in a country that needs to import more under free trade regime. Government intervenes in foreign transactions by imposing tariff on import of foreign goods. Therefore, tariff has two effects on economy, namely distortion of resource allocation and the transfer of revenue. Thus, distortion effects of tariffs on the growth rate evidently hinge free trade (Lee, 1993). Empirical study found large variation in trade, caused by tariffs and transportation cost. Tariff liberalization shift trade from rich to poor and domestic to global countries, this estimates imply that elimination of tariff create more trade for poor countries. It is also implies that tariff elimination would divert trade away from continental to preferential trading areas. It has been studied in empirical literature tariffs, distance and production costs are important factors affect on trade; study found tariffs reduce trade significantly. Where low tariff rate is exists among organization of economic cooperation and development (O.E.C.D) countries. While high tariff is exist among Non-O.E.C.D countries. Therefore elimination of tariff rate would raise global trade significantly (Lai and Zhu, 2004). Inflation It has been realized in comprehensive literature review inflation tends to hamper the volume of trade and slow down economic growth. The initial effects arise from decreased in domestic demand. Thus, result rises in price fluctuation relative to those competing or importing countries (Lovasy, 1962). The initial affects of inflation is an increase the price of goods and services in domestic market, which makes selling on that market more profitable than export. Since market price influence a volume of trade. However inflationary affects tend to encourage such change with a view to raise the price of commodity and maintain it high level. The creation of substitute adversely affects on the volume of trade. If inflation prolong over a period of years, trade will adversely affect through structural changes in an economy (Lovasy, 1962). The affects of inflation on exports may be counteracted by government actions in various forms like: adjustment of exchange rates, retention quota, subsidies on exports (either straight or through multiple rate practices). In other hand devaluation or gradual depreciation of exchange rate will raise the prices of trade (Lovasy, 1962). Since many other factors influence export, inflation can be a visible affects if it lead the price out of line with price in competing countries or importing areas (Lovasy, 1962). On the other hand, extensive empirical research such as Levine and Renelt (1992), Levine and Zervos (1993), Stanners (1993), Bruno and Easterly (1998) and Easterly (2003) indicate negative relationship between inflation and economic growth (Chowdhury and Siregar, 2004). Transportation Cost Transportation cost is one of the significant factor affects on trade. The importance of geography has been recognized by Moneta (1959) as well as by Hummels (1998). It was found that distance is a critical factor in-between country, whether they share common border or they are landlocked. The infrastructure depends on transport and communications network. Study found that infrastructure is quantitatively important factor to determine transport cost (LimÃÆ' £o and Venables, 2001). Generally these types of cost associated in foreign trade. 1. Physical Shipping cost. 2. Time related cost (Lead Time). 3. Cost of cultural unfamiliarity. Among these costs physical and shipping cost obvious with respect to distance in a trade (Frankel, 1997 quoted from Linnemann, 1996). Generally neighbor countries have more integrated logistics network that reduce number of trans-shipments. Second, neighboring countries are more likely to have transit and custom agreements that reduce transit time and translate into lower shipping and insurance cost. This suggests that distance affects trade volumes through transportation costs and through other channels such as information, which is often associated with distance. It has been realized that poor communication network leads to higher transportation cost, which significantly affect on the volume of trade (LimÃÆ' £o and Venables, 2001). Transportation cost negatively affect on trade volumes due to complex geographical location, infrastructure, administrative barriers and the structure of shipping industry. Based on comprehensive literature review, land locked countries face transportation cost fifteen percent higher and lower trade volumes than representative coastal countries (LimÃÆ' £o and Venables, 2001). Exchange And Capital Control Study found that most countries have liberalize policy on transfers payments; since economic policy is increasingly shifting toward liberalize transaction. Exchange control acts as a tax on foreign currency required for purchasing goods and services. Besides this basic effect, exchange and capital controls influence trade through other channels as well, for example, transaction cost; exchange rates, foreign exchange risk and trade financing. Study found that exchange and capital control often raise transaction cost (Tamirisa, 1999). Furthermore, exchange and capital controls can reduce trade by limiting the transfer of technology, managerial expertise and skills through foreign direct investment. Capital controls often limit business opportunities for hedging foreign exchange risk and trade financing. Thus inhibit trade volume in the presence of capital control. Exchange and capital control on other hand, often associated with an overvalued exchange rate, which inhibit trade. Moreover capital controls help to retain domestic savings and higher saving leads to higher investment in export sectors; thus trade may increase (Tamirisa, 1999). Study found that capital controls are critical barrier to export into developing and transition economies; but not to industrialized countries. These findings attribute to capital controls, which noticeably reduce export into developing and transition economies and have only a minor negative impact on export for