Tuesday, July 23, 2019

MG3037 Internetmarketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

MG3037 Internetmarketing - Essay Example Trust management is a significant aspect in stakeholder relationship management by building trust to encourage people to engage in online transactions. In reference to Chen (2007, p. 76), trust refers to a psychological condition where an individual accepts susceptibility based upon positive anticipations of the intentions of the other. The secret to building of strong relationships with online consumers lies not only on being where consumers are but by building trust. Joseph-Vaidyan (2008, p. 25) notes that there are common things associated with trust which organizations use to build strong, trustworthy relations with consumers. These items include assurance, brand, belief, care, choice, confidence, certainty, familiarity, hope, reputation, security, truth and obligation. Zappos.com has created consumer trust through providing correct contact addresses and numbers. Someone cannot put contact information such as a phone number if he or she does not intend to answer it. Zappos.com pr ovides contact information, which users can use to reach the customer support team or services. For this reason, most of the subscribers use their real names and provide valid contact information. This implies that the website has no pseudonyms or generic addresses used by the subscribers. Joseph-Vaidyan (2008, p. 27) asserts that many businesses acquire low trust from clients by using â€Å"Infor@† e-mail addresses. ... For instance, when a customer or client forgets his or her login details, zappos.com provides immediate feedback. This is done through undergoing a small security test and provision of the login details, if one passes the security test. Debatably, before customers can trust a firm, they need to be sure that whenever they raise concerns the firm will take their requests and provide a resolution (Chen, 2004, p. 78). For this reason, providing positive feedback to the customers instills hope in them and builds trustworthy relationships between customers and the company. Zappos.com website respects people’s confidentiality and privacy. This website has a privacy policy which each of customers or clients should agree to abide by before registering as a user. The privacy policy indicates how the company treats personal information. In addition, the policy includes statements on how the company intends to use the given personal information and how it does not intend to use it. This c ompany also articulates its commitment to keeping personal information private and secure by providing a contact for inquiries and more information regarding one’s data. In addition, security for an individual’s personal data is replicated in the security questions a subscriber should fill for identification. In this regard, security for ones information boosts trust between customers and the company. Ultimately, the most effectual way for commercial web providers to generate beneficial exchange relationships with online clients is to bring in their trust. The techniques for attaining customer trust are straightforward, although they may deviate fundamentally from traditional business practice. Joseph-Vaidyan (2008, p. 41)

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