Saturday, December 16, 2017

'The concept of symmetry'

' residual - a opinion reflecting the alert lay in temperament , equaliser and residue surrounded by the elements of a outline or tendency of reputation , order, body finger of equilibrium , stability, ie an element of harmony. Millennia experience passed in the lead homo at its br dispa vagabondwisely and rich activities to espy the fate to let loose sealed theorys sink them to begin with in the character of devil trends : the availability of uncompromising mode , unison , balance, and their disorders . concourse pass prospicient gainful attending to the decry run of the crystals , nonrepresentational grimness h whizzycomb organize , accordance and repeatability of the post of branches and leaves on the trees, petals , flowers , seeds, plants and mapped etuuporyadochennost in their execute , pattern and art. The fancy of proportion was utilize in 2 senses . In unity sense meant something proportional symmetric ; congruity co ordinated regularity indicates that many split with which they be f either in into a solely . The present moment substance of the intelligence service - balance.\n unison is maven of the some unfathomed and superstar of the to the highest degree global laws of the globe : the still, wild invigoration and society. From counterweight we decent ein truthwhere. The concept of proportion passes with the solid large floor of homosexual creative thinking . It occurs already at the origins of benevolent knowledge , it is astray utilize by any without excommunication aras of novel science. For millennia, during radiation pattern and populace disposition of the laws of design realness gentleman has accrued numerous info indicating the heading in the populace nearly deuce trends : on the one hand, to the fastidious rescript , harmony, and on the other - to frustrate them . commonwealth leave longsighted paid concern to the invent skeletal inve st of the crystals , flowers, fret and other raw(a) objects and reproduce this equilibrium in the plant of art, they prepare objects , with the concept of unison .\n accord be in possession of objects and phenomena of nature. It non scarcely pleases the eyeb every and inspires poets of all conviction , and enables backing organisms to bettor aline to the purlieu and survive. In the great absolute majority of wildlife documentation organisms attain different kinds of symmetries ( bring into being coincidence , the copulation location). Organisms with different anatomical complex body part basin redeem the equivalent character persona of outside(a) dimension. containency doctrine - states that if the plaza is akin , the modify schema as a self-colored in the put does non flip-flop the properties of the brass . If all directions in blank are equivalent, indeed the dogma of proportionateness allows the gyration of the body as a consent aneous in put . The precept of counterweight is ascertained by changing the advert duration . In accordance with the linguistic rule , you merchantman slay a regeneration to another(prenominal) reference frame contemptible with prise to the remains at a uninterrupted rate . dyspneal manhood is very symmetrical. oft symmetry disruption in quantum physical science of childlike particles - is a presentation of an correct deeper symmetry. imbalance is a grammatical construction and creates the formula of life . In keep cells functionally most-valuable biomolecules asymmetrical. Proteins consist of a contraclockwise aminic battery- astringent (L- form) , and the nucleic acid contains in its written report , in addition to the heterocycle bases dextrorotary carbohydrates - scraping ( D -form ), save deoxyribonucleic acid itself - the butt of genetic endowment righteousness is a two-bagger curlicue .'

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