developed economies. Reason is that industrial economies have relatively liberal regimes for global capital movement. While many developing and transition economies continue maintain various capital controls (Tamirisa, 1999). Exchange and capital controls affect trade through interrelated channels, including transaction cost, and volatility of exchange rate, inter temporal trade, and portfolio diversification. Study realized exchange and capital control have a negative impact on export. However, this result varies depending on the level of development in the country and type of exchange and capital control. These results may reflect the extent, to which restrictions on current payment and transfers have been liberalized (Tamirisa, 1999). Gross Domestic Product Trade cost operates primarily via price. In the context of monopolistic competition model, difficulty is created by the complexity of constant elasticity substitution (C.E.S) price index in the presence of asymmetric trade costs. To resolve this difficulty, three approaches have been taken: 1. G.D.P price indexes are used to capture the price effects in the gravity equation as Bergstrand (1985, 1989) and Baier and Bergstrand (2001). 2. Estimated border effects are used to measure the price effects, as in Anderson and Wincoop (2003) and Balistreri and Hillberry (2001). 3. Fixed effects are used to account for the price effects, as in Harrigan (1996), Hummels (1999), Redding and Venables (2002), and others (Lai and Zhu, 2004). Turn to an empirical investigation export from one country to other trading partners depends on gross domestic product (G.D.P). By using [Rauchs, 1999] classification sample consist in groups: homogeneous goods, differentiated goods in between categories. On the basis of gravity equation framework trade in each of these groups move from homogeneous to differentiated goods; studies found elasticity of export with respect to G.D.P rise significantly. These findings are empirically significant both economically and statistically. The G.D.P of exporting country is found to be a powerful explanatory variable to explain trade relations. There are demographic variables such as G.D.P and population which relate to the size and stage of economic development based on export and import in between countries. These factors are included in the study despite controlling the effect of dependent variable to determine whether size of an economy has an independent influence on trade relations (Feenstra, Markusen, and Rose, 2001). The ratio of trade volume to real G.D.P is often used as an indicator of an economys openness to international trade (Prasad and Gable, 1998). Import Duty Import duties refer to a tax in which importer pay to the government in order to bring foreign products in a particular country. Most of the import duties are figured in a percentage on declared value of the commodity. An import duty differs from product to product and depends on commodity is being imported. Its declared value of origin country. While product group used to assess import duties in between two countries (Sampson and Yeats, 1976). The competitiveness of domestic manufacturers adversely affected vis-ÃÆ'  -vis import because importer liable to pay additional charges due to execution of projects financed by a trading partners (Mukhopadhyay, 2002). Like India fetched excessive price because of banning imports on some goods, they charged very high duty running around the price of goods. These non traditional goods (mainly consumer durables) provided great stimulus to the contraband trade. However, when there is a massive scale of contraband trade, country face substantial loss in term of revenue (Sarvananthan, 1994). Foreign Direct Investment Study found foreign direct investment change industrial structure and trade flow across a country. Since FDI help in cost reduction and export promotion at host countries through up date technology. Foreign direct Investment (FDI) also provides financial resource for investment at a host country. In other hand it provides foreign exchange thats positively affect on the balance of trade. Indeed, in the wake of debt crisis, FDI has come to be viewed as an increasingly important source of revenue for developing countries (Goldar and Ishigami, 1999). Advantage of FDI is that it assists the host country to improve its export performance. By raising the level of efficiency and the standards of product quality, FDI makes a positive impact on the host countrys export. Furthermore, it provides better access to export in foreign markets. According to the Hymer-Kindleberger theory (Kindleberger, 1969) foreign owned firms investment at the host country; if it possesses competitive advantage which allows them sustainable growth. Foreign direct investment plays significant role to promote export and to change industrial structure of Asian countries through transfer of technology. Dunnings eclectic theory of international trade (Dunning, 1988) explain overseas market served by enterprises in different geographical location around the world. According to this theory, firms invest in a country if following conditions are satisfied: Firm possesses some ownership advantages vis-ÃÆ'  -vis firms with other nationalities serving particular markets. It is more beneficial for the firm to produce in foreign country due to update technology and Infrastructure of a particular country (Goldar and Ishigami, 1999). FDI contribute on economic growth of the region through cost reduction and export promotion. On other hand, rapid growth is being attained by the region due to update technology and infrastructure for a particular country. As growth leads to expansion of both domestic and global market (Goldar and Ishigami, 1999). FDI flow in Asia has shifted over a time from Asian Newly Industrialize Economies (N.I.Es) to A.S.E.A.N. While china and Japan have became persistent source of FDI in developing countries (Goldar and Ishigami, 1999). During the past two decades, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, and Hong Kong