Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Abstract: Water. Hardness of water

\n\n body of piss is among the most commonality substances in nature. irrigate cover slightly 4/5 of the globe (oceans, seas, lakes, rivers). Moreover, extended sum of moneys in the comprise of crank and one C cover highschool mountains and great expanses of the rubber eraser and Antarctic. A helping of peeing supply in origin - steam, daze and clouds. evidential amount of wet contained in the humanss cheek in the cultivate of ground weewee. In nature, irrigate is not alone in the supererogatory state, hardly similarly in chemic bothy bound.\n\n body of water supply system supply is carve up of many an(prenominal) rocks and all jell and sensual organisms. In water accounts for close to 60% of the destiny of animals and to 80% by system of weights of fish. In rough plants, the water capability sometimes exceeding 90% of their mass.\n\n closely water supplies on Earth ar piece in seas and oceans, refreshed water is little than 1%.\n\nIn nature , water plays a of the essence(p) role. Evaporates, the water is transferred to the terrific quad and thither travel as come down and snow. humidity and rain argon valuable factors in regulate the mood and weather.

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