witnessed most rapid economic growth in all developing countries. Their export oriented strategy emphasis on foreign investment and trade is considered the main cause for their success (Amirahmadi and Weiping Wu, 1994). Many countries established Export Processing Zones and Special Economic Zone to promote foreign investment and export to other countries. These zones have preferential treatment in manufacturing process. Their products are targeted for export market. Taiwan and China are the chief example; where these zones have become major attractions of FDI (Amirahmadi and Weiping Wu, 1994). Exports and FDI is complementary instrument in economic growth [Veugelers and Yamawaki, 1991]. Increasing import and inward FDI increase competition on domestic market and reduce domestic firms profitability. FDI allow transfer of technology to produce and sell goods on foreign market. Empirical study found import have positive effects on competitive behavior of domestic firms and have negative effects on their profitability; it has been analyzed theoretically (e.g. by Caves [1985], Jacquemin [1982]) and empirically in the literature (e.g. by Levinsohn [1991], Pugel [1978, 1980], Turner [1980]); (Bertschek, 1995). Based on export oriented group of countries, foreign investment is a more powerful driving force in economic growth process rather than domestic investment. According to this supplementary hypothesis the elasticity of output with respect to foreign capital is predicted as exceeding with respect to domestic capital (Balasubramanyam, Salisu and Sapsford, 1996). Model For Study. Study comprises factors affecting trade volume of developing economies based on gravity equation framework. Foreign trade relation play vital role for economic development. Foreign trade is influenced by multinational corporation (M.N.Cs). These underlying relationships explain the effects, trade barriers of developing economies based on foreign trade relation. This section present trade model and its key concepts used in this study. Determinants of trade and its relationship with trade theory have been identified, tested and resulted. On the basis of comprehensive literature review; it observed that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"tariff, inflation and transportation cost are significant factors affects on trade volume of Asian countries. The trade model tested based on developed hypotheses in the next section of this research. Trade Theory Based on comprehensive literature following are the facets of trade theories focus on various concepts associated with global trade in terms of theories expanded by the scholars. Gravity Model Of Trade Theory Study found that international trade flow well described by a à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“gravity equation frameworkà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  indeed, gravity equation is one of the empirical accomplishment stories in economics and trade theories (Feenstra, Markusen and Rose, 1999). The gravity equation framework is one of the most popular empirical evidence for the whole range of spatial relations in economics and international trade over a period of time. Generally it apply to study determinants of trade volume and to assess various regional economic integration with respect to developing economies (Cieslik, 2007). In the context of international trade, gravity equation in its basic form nominate the amount of trade in-between two countries increases in their size and proportion to their national income, and inversely decreases by the cost of transport between them, (As measured by distance between their economic centers). This relationship closely look like Newtons (1687) law of gravitation which states that every atom in the universe attracts other atom with a force that is comparative to the product of their masses and inversely comparative to the distance among particles (Cieslik, 2007). Although gravity equation in its basic form performs a good job to justify foreign trade based on size of trading countries and distance between them. Therefore, in order to improve performance of the gravity equation in empirical studies of trade; one should take into account the impact of other factors that affects on volume of trade (Cieslik, 2007). Theoretical Foundation Of Gravity Model The concept of the gravity model based on Newtons Law of Universal gravitation which relate the force of attraction between two objects with their combined masses and distance between them. The application of gravity model in social sciences empirically proposed by James Stewart in the 1940s (Fitzsimons et al., 1999). And then originally applied to international trade by Tinbergen (1962), the gravity model predicts trade flow between any two countries as a function of their size and distance between them (Walsh, 2006). Economic size is measured by gross domestic product, population and per capita income. Distance typically calculated through transportation cost between countries capital cities. In some studies this is replaced by the measures of remoteness through G.D.P or measure distances relative to the countrys average distance with all trading partners. Extension of this approach is to calculate trade cost with respect to barriers. And other restrictions on trade flow by comparing predicted and actual levels of trade volume (Walsh, 2006). As the empirical applications of the gravity model has grown theoretically over a period of time; foundation of this model have also developed. Beginning with Anderson (1979); who illustrates gravity equation framework is consistent with a model of trade in which products are differentiated by the country of origin (Walsh, 2006). The gravity model is being established in a literature and measure potential trade between countries. The gravity model; defined by the Newtons Law of Gravitation, explain trade flow between two countries. It is one of the most popular empirical associations in economics and international trade. Earlier studies have estimated difference between observed values and predicted values those are calculated through O.L.S estimate of gravity model (Baldwin, 1994; and Nilsson, 2000); (Kalirajan and Singh, 2007). Justification Of The Gravity Model The Newtons physician primarily justify gravity model based on theoretical justification with their combined masses. Second justification for the gravity model was analyzed by Linneman (1966); (Rahman, 2003). Anderson (1979), Bergstrand (1985, 1989), Thursby (1987), Helpman Krugman (1985) share this view. Their studies identify number of variables. However, price and exchange variables can be omitted when products are perfect substitutes for one another in consumer preference. This structure of course, obtains the standard Heckscher-Ohlin (H-O) setting (Jakab 2001); (Rahman, 2003). Empirical Study Study found the gravity model in the context of international trade applied, first time independently by Tinbergen (1962) and PÃÆ' ¶yhÃÆ' ¶nen (1963) but they didnt have any theoretical justification at the beginning. The earliest but not completely successful attempts provide a theoretical justification for the gravity equation by Linneman (1966), Leamer and Stern (1970) and Leamer (1970). However, origin of the gravity equation from a model was not possible till the product homogeneity assumption; since early neoclassical trade literature was relaxed at that time (Cieslik, 2007). The first formal attempt to derive the gravity equation directly from theoretical point of view made by Anderson (1979) based on Armington hypothesis which argues that products differentiated by the country of origin. Anderson (1979) demonstrated to derive gravity equation by using properties of Cobb Douglas expenditure system when goods produced by a country. Andersons (1979) approach subsequently applied and extended by Bergstrand (1985) who derived and summarize equation in terms of trade flow (Cieslik, 2007). An alternative method proposed by Helpman (1987) who completely departed from neoclassical assumptions of traditional Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson model. Which assume monopolistic competition and product differentiation among various firm in all industries rather than countri

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Arguments :: essays research papers

Discussions on various topics come up anywhere there is people with certain thoughts. These discussions will come up from out of nowhere and from anywhere. When a discussion becomes a heated debate as two parties utter back and forth then it is an argument. Winning those arguments, whether you know or do not know what you are talking about, is a great feeling. Here is how to win arguments, when you have no clue of what the argument entails, by making things up, using meaningless but weighty-sounding words and phrases, and by using snappy comebacks. Making things up is harder than it seems. Made up phrases just cant be off the top of your head, they have to be thought out. Suppose, in a Peruvian economy argument, you are trying to prove Peruvians are underpaid, a position you base solely on the fact that YOU are underpaid, and you are damned if you are going to let a bunch of Peruvians be better off. DON'T say: "I think Peruvians are underpaid." Say: "The average Peruvian's salary in 1981 dollars adjusted for the revised tax base is $1,452.81 per annum, which is $836.07 before the mean gross poverty level." This second statement suggests the same thought, yet expresses it in a way that sounds more sophisticated and in turn the arguer looks better. Next, use meaningless but weighty-sounding words and phrases. To do this, a list needs to be entered into memory. Stylish words and phrases include: let me put it this way, in terms of, vis-Ã  -vis, per se, as it were, qua, and so to speak. Memorize Latin abbreviations such as "Q.E.D.," "e.g.," and "i.e." These are all short for "I speak Latin, and you do not." Here's how to use these words and phrases. Suppose you want to say: "Peruvians would like to order appetizers more often, but they don't have enough money." Nobody wins arguments talking like that. But you WILL win if you say: "Let me put it this way. In terms of appetizers vis-Ã  -vis Peruvians qua Peruvians, they would like to order them more often, so to speak, but they do not have enough money per se, as it were. Q.E.D." Only a fool would challenge that statement. Finally, use snappy and irrelevant comebacks. Having an arsenal of all-purpose irrelevant phrases to fire back at opponents when they make valid points is great for a final blow.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essays --

According to Mondy, Noe, & Gowan (2005), global dimensions such as variations in cultural practices imply that the success of organizations depend on management’s ability to market and manage in multicultural settings. To a greater extent, organizations that operate only within one country enjoy the benefits of dealing with a relatively homogenous set of cultural, legal, and economic variables. When a company operates multiple businesses in several countries, it is not blessed with such relative uniformity (Mondy, Noe, & Gowan, 2005). Consequently, the human resource management function in multinational companies such as Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts is significantly complicated by the need to adapt human resource management procedures and policies to the differences among the various countries in which the organization operates. With respect to the case of Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, there are several issues that Kathleen Taylor (President, Worldwide Operations) should focus on so as to create a balance in concepts related to cultural awareness and control mechanisms. These issues include cultural factors, economic factors, labor cost factors, and industrial relations factors. In the case of cultural factors, it is a widely accepted fact that wide-ranging cultural variations in different countries demand corresponding variations in human resource practices among an organization’s foreign subsidiaries. For example, the cultural norms in a country like Japan or other Far East countries and the importance that people place on the patriarchal system has an effect on the typical Japanese worker’s perception of his/her relationship to the employee. Consequently, this has an influence on how that person works. Such cultural diff... of each business unit. The president must have the experience and capacity to manage generational and cultural diversity in the complex global environment. The communication strategy employed by the company should transmit the values, image and objectives of the company as the finest home or destination away from home that meets and exceeds the needs of diverse clients and stress it from time to time. The president should orient the organization to administer a results-driven approach. This approach sets targets for each department and ensures that those goals are achieved through evaluation and control. She should be open-minded to allow views of other departments to form the basis of her decisions. Finally, the president should keep herself abreast with the happenings in the hotel industry and benchmark accordingly through expert advice and continuous learning.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Effects of the AMR Corporation Bankruptcy on Airline Passengers and Emp

On November 29, 2011, American Airlines became the last of the legacy airlines to go bankrupt when its parent company, AMR Corporation, filed for Chapter 11 reorganization. Sought almost exclusively by large corporations, a Chapter 11 bankruptcy allows a firm to continue operating while reorganizing itself to create a more profitable financial framework (â€Å"Chapter 11 Definition†). Essentially, this provides a last resort business strategy: if the firm successfully reorganizes, its new financial structure begins cutting its debt. If the reorganization fails, the company begins liquidating its assets to repay the stakeholders to whom it owes money (â€Å"An Overview of Corporate†). An evaluation of the AMR bankruptcy along with the bankruptcies of its competitors provides insight to its potential impact on airline passengers, airline employees, and the economy as a whole. To put the AMR bankruptcy into perspective, it is necessary to examine market conditions for airline companies since 2000. Every major American airline with the exception of American Airlines filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy between 2002 and 2005 as a result of labor costs increasing while demand decreased following the recession and the September 11 terrorist attacks (Rushe). Between an already struggling economy, heightened airport security, and the reluctance of many passengers to continue air travel, these airlines filed for bankruptcy to escape debt and return to annual profitability. As of 2011, every major airline had achieved this goal with the exception of American Airlines, the only of these companies to forgo bankruptcy and, consequently, the only to remain in debt. As American Airlines’ financial issues became exacerbated by high oil prices, AMR finally f... ...clopedia of Economics. Ed. David R. Henderson. 2nd ed. Library of Economics and Liberty, n.d. Web. 29 May 2012. Stancavage, John. â€Å"Analysts See US Airways Merger as American’s Next Step.† Aviation Pros. Ed. Ronald Donner. Cygnus Business Media, 21 May 2012. Web. 21 May 2012. . Trejos, Nancy. â€Å"Union Groups Accept American Airlines’ Final Contract Offer.† USA Today. Ed. John Hillkirk. N.p., 15 May 2012. Web. 17 May 2012. . Whitely, Jason. â€Å"Unions Have Their Say on American Airlines Bankruptcy.† WFAA-TV Inc., 13 May 2012. Web. 21 May 2012. . Effects of the AMR Corporation Bankruptcy on Airline Passengers and Emp On November 29, 2011, American Airlines became the last of the legacy airlines to go bankrupt when its parent company, AMR Corporation, filed for Chapter 11 reorganization. Sought almost exclusively by large corporations, a Chapter 11 bankruptcy allows a firm to continue operating while reorganizing itself to create a more profitable financial framework (â€Å"Chapter 11 Definition†). Essentially, this provides a last resort business strategy: if the firm successfully reorganizes, its new financial structure begins cutting its debt. If the reorganization fails, the company begins liquidating its assets to repay the stakeholders to whom it owes money (â€Å"An Overview of Corporate†). An evaluation of the AMR bankruptcy along with the bankruptcies of its competitors provides insight to its potential impact on airline passengers, airline employees, and the economy as a whole. To put the AMR bankruptcy into perspective, it is necessary to examine market conditions for airline companies since 2000. Every major American airline with the exception of American Airlines filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy between 2002 and 2005 as a result of labor costs increasing while demand decreased following the recession and the September 11 terrorist attacks (Rushe). Between an already struggling economy, heightened airport security, and the reluctance of many passengers to continue air travel, these airlines filed for bankruptcy to escape debt and return to annual profitability. As of 2011, every major airline had achieved this goal with the exception of American Airlines, the only of these companies to forgo bankruptcy and, consequently, the only to remain in debt. As American Airlines’ financial issues became exacerbated by high oil prices, AMR finally f... ...clopedia of Economics. Ed. David R. Henderson. 2nd ed. Library of Economics and Liberty, n.d. Web. 29 May 2012. Stancavage, John. â€Å"Analysts See US Airways Merger as American’s Next Step.† Aviation Pros. Ed. Ronald Donner. Cygnus Business Media, 21 May 2012. Web. 21 May 2012. . Trejos, Nancy. â€Å"Union Groups Accept American Airlines’ Final Contract Offer.† USA Today. Ed. John Hillkirk. N.p., 15 May 2012. Web. 17 May 2012. . Whitely, Jason. â€Å"Unions Have Their Say on American Airlines Bankruptcy.† WFAA-TV Inc., 13 May 2012. Web. 21 May 2012. .

Monday, September 16, 2019

Punishment for Crime should be Individualized Essay

Crime and the punishments for crimes have been the subject of debates for centuries.   When asked, most people would say that people who commit crimes should be punished for it in some way. When deciding however what kind of punishment should be given to the offender, is when the debate begins.   The reason for the debate comes about because there are significant differences in how people view punishment and what punishments should be used for different crimes. Most people struggle with the question of what kind of punishment is fair for the offender.   In the past, people have at times been treated differently for very similar crimes, this created upset among the people who cried out for equal treatment for everyone.   What those people fail to realize is that equal is not always fair.   Although some degree of structure in sentencing is needed, there should be some leeway provided in order to individualize the sentence to â€Å"make the punishment fit the specific crime†.   In order to determine what is considered fair and equal punishment, the first step is to identify what punishment is. One definition of punishment is the deliberate infliction of physical harm on an offender or his property without his consent because he is an offender, but for reasons other than self-defense (Halliday, Appendix B.).   In the legal system, punishment is inflicted upon an offender as a direct result of negative behaviors for the purpose of deterring future behaviors these are called sentences.   Different members of society however have different ideas of what kind of punishment is fair.   What some people feel is fair and just as a particular punishment for crime, others feel is cruel and inhumane.   During some eras in history, sentences for crimes were not fairly and equally handed out to all citizens.   People with higher community status were sometimes given lighter or no sentences for crimes that other people were harshly punished for.   Due to the differences in sentencing and an increasing crime rate, changes in the law and punishments were needed (Lehrer).In an attempt to make sentencing fair for everyone, President Ronald Reagan passed a Comprehensive Crime Control Bill on October 12, 1984 (Kaufman, 1). Through this, â€Å"the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984† created â€Å"The United States Sentencing Commission† which developed a set of sentencing guidelines for specific crimes.   These guidelines created mandatory sentencing for anyone who committed certain crimes, which took away all ability for the judge or jury to individualize sentences for individuals or for individual crimes (Kaufman, 1).   Although these guidelines were developed with good intentions to provide the average and underprivileged with the same rights as the wealthy, there are other factors in crimes that were not taken into consideration. It is a well known fact that not all crimes are created equal.   Murder is obviously a more serious offense than theft and should not have the same consequences and few people would argue that the consequences should be the same.   The problem of fairness becomes more of an issue when the end result of the crimes are similar.   The motive or cause of the crime however might have been completely different.   While it is easy to say that a punishment should be less severe for stealing jewels than for someone who takes a human life.   The consequences however are the same for a person who shoplifts a CD to avoid paying for it and a person who steals a can of soup to feed a starving family.   Because the end result is the same the law requires that the offenders be punished equally, but the motive in the case is quite different.   The same is true when comparing a person who commits murder over a bad drug deal compared to a woman who kills her husband after years of sufferi ng abuse.   Because the sentencing guidelines are based on the end result of the crime, motivation is not considered.   Judges are required to pass sentence based on the mandatory sentence.   Ã‚  Even over half of the Federal Judges would chose to eliminate the mandatory sentencing guidelines and 82.8 percent believe that judges would be better and more efficient at choosing the sentence for crimes (Pratt, 1). If the guidelines were eliminated or at least changed, the judges, juries or parole boards would have more freedom to take into consideration special circumstances behind the criminal behavior.   This would reintroduce the possibility for some mistakes or personal preferences, but it also allows for some leniency for crimes with less criminal motivation. The problem with mandatory guidelines has gone so far as to invade the public school system.   In schools, it is called the zero-tolerance policy.   This policy was introduced into most public schools after the shooting at the Columbine, Colorado high school and the increased number of school shootings that followed.   This policy states that any child, who brings a weapon to school, threatens to or harms other students, or indicates hostile ideation will be punished.   The punishment ranges from suspension to actual criminal charges. The premise behind the policy is to take all threats seriously.   The problem with it is that children are no longer allowed to be children.   When children get angry they often threaten them, but due to the policy children are getting suspended from school and arrested for drawing pictures of guns and for using dinnerware to peel oranges for lunch (Dart, 1).   These rules, like the mandatory sentence guidelines for adults takes all of the common sense and reason out of assigning consequences for various behaviors. In January of 2005 a Supreme Court decision provided some hope for the future of fair sentencing.   The court ruling declared mandatory guidelines unconstitutional (Edelstein, 1).   This provides the judges a little more freedom to use desertion.   The mandatory sentences are still the default sentence, but based on the circumstances surrounding the case, the judge has the right to rule outside of the guidelines if appropriate (Edelstein,1).   In these cases the judge can provide lighter sentences to people whose special situations led them to commit a crime they otherwise would not have considered. Mandatory sentences often also include parole guidelines which mandate at what point in the sentence a criminal might be eligible for parole or if parole is even an opportunity.   In cases where an inmate can not ever be eligible for parole, there is very little motivation for the person to use positive behavior while incarcerated.   The person in these cases have no hope of getting a reduced sentence because of merits accomplished while in prison.   By providing the judges to choose the sentence, parole can be made more of an option to motivate criminals to choose rehabilitation instead of continuing to have problems during the time in prison.   This would help lead to more people successfully being rehabilitated.   By providing more inmates the opportunity for reduced sentences and rehabilitation, there would be significantly less of a problem with prison overcrowding. Although the guidelines for sentencing were created to make the legal system and criminal punishments fairer for everyone, they have gone to the extreme and are now causing harm to some people.   A legal system that provided special treatment for the rich and famous was wrong, but a legal system that requires horribly abused women to undergo the same sentence as a child killer is just as wrong.   There should be some basic guidelines, but at the same time there should be provisions in which the motive of the crime and the background behind the crime should be taken into consideration.   There is no such thing as a â€Å"cookie cutter† crime and there should not be uniform punishments to for the crimes. Every person is individual and when an individual commits a crime, a little time needs to be taken to determine the best and most effective punishment for that crime.   Some people would benefit more from community service or therapy than being put in jail.   Prison in many cases proves only to harden people and makes a person less likely to be able to adequately adapt to society upon returning to it.   Parents who have more than one child do not discipline all of the children in the same way for similar behaviors, because different consequences are more effective for different people.   Based on this fact, the sentencing guidelines need to be re-examined and adapted to be sure that the best possible consequence is given for each individual and each offense.   Works Cited Edelstein, Jonathan. â€Å"Sentence Structure† 31 August 2005 26 February, 2008. Dart, Andrew. â€Å"Zero Tolerance vs. Common Sense† 19 December 2008. 25, February 2008 Lehrer, Eli. â€Å"Soft Cell†. 9 June, 2003. 25, February 2008 < AEI – Short Publications> Pratt, Robert. â€Å"Senseless Sentencing: a Federal Judge Speaks Out†. 10 January 1999.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Des Moines Register.   25, February 2008 Halliday,Roy. â€Å"What Good is Punishment?† 1 January 2003. Appendix B. What good is punishment> Kaufman, Shari. â€Å"The Federal Sentencing Guidelines: A Formulaic and Impersonal Approach to Dispensing Justice†. (1999) the Federal Sentencing Guidelines: A Formulaic and Impersonal Approach to Dispensing Justice

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Multi-Racial Society Essay

Nowadays 99% of the modern world countries have become a multiracial society, whether it is relative to their language, religion , culture, or traditions . Also universities , schools and other societies have become multiracial, it is not necessary for the whole country . And today with all aspects of economical, social and other types of growth , it is distinguishably linked to the globalization and the immigration of people to other countries, which has become more and more common . But can a multiracial community exist with no problems attached ? A multiracial society is very rich in culture heritage , where you get the opportunity to learn about other cultures. A multi-racial society is also a multi-linguist society so people living in such societies benefit from the richness of languages and are thus able to speak different languages , there is also a wide variety of traditions, customs and festivals that are being carried out in such countries. In addition with the fusion of cultures food becomes national, people are able to eat a wider variety of food, learning to prepare them in different ways, even celebrations of festivals become national. In addition a multi-racial society teaches people how to respect and understand the religion and cultures of others. Therefore this leads to tolerance. Moreover multi nationality makes the country more dynamic because there are people who come from different places and this can help to develop new ideas about how to make our lives better. In these multi-racial societies very often there are misunderstandings, which lead to conflict . Fanaticism is another factor, which creates conflicts in a multi-racial society. These conflicts and divisions between people is further increased by politicians who practice racial and ethnic politics, only to obtain votes. Fanaticism also encourages people in becoming racist which then leads to intolerance and misunderstandings. Not to mention that sometimes some religions in some societies get stereotyped in an insulting way, which creates clashes between two cultures or more . To conclude I will say that peace remains very fragile, it can break at any time. So we should not let anyone gamble with it. We should neither allow ourselves to be manipulated by the governments nor the people in power.

Define the term ‘consent’ in adult social care

Consent is giving permission to do something.In health and social care settings it usually means that the individual gives consent to take part in an activity or to accept some kind of care or treatment – this could be agreeing to have a shower or a bath – agreeing to take medication, as well as agreeing to have their details shared with others.Why is it important that a social care worker works in a way which promotes person centred values? Person-centred approaches are about the individual being the centre of their care and support plan enabling them to have control over their lives. Person-centred approaches are about enabling individuals to live their own lives and not just providing a service. It is about focusing on the individual person’s needs and not the tasks that need completing.Person-centred planning is a way for individuals to plan for what they want now and in the future, together with the people in their lives who they like and trust. Everyone has a right to plan their own lives and be at the centre of any planning that is done for them. Everyone has a right to be part of their community. Everyone has a right to live their lives as they want, and if they need support to do this for this support to be provided in a way in which they want it. There are eight person centred values that support person-centred care and support. These are: IndividualityIndependence Privacy Partnership Choice Dignity Respect RightsBy following the values set out above, we will be able to develop a clear understanding about the individuals we are working with. This includes their needs, their culture, their means of communication, their likes and dislikes, their family and other professionals’ involvement so we can promote and provide person centred care and support.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Art and Human Nature Essay

When discussing art it has continuously been examined how much it is applied to human nature. In The Art Instinct by Denis Dutton he spend an entire chapter discussing the colorations between the two. Art can be seen in human nature through its history, it’s comparison to language, and its creation from humans through genetics and their tendencies. Language has always been considered a part of human nature. All culture through all ages has some manner of language. Though it changes throughout the world with over six thousand known types, the universal ability to communicate is unquestionable â€Å"Despite vocabulary and surface grammar differences †¦ languages are never mutually incommensurable †¦ This is possible because language structure is shared across cultures and because languages are ties to universal prelinguistic interests, desires, needs, and capacities (30). Language is cross-cultural and though the mannerism and speech are different they are all inherent in their ability. At the same time one cannot argue that each language and gesture changed throughout the different culture. This is how language can be considered so universal in human nature. Art can be said to have the same universality of language. Like language it has transcended through all cultures and history. Different cultures all express them in a different way, and though everyone doesn’t necessarily understand all others cultures art, it is still a human universals. Also like language, art has the innate ability throughout all societies. Art in many way is very comparable to the human nature of language â€Å"The field of natural languages resembles the field of art considered cross-culturally: both exhibit an interplay between, on the one hand, deep, innate structures and mechanisms of intellectual and emotional like and, on the other hand, a vast ocean of historically contingent cultural materials† (31). With these many colorations art appears essentially connected to human nature. This thought that art has coloration with human nature has been around throughout history. Plato though rejected art as a form of knowledge, he still admitted it connection with nature. He saw art as an imitation of nature, which was already the imitation of the Forms, which make up our true reality. This he felt was disillusion, which brought out the worst customs of human nature. Either it represented a misleading view of our world in the sense of the beauty always found in art, but not in true reality. Or that it feeds our most basic instincts From a Platonic point of view, much of the violent entertainment offered by dramatic form – from the theater of the Greeks to the violence and animal passions of today’s entertainment media †¦ For Plato, the arts at their worst are bad for the soul because they engage and reward its basest elements (32). Though you sense that Plato fears the dangerous of the arts, this is only because he admits the inherit nature of it. Aristotle however has quiet a different opinion of art. He realized that with the variety in art it provides awareness into the human condition. In his works on drama and poetry he demonstrates that impact that art has had throughout the culture and history of his own society. Also he argues for the natural tendency that mankind has to represent themselves with art expresses the innate nature of it â€Å"Human beings are born image-makers and image-enjoyers† (33). Though the idea behind art and its connect between human nature is not always the same, it has existed during the course of history. Like art, human nature itself has been questioned on wither it is truly natural or has evolved over time and cultures. With the evolution of man many of human instincts has developed over time. Natural selection over thousands of generations have helped hones many skills needed to survive throughout mankind’s existences. These effects over many generations can be considered part of what makes up human nature â€Å"pressure over thousands of generations can deeply engrave a physical and psychological traits into the minds of any species (42). However it can also be argued that much of natural instincts come from our social nature. There is always the inherent hunter-gather sense that all humans have, but on the other side are the social tendencies we all have in common Human beings, for example, are curious about their neighbors, like to gossip about them, pity their misfortunes and envy their successes. People everywhere tell lies, justify and rationalize their own behavior, exaggerate their altruism. Human beings like to expose and mock the false pretentions of others. They enjoy playing games, telling jokes, and using poetic language (45-46). This social nature can be seen as innate within all cultures. Both this and genetic predispositions of humans is what human nature is derived from. This is where Dutton true argument comes full circle. Human nature no matter its origins is what makes up humans and all that they create. With our natural instincts we developed many tendencies, and theories. Our history as humanity we have gone through many things such as survival, not only those from the environment, but from the social forces that surrounds us. All of this is what truly makes up human nature, and from all this is where we create art. This is what makes humans what they are, and with that what they feel inspired to create no matter the culture and its form of art. This is how he reasons that art is human nature â€Å" eventually produced the intensely social, robust, love-making, murderous †¦ knowledge- seeking, arguing, clubby, language-using, conspicuously wasteful, versatile species of primate we became. And along the way in developing all this, the arts were born (46). Since art is derived from all that is human nature how can itself not be human nature. Through its colorations with language, the history, and the effects that human genetics and social tendencies have had art can be considered to be a part of human nature. Art like human nature has transcended throughout all of mankind’s existence. Wither art will ever be considered a part of human nature, its impact on humans not only through history but culture cannot be denied. Dutton, Denis. The Art Instinct: Beauty, Pleasure, & Human Evolution. Array New York: Bloomsbury Press, 2